

The hour


Recently, I was really enchanted and fascinated by that marvelous and significant TV series-the hour and unlike any other one I have saw previously, the hidden depths and meaningful connotations of that show is rather profound and beautiful. It told the story of true spirits of journalism and conveyed the right values of world and life and what a decent person should do at that difficult time. At the very beginning, it all happened with the woman Penny invited her friend Freddie to organize and manage a program at the BBC with her and with no other alternatives left and something bad happened, he had to accept her offer and that’s the start of this incredible story. The reason why she was so insistent that he should join was that she thought that he wasn’t like anyone else for he was so courageous and bold and wasn’t afraid of asking the questions and the whatever severe consequences might occur along. That is to mean, that he possessed the true spirits of journalists and that’s really rare and precious at that wretched and difficult times. People were afraid of telling the truth and what they would do was just avoiding and silent. As a matter of fact, I liked the second squeal more; therefore, I would introduce the well-arranged plots and brilliant story briefly. In the last episode of the first season, he had successfully uncovered the behind well-hidden crafty soviet agents and because of that, he had to leave the show but hopefully only temporally and a few months later, after travelling around the world and seeing the different various scenery, he has returned with freshness and sharper minds. And this time, they were faced with an even more appalling and dangerous conspiracy in the political world and among the policemen and government officials, therefore, you could imagine that it must be very difficult and almost impossible for them to take them down and tell the truth to the world. The hero was faced with extreme danger several times but he didn’t just let this all go and he was quite determined to purse the underlying truth to its end. Eventually, he promised the heroine that he would bring the most essential witness to the show to reveal to the world the truth in time and finally, he confided in his long hidden feelings for her, which was quite exciting and touching for me because I knew he loved her for so many years quietly in secret but because of their distinguished differences, he knew it in his deep heart that they could never be together and such a exquisite and elegant woman like her always deserved better. Thus, he only did nothing and saw her throwing herself to other men and I knew that he was quite heart-broken and sorrowful when faced with such hopelessness and yet he did and said nothing. However, finally, this time, he kissed her bravely and said to her that: “I’m tired of this impossible thing. It is impossible. The impossible is not possible. Wait for me and I promise that I will come back.” She was overjoyed with happiness and surprised at the wonder and beauty that beautiful kiss has brought her. And at the end, he did send the witness to the show but he was captured and tortured by the bad people badly and nastily. The last scene was that the heroine was crying by her desk and she was reading the letters she never had the courage to send out to him and the hero was lying motionlessly and covered in thick blood in the grass and dim light. When the phone ringed, she rushed out of her office and went to him as quickly as she could and in the meanwhile, he was murmuring her name-money penny repeatedly and unconsciously.


My friends would often complain to me about the issues regarding to my smart phone and at first, I couldn’t understand them and I am not sure that I have fully understood them now. They would always say to me rather furiously and acidly that: Hey, are you sure that you truly living in the twenty-first century? What’s the use of your phone? Is it just some kind of ornament for you? What’s the use of it if you can’t pick up the phone call and receive our messages? And look at that your bare and rare content in it and you actually have no interesting Apps installed in your phone. What are you doing all the time with your phone if you’re not playing some funny Apps? You’re just no fun. You’re impossible. However, when confronted with such outrageous allegations, I would always remain perfect calm and composure and answer their charges with extreme detachment that: Yes, yes, yes… I’m no fun but I thought that you know that already long time ago. And rather than call it my smart phone, I prefer to consider it as a brick which could protect me in some critical and dangerous situations. I switch my phone to muted status so that it wouldn’t disturb anyone and also myself and as for whether I could reply to your calls and messages, I think that I would if I could and that partly depends on the fate and chances. I bet that they would have killed me when they heard my speech if it’s quite possible and feasible. But as a matter of fact, I’m really not that kind of person very much attached and addicted to the smart phone and I could live without it actually and honestly. One day, because I could no longer tolerate the troubles the insufficient space system has brought me, I decided to enlarge it by buying a much larger memory card. And it turned out to be rather difficult to accomplish that mission and that nice and patient salesman helped me handle the exchange of information and association of those two cards for about an hour, which I found myself indebted and grateful to him immensely. But what’s wrong about that was when I was about to leave, I said to him that: “Thank you for your help and sorry about the troubles I brought you. Have a nice day and goodbye.” Much to my regret was that I never should have said that word-goodbye to him because it meant that we would have the chances to see each other again. And I never knew that my anticipation would be so powerful and then a few days later, my phone crushed completely. There was something wrong with the outdated system and version but it has been accompanied by my side for a year and a half now and I couldn’t replace it unless it was totally broken and couldn’t be functioned normally again because of the strong affectionate emotion bond we have shared. Therefore, I went to that shop again and asked for their assistance. I must admit that salesman really was a very kind-hearted person and he helped me rewrite the system for nearly two hours without complain or any stringed conditions. I just observed him doing that complicated task patiently and curiously and I thought that he was really brilliant and good at what he did for it was like writing complicated codes and that sort of things what the computer programmers and hackers would do. Finally, after all those were eventually done, this time, I paid delicate attentions to my words and I only said thanks to him so that we would never meet each other again for I didn’t want to bring any more troubles to that friendly man. I almost hate my phone and yet one can’t really live without it at such a modern era. We have to communicate with others through the phone.


Only wanted to be with you 两种视角看世界 换位思考 pure love (1) Details Betty starts to count how many times she has been seen him accidentally this month and expectedly, she loses count. How could two people keep on bumping into each other and yet without any communication or even an exchange of polite greetings or gestures? She can’t say that she herself is a very enthusiastic or outgoing person and if others don’t approach or show kindness to her first, she would find it really hard to speak to them forwardly and initiatively. However, she has always got a strange feeling about him and she doesn’t understand why or how. It’s like a natural urge to try to be around and see him or even break her hopeless shyness to talk to him. Although she got it covered and hides herself quite well and successfully, she is still worried about what’s wrong with her and in order to contain her secretive desire better, she normally chooses to ignore his presence entirely on purpose. When she takes part in the morning running and she waits up in front for her friend, she would happen to see him running towards her direction. With the help of the morning slight daylight, he looks so fatally beautiful and hopelessly enchanting and then every time, she would turn her head away quickly or shift another position to avoid being exposed to his charm. She would always suspect that how would a human being look so flawless and perfect. When she runs at nights, she would often bump into him and sometimes, it would be really close, therefore, she decides to change the time so that she would be alone but she still would come across him more or less. Eventually, she is forced to cancel her plan of night running. And in spite of the fact that they are from different classes, she finds that they choose many same optional courses accidentally and she can’t run away from that. What’s more, at different locations in this campus and various times, she could always find him and it’s like in the next corner, he would suddenly appear in front of her, leaving her no chance to hide and run away for example in the library, in the classroom, in the same building and almost everywhere in this campus. She guesses that her only resort to be free from him is to drop out of this school, which is also the last thing she would do and that means that she still has got two more years to struggle at least. It’s warm and lively spring time and at first, she doesn’t want to go but as soon as she hears that they are going to climb the mountain, she got really excited and interested; however, if only she knew that he is going too, she would never consent to come. In the beginning, it is all fine and pleasant but they lose the track of time and there is this kid missing out there so they decide to stay put and search for this reckless kid. Unsurprisingly, he is nowhere to be found, which got the majority of them really worried because the nightfall start to tick in now and if he can’t be recovered in time, the consequences would be really frightful and unthinkable. Therefore, Betty decides that she should try her great lengthy to find him and they are all trying really hard and that’s the time when she bumps into him again and unexpectedly, this time, he speaks to her in a sense. He says to her but more like mumbling into himself that: “Why are you here?” Isn’t that pretty obvious? He turns his flashlight away quickly in this dim and dark place. The night is really dark so that she couldn’t see him quiver and shiver a little bit in the darkness as if he were trying very hard to control something. His eyes are difficult and his voice is a little stiff. “The same thing-as you’re doing.” She isn’t sure that she should reply to him. “Right…” And he just walks away harshly as the ending of their weird and short conversation. At last, the whole thing just solved and ended quickly as he found that kid successfully and they all went back to the campus by taking the special bus while he was going back to home and disappeared into the dark distance very fast. No one has ever known or seen his home. However, she still feels something is hollow inside of her and as if she were eager to split something out. She doesn’t understand a bit of it and just keeps on persuading herself that as long as she stays away from him and everything would be fine and worked out by itself. (2) From Betty’s perspective My name is Betty who you probably aren’t really interested in knowing because I am a very plain, ordinary and even a little silly girl. I’m currently a sophomore in this college and I major in international economics and trade, which you might find a little bit odd for a girl to learn such an elusive major but to tell the truth, I really love mathematic a lot. Anyway, that’s my academic life and my family… um… I don’t know what to say or how to tell you this. Let’s leave it here and maybe one day, we would get back to this problem. As for my character, I could only tell you that I’m more like an introverted girl, not able to express myself openly. I just couldn’t do it no matter how hard I have tried to be more lively or outgoing and I guess that’s what they say that old habits die hard. Nature is almost impossible to change once it is fixed and whenever I see a bunch of people walking towards me, frankly, my hands would sweat and my heart would beat very fast. Yes, I would be pretty nervous and intense and I don’t know if it is a sort of illness or not but I’ve learned to control and contain myself lately. I hope that no one would be able to see my weakness so I must hide it very well. In the past month, I kept bumping into that person-Frank and I had a strange feeling about him which I could not explain it myself. My only hope is that I could get away from all those stuffs as quickly as I can and in order not to think too much of it, I’ve decided to find some interesting books to occupy most of my time. That time, in the black forest, that was the first time we had a proper conversation in months and although, he only said five words in total to me, I found myself in a vicious circle of repeating his words and replaying the scenes of our encounters in my mind continually almost like a million times. I just couldn’t get him out of my mind. If you ask me why and what it is, how would I know the answer? And if I understand it, I wouldn’t be so miserable now, nor would I? However, despite the fact that our meeting’s rate and chance is unbelievably high, I haven’t seen him around for almost a month now-not at any classes we both enrolled in, not in the library or not in the playground. I wonder what has happened to him or would that be possible that it’s because of me that he finds very annoying and be compelled to drop out of school to avoid the chances of seeing me again? Sorry, sometimes, I am like that. I would always over think many things and make some supposed to simple problems even more complicated beyond all reason even if I know that sometimes, something is not my problem or that doesn’t concern me at all. I couldn’t help it. I guess that you have probably been bored by my numerous flaws and shortcomings. Initially, I thought that now, I no longer have to face him and then my mind would be much more relived and relaxing, however, on the contrary, I find myself even think about him more and worried about him all the time. I even wish that I could be granted another chance to see him again and ask him the reason why he would leave here but I know that it’s not feasible in my deep heart. I even think of the option of looking for his home to apologize or anything like that even though I assume that I have done nothing wrong and there is probably nothing wroth apologizing for. All right… I admit it that I just want to see him again. I feel like that I am going insane slowly and hopelessly and yet I have to withhold it all in my heart so that my friends wouldn’t be worried about me. Inconceivably surprisingly enough, God did listen to my heartedly wishes and endow me with another opportunity to see him again. That is two months later, precisely two months later before he disappears abruptly from my world and now he is here, alive and real in front of me. I begin to hear my own taut, shallow breathing and I have hard time pulling myself together. He is here, standing at the dim daylight would vanish from the world and sky quite soon and the night is beginning to fall. He is standing under the verdant and wintry tree as if he were waiting for someone. I have a sea of questions to ask him but I’m not sure that I would have the courage and strengths to go up there and talk to him. I mean, should I come forward and then talk to him? It might be the last chance I’ve got and I can’t afford to lose it so I am determined to do so no matter what would happen. I am very firm and courageous at that moment and I inhale a huge wave of breath and decide to move forward, however, suddenly, he looks at here and he seems to have caught a glimpse of me because he is chucking with delight amusingly the next minute. I’m forced to recoil with a shudder once more. I never thought that it would be so difficult for me to go up there and just simply talk to someone. Why would it be so fantastically difficult way beyond my imagination? Could it be so hard? No, I can’t break the promise which I have made for myself so I encouraged myself once again. I clench my fists tightly and painfully and readjust my breath so that it would sound normal and this time, quite decisive that I could do it and steady to turn around, away from my hiding spot and move my steps towards him but I find myself can’t move this time. How frustrating it is. I feel that the entire world just plays a huge joke on me. However, the next minute, I am appalled that I would hear a voice which is so familiar to me ring in the air around me. That’s him and he is in front of me now but I didn’t see or detect him approaching even a little bit. He says amusingly in a delight tone that: “What are you doing here? Betty… Your name is Betty, right? I’m Frank.” I try to hold my breath and keep breathing steadily and replies with calm and detachment that: “I know who you are. I’m here looking at the…stars.” I raise my head, staring into the black sky. He looks at the black and starless sky as I did and says joyfully that: “Right… the stars… Today’s stars are so bright and beautiful. Then I suppose that I should leave you to it.” Hearing that he would leave me again, I exclaim instinctively that: “Wait… I… I want to ask you something…” He stops and turns around, looking at me with the leakage of smile around his smooth mouth. He seems to be very fond of smiling. I look away quietly and quickly, avoiding direct eye contract. I say to him that finally with courage: “Why wouldn’t you be at school for the last two months? You are not thinking about discontinuing your study here, nor are you?” He seems to be pleased with my words again for no apparent and logic reasons. And he says that: “No, why would I? You shouldn’t be worried about me too much.” (3) From Frank’s perspective My name is Frank but you might have already heard of me. No, no worries. Because I would introduce myself now and first of all, I would like to make it clear that I’m not a good person and I have been done a lot of bad things in the last century. However, when I set my eyes on that girl-Betty and I started to bump into her at any time everywhere, I know that it can’t be good. I carve for her blood badly although I know that I’m not allowed to drink human blood again. It’s not like every other time and her scent, her blood and even her hair make it intolerable for me to be anywhere around or near her. She is so fascinating and enchanting to me and I feel like that I would lose control and my strong self-defense any second now. I know that I have to do something about it otherwise she could get hurt by me, which is the least result I wish to see. That night, at the black forest, unfortunately, she appears in front of me again and I know that I’m no longer capable of enduring her scent anymore so I decide that I should go home and calm down first and ask for my family’s help. Two months later, I think that I could handle the situation well so I returned. I am standing near the green tree to get some fresh air or at least pretending to obtain some fresh air and that’s when I smell of her scent once again. I see her hiding from that whole bunch of trees instantly and watch her struggling with herself back and forth a few times. I know that she maybe wanted to ask me something but I just want to wait here quietly to see whether she would actually come forward or not. At the length, the dark night and cold weather are closing in and yet, she is still here, not moving for at least half an hour. I almost begin to suspect her true intentions here, therefore, I decide that I should give her a lift and so I walk towards her very quietly. It is very lovely and cute to see her nervous and awkward behaviors and I just couldn’t stop laughing. Finally, I escort her to her building of dormitory safely and leave for my home quickly. Honestly, it’s been much better since last time I saw her and I know that the crave or desire is under perfect control now but I still don’t want to take any risks and all I want is her to be safe and away from any harms and the best way to realize this is for me to stay far, far, far away from her. Keeping distance is the least thing I could do to her, therefore, in the next few days, I still maintain my distant and cold manners especially to her. She seems to be a little disappointed at first, which I could smell it from her scent but it’s always better to regret now than later. Yes, I have the special ability to smell someone else’s emotions and feelings from their scents but that’s so much lamer compared to my other family members’ skills. My father can cure any disease in this world and maybe that partly has something to do with the fact that he is an amazing physician. My mother can remember all the things she has just read, in other words, that mean that she has perfect flawless memories. My sister-Cora, who can move really, really fast and I highly suspect that she could literally compete with any racing cars in this world. My brother-in-law-John, who is more awesome and unbelievable and because that he had severed military back then and he has great strengths and he could lift up anything in this world. Having listening to their skills, mine is pretty lame and undesirable, right? I don’t know why can’t I be bestowed with a better and stronger ability to be fairer and more promising? I know that I’ve mentioned previously that I would do anything to avoid my direct contract with Betty and she probably has noticed my attitudes too, however, I never thought that an incident would bring us together again. It is two weeks later, the rumors circling around the campus in a rapid and frightful rate thanks to the developed technology and network that this place is being haunted by a horrible and hideous ghost and several people have already seen it in the playground during night times. It is said that a student died of heart attack when he was running in the playground, therefore, suddenly; it became a hot topic here. No one has the nerve and courage to approach that place again except that silly girl. That night, for no apparent reason, I’ve been worried about her and I decide to take a look at her and I see her walk out of the library at night and determined to return to her dormitory. However, the must-pass by areas includes the infamous playground. I follow her quietly and without her knowing. She doesn’t seem to be frightened of the idea of passing by and remains quite calm and self-contained. I wonder whether she has heard the news or not and anyway, when she walks beyond this dangerous area, I feel quite relived and a sense of inner tranquility but much to my surprises, she turns around and walks towards that library again as if she has forgotten something important in there. I have no option but to follow her because I don’t want anything happen to her. I just want to protect her in dark and keep her safe. (4) From Betty’s perspectives After our last exchange of words, one thing I have gained from it is that he will stay at this campus and he will not go, which brings great joys and happiness to me. The thought of keeping him here and I would see him more keeps of me very content in the next few years. I couldn’t help thinking about him and I can’t withhold my desires anymore. However, I still couldn’t let it all out because I don’t know what it is yet. Much to my disappointments, the things seem to go back to normal again and he seems to treat me like I’m some sort of invisible or intangible beings but honestly, I wouldn’t mind it as long as I could still have the opportunity to see him. Sometimes, when I’m reading a marvelous book, I would easily be distracted and lost in the thought of thinking about him and when I do realize what I am doing, I would look around and pretend as if anything was normal and right. Sometimes, the idea of forming his portrait gradually and vividly in my mind is enough to transform my downcast sprits and sadness all away into joys and bright moods. Sometimes, he would appear in my dreams, disturbing my sweet and light dreams, which I find a little vexed and angry the next morning when I recall what happened in my dreams. I don’t know what happened to me and how long this nasty situations are going to last. Nevertheless, I know that I can’t refrain myself from the passions and whatever it is thing though I’ve not known him for a very long time and he is really so distant and cold to me. That night, when I stepped out of the library, it was already pretty late outside. I just want to go to sleep my weariness all off me but when I pass the playground, I reach into my pocket where I used to keep my key and I find that it isn’t here. I must have left it in the library, which means that I must have to return to the library to retrieve it otherwise I couldn’t go inside the dormitory. I couldn’t loath my poor memories and negligent attitudes more and I am left with no other options at that time literally. But that’s when I see a shadow flashes across my eyes quickly and I feel a little light-headed. I know that there is rumor going on that there is a ghost lingering around here, wanting to seek revenge and normally, I wouldn’t believe in that sort of illusory things because I have true faiths in science, however, to be honest, at that moment and scary atmosphere, I am somehow a little terrified. I just hope that it would all be done really quickly. Then I start to quicken my steps and eventually, I am more like running. I am horrified when I suddenly bump into something solid and tough and I just close my eyes tightly, not dare to open my eyes to look or face the reality. It is like flesh and so cold. What is that thing? Gradually, I persuade myself to take a look out of my growing curiosity. And I see him despite the fact that the night is really dark but I know it is him when the moment I see him because he is always in my mind, couldn’t dispel his image out of my brain easily. I exclaim out reproachfully that: “You scared me… What are you still doing here when it’s so late and dark? Shouldn’t you be at home by this hour?” He returned amusingly, like always: “Then what are you doing here in such a late hour?” I stammered rather reluctantly that: “I have to find my keys otherwise I couldn’t get in… But that’s none of your concerns.” I didn’t wish to tell him the truth but whenever in front of him, I find myself lost the ability to tell lies and falsehoods. That’s strange enough but I never go so far to explore the underlying reasons. “I will help you. That’s what a man would do.” I don’t know what to say. I am unable to put my thoughts in order and put them into words. I can’t afford to reject his nice offer because I am really appalled. Therefore, I let him help me at his disposal. We are walking side by side, only in total silence. I take a few glances at him when he is not looking and I am so confused about why he would always be here for me whenever I am in trouble. Why would he help me again and again? Being unable to think with clarity or act with understanding and intelligence, I decide to play dumb; doing nothing is the best defense. But the next minute I know or not know clearly is that I lose my consciousness and collapse in a cold embrace of arms. My brain seems to be in a whirl and I passed out, vaguely knowing a little about what’s going on the outside world. And when the next time I wakes up and sits up, I am bewildered by the strangeness and splendor of the surroundings, then memory slowly returns and I look at this place with a shiver. I faint out and it is Frank that brought me here. I could still feel some sort of dizziness functioning inside my brain and yet I go out of bed, picking up a coat and going downstairs. The queer thing is that it seems like no one is at home but that’s all right with me right now. I wondered that that’s Frank’s mysterious home would be like so I took the liberty of walking around it. The house is very exquisitely beautiful with a strong sense of classic atmosphere and some slightly euphonic pine flavors drifting in the air. It is very refreshing and the house is like surrounded by a sea of greens. But when I went to the garden, I would hear there are two people arguing inside it and I recognize Frank’s voice instantaneously and another one is more mature and rich, more like a forty old man. I want to cut in and say thank you to them but when I am near enough to hear what they said, I just wouldn’t move any further. I am throbbing with desperation and fear, but the insinuation fortified my resistance and sane and composed senses. I just couldn’t believe that the doctor says that I would be incurable and gone in a short time. I has never expected that this day would come so soon for I is still young and very much inexperienced about the world and life. (5) From Frank’s perspectives My father told me that Betty is going to die soon but I don’t trust him and I begged him to cure her. However, he said that he couldn’t do it like this under that conditions and I just kept asking him why. He is such a marvelous doctor and there is not a single disease he cannot cure in the world but why he is unwilling to help Betty, which is a puzzle I could never solve easily. He just keeps saying that the last resort to help her is to turn her into our kind-vampire and that’s the only way that she would still live in this world. However, one can’t possibly call that as living as far as I’m concerned. He of all people should understand that. How much have we all suffered from that misery and agony? That’s a bloody and ruthless business. We can’t breathe, can’t enjoy the life and can’t even love others but to be feed on disgusting blood and being cold all the time. That’s not living. That’s hardly one could refer to as living. That’s much worse than living. I could never let or tolerate that same cruel thing happened to my Betty, which also means that I would lose her ultimately. Initially, I thought that as long as I keep pushing her away and then when she is gone, I wouldn’t have to be so sad and miserable but only now that I find I have already been impossible to lose or leave her. She is in my heart, in every inch of my place, in every fiber of my body and in every motion of my mind. All I know is that I couldn’t lose her, at least not now. I saw her pallor and pale face and her swallow pale smile on her face every day; I saw her spirits going down and more down day by day; I saw her sitting at the parlor, motionlessly and awfully quiet. I don’t know what I could say to her to ease her anxiety and worries. I just sit with her in silence, hoping that would help her even a little bit. However, when it all turns out to be a plotted and well-arranged lie of my father, I am more than furious. He only wanted to me to embrace my true heart and spare me the worries and regrets by turning her into a vampire. Betty is not dying and on the contrary, she is more than healthy for she is just a little anemic. But that does help for the circumstances as well for at least Betty knows where I stand and I would never be together with her. In order to close all those madness to a complete end, I drop out of that college and hide in my home from her, planning to pretend that everything would be just fine. And here goes an entire year and I thought that I have been over it finally. Therefore, that day, when we decide to leave this place, I went to see her one last time in secret. It is a foggy and misty day and I stand in a distance watching her, the girl I loved so deeply that I couldn’t be with her to destroy her normal life. She is riding a bicycle with a bag on her back and some fruits on the bike. And suddenly, she falls down from the bike and the mist clears out a little bit. The books and fruits are out everywhere on the ground and she is terribly hurt. I just couldn’t believe that a girl like her age would still be so reckless to fall down like that and worse still, I can’t control myself to help her. She couldn’t walk and there is no one at that place right now. I have no option but to approach her but she keeps pushing me away. She says to me coldly that: “Now you have turned up… Go away. I don’t need your help. I’m more than fine by myself.” “Why can’t you just let me help you? You can’t do this…or at least, I wouldn’t call this as fine.” “I’m fine with or without you. You don’t remember when you rejected me and sent me back home at that time? You don’t remember how I begged me not to leave me alone and yet you have been away for a year? But I remember it very well. I have understood your intentions fully.” “Actually, I’ve come to say goodbye to you. We’re leaving-my family and I.” “Now you’ve said your goodbye and done your bit, you could go and don’t pretend to care about me anymore. There is no need.” She just has to challenge my limit and torture my heart. “Let me help you first and we could discuss everything later.” “No… If you are determined to go, then go… Never mind me. I would be just fine. After all, I have done that. But if you truly want to help and save me, then don’t go at all.” “Betty…” You know that I love you so don’t tempt me like this. “You know that you think what you did for me was for my best and your love is so selfless but you’re so wrong. I only wanted to be with you no matter how short it would be. Why can’t you see that I’m no better than you leave me aside?” “But it would be extremely difficult for you to be with me and I could hurt you if not careful.” “I never cared about those even for a little bit.” In 2076, Frank sits at the porch, sad and alone, miserable and grievous. That cold-hearted woman has left him for all the eternity now. She is so cruel that she promises to be with him and never leave his side and yet she has to die in front of him and even after she died, her sprits won’t bother to look at or be with him because he once told her that one’s afterlife is extremely beautiful and even more if it is a kind person. She must have sought her afterlife happily and forgotten all about him. Sixty years of companionship and every day, every minute, every second she has made it more difficult for him to leave her. I remembered you always lie in my arms, listening to me telling you the wars and all those things from my past. I remembered that I have helped you fulfilled your dream of becoming a mathematician and though it is hard, you have the ability and patience to do so. I remembered that I have gratified every wish of yours and yet you still are cruel enough to leave me. It’s been ten years since you left me, Betty, your every image like it’s engraved in my mind. Can’t you listen to me one more time? It’s been a hundred years since you left me. And the good news is that I have found myself a most powerful witch in this world and she agrees to take away all of my memories about you, therefore, here is a new me without any of your disturbances anymore. Betty, do you believe me that I have forgotten all about you? Why I can’t even fool myself and yet I have to suffer for so long, so long? Betty, it has been too long for me to endure a life without you.


(6) no more hiding, no more running 不想让你一个人呆在黑暗中 “Why would he want to kill you?” Kate asks with the tolerance to pretend to be calm. He chucked with delight and said that: “I will tell you then if you really want to know.” Jack was once a innocent kid and his family was really good at producing and making weapons but that’s when everything all changed the second the prime set eyes on their powerful weapons and because of his father’s upright and honest personality, eventually, the prime set them up for his father didn’t approve of the plan to build thousands and thousands of deadly weapons for the prime to do whatever dirty things. But Jack escaped and joined the assassin league-west and he has been killing blindly and cruelly under their orders for years and his heart has been paralyzed by the pains and guilty conscience of killing innocent people. Three years ago, he feigned his own death and broke it away from the league because he believed that he has his own powers and strengths to do so and he wanted to seek his own revenge to the prime. Ironically, it turned out that the league-west was under direct control of the prime, in other words, he has been killing for him for so many years but fortunately, he has rescued and persuaded some of them to follow him and Jerry was one of them willing to follow him. They have been scatted all over the world and developed their own force secretly and all they would and could do is to wait for the right timing to take the prime out and destroy the evil league once and for all. But even if he has feigned his own death, some enemies of his are very clever and won’t give up pursuing him so easily and the two leagues are intolerant for each other’s existence for a very long time. The east league believes to be the rightful and fight for the justice itself. Having told her the truth, Kate is really surprised and worried. In the next month, they just keep on moving and avoiding the direct contract of another more rivals. Kate has been really nice to him but Jack seems to be even more indifferent and distant to her efforts and kindness. One night, Jerry can’t help but ask him of this matter. Jack simply replies that he has been all alone for his life and he doesn’t need anyone to be nice or care about him. When Kate overhears their conversation, she feels a little depressed and uncomfortable. But one could hardly blame him because for the longest time, he has formed the formidable habit and locked himself up. No one could enter into his heart so easily. He is merely pretending to be careless and heartless because he is afraid of being hurt and being left behind and alone in this world again. If one has to eventually leave him, then he hopes that he’d rather not have at all so he doesn’t have to deal with the pains of losing. However, who knows that Jack cares about her so much and she is already a part of his life that he himself isn’t even aware of that. Jack is that kid who is engaged to Kate and he has seen her once when they are still kids and at that time, Jack has already considered Kate as his beautiful little bride. He kept their own belongings-the green jade very well, which Kate has no knowledge of. All those miserable and unendurable years, it isn’t that the hatred and the desire to get revenge that kept him alive but there is also his Kate. He wants to see her even for once again in his life. If only once… So two years ago, he went to see her and she is exactly as he imagines that she would be-so pure, innocent and lovely. However, he doesn’t want to disturb her perfect little quiet life and he only protects her in secret. But he never expects that the fate would play such a big joke with him and she would come to him so abruptly. That day, when he finds the unconscious and injured Kate coving in blood and lying on the ground, he feels deep pain and grief for the second time in his life, however, he doesn’t know that he would ever be able to give the happiness that Kate deserves because he still has to fulfill the mission to kill the prime and he doesn’t know that whether he would be survive this trial in his life. All he has to do is to pretend to be distant and cold to her and hopefully, she doesn’t have to go through the pains as he did. His only hope is that after all this is over, Kate would be able to find a perfect or plain husband and live a quiet and peaceful life without him. It doesn’t matter what he will be like as long as Kate is happy and merry. This world has been divided into five parts and reined by five countries and the country they lived in is the most powerful one but in recent years, the prime has favored and helped another a little weaker country than them and did all sort of wrongdoings to his own people and country. However, the emperor is still young and doesn’t have the equal power to defend the prime. This country’s governing force would be divided as three parts-the first is the alliance of the prime and the queen, the second one is the emperor and the third one is the prince sixth. The three parties are all accumulating forces secretly and it is said that the world would soon be changed quite dramatically. Just have to wait and see… One night, when she is wondering alongside the river bank, a little soul of a little boy happens to appear out of nowhere and she is startled by the sudden appearance of this little boy because clearly, the boy is drowned to death. It can be concluded by the fact that there is water dripping from his body endlessly and persistently. But when she asks why the boy would follow her, he said that he didn’t remember and he just wants to follow her, which seems to be quite a clever move back then given the fact that the boy would save her life at the very critical moment in the near future. (7)everyone has a ending 看不到你,找不到你 She is very glad and cheerful when she finds out that she still has three brothers alive in this world and she is very grateful for that. Tuesday has ended up with Ellen, to be more precise, it is the adversity that brought them together and allowed him to speak out and convey his true feelings for her. Wednesday has finally fulfilled his own dreams and ambitions and becomes a member of assisting the young emperor. And Saturday’s story is more drastic because at first, he just wants seek revenge by approaching and using the princess but eventually, it is him that find it impossible to leave her again but he still yearns for the outside scenery and world, therefore, he still decides to go but this time, with the company of the princess. Why would the prime turn his back on his own country and be a traitor? It turns out very long ago, it is not the true prime and the current one has been an impersonator all along, which did quite explain the reason. The little boy has reunited with his own mother and they have gone now. It is because of an accident that the little boy got himself drowned and when his poor mother finds out the truth, she couldn’t accept it and falls ill quite soon. After she died, she has been looking for him all along and eventually, luckily enough; she could be reunited with her family one way or another. Everyone seems to have had a happy ending, and then you might ask that what happened to Kate. That’s a fine morning. Life is stirring. The feel of spring was in the air, the feel of growing life under the snow, of the buds bursting the shackles of the frost. Kate has just returned from the house of Jackson and Jackson has promised that he would do his best to organize and run this league well to make a small contribution and seek the welfare of people. However, when he asks about how she feels, she doesn’t say anything but only smiles at him. Everything has been settled and it seems all so perfect except… It has already been a year since he left. Standing in front of the place where she first saw him; her thoughts are carried away by some unknown emotions. She remembered that she promised him that she would never leave his side and yet it was him to do so. She remembered that day; he promised her that he would return to her no matter what happened. She remembered that he did keep his promise and when he was covered in blood and delivered the green jade to her hand which was also currently hold in her hands. She doesn’t even know how to cry anymore. When he is with her, she couldn’t read his mind and when he is gone, she couldn’t see his soul even if she knows that he must be with her right now. She just couldn’t see him let alone feel or touch him. She couldn’t even tell him how she feels or tells him that he should go to seek for the afterlife. Suddenly, when she looks down, she finds that the little fox has returned to her and rested upon her foot despite the fact that the little fox has been gone for so many years so she holds it in her arms, keeping on gazing into the infinite distance of the unknown. Those years the little fox has been busy attending to his own business and as soon as he finds the chance to return to her side, he did it. It’s New Year time and yet I wrote a tragedy, so I feel that I’m obliged to make a formal and official apology to you lot all. Sorry about that. Don’t follow eggs and vegetables on me. Thank you so much. Thanks a lot.


As a senior potato that has watched a various range of different kinds of TV series and feels the necessary and urgent need and pains to make some remarks, I’ve got something to say about it. There is one day when I happen to come across a TV series whose name I’m not entitled to disclose but I have been really defeated and discouraged by the simple and straightforward plots and the actors’ crude and unskilled acting skills, which is almost intolerant and unendurable for me. The lines they said also troubled me a lot, I mean, why they have to state the obvious facts repeatedly and ask the same thing again and again as if they weren’t really thinking at all. What happened to today’s screenwriters and producers and actors? That is a question lingers in my mind and heart for quite a long time and I find it impossible for me to not think about this particular matter. A numerous number of novels are being filmed and recreated as TV series and some of them are quite good and desirable inevitably and necessarily, however, some are just reckless and rather unthinkable. It seems that the original and creative scripts are becoming less and less and some family dramas even if they are original created but I find that they have been very absurd when they arrange or simply put the plots together and the characters behind their pens are like that they don’t have their own ability to think or make independent decisions. I am gravely worried and apprehensive when I’m aware of that problem. I know that nowadays some just want to cater to the audience’s tastes and are interested in making profits but they have to guarantee or at least be concerned about the quality a little bit. Speaking from my previous experiences, now I want to state the most typical and conventional scenes in TV series concerning my own personal superficial viewpoints. The first most unbearable in my list is misunderstanding. Whenever some misunderstandings happen or occur, the heroine or the hero never wants to listen to each other’s explanations and they never have a clear and open conversation about it and then that’s when something much worse would happen. As the person who knows the truth or reason all along, I’m deeply worried and uncomfortable. Why not just listen to each other? If they do, then they could clear off the misunderstandings and I think that there is an underlying deeper reason behind the superficial exterior phenomena and that is because they don’t trust each other enough and they don’t think at others’ stands even a little bit. They just believe what they see and blame others blindly and unreasonably without realizing the fact that sometimes, appearance could be very deceiving and false. The second one is the incurable illness. Whenever they can’t solve the problem or don’t know how to end the story, they would make the main character suffer from a miserable and untreatable disease. I suspect that they just want to emphasize the tragic atmospheres of the matter and obtain or acquire some tears from the audiences because it happens too often and too much. And every time, when they find out about it, they would choose to leave secretly and pretend to break off with their beloved loves in order to spare them the misery and sufferings of losing. I mean that at the first time, you would be deeply moved and touched by their selfless sprits and pure love but now, I’m afraid that we have been paralyzed by the familiar plots and crafts. However, recently, I find that it is indeed very hard to tell someone you loved that you would be dying soon or suffering from some pains and illnesses. Frankly, I don’t know if encountered in real life, one should know how to cope with the tough situations but if it is the ones I loved, I hope that they would tell me honestly and without any holdback or concealment and I could be here for them to get through the whole process but if it is me, I don’t what to do either, to tell the truth. However, I’m certain that God would bless us all and nothing would happen. The third one is the objections or disapprovals from the parents. They always seem to give up so easily and hastily as soon as the parents have some second or different opinions about their choices. The fourth one is cheating. My friends would regularly ask me what I would do on a monthly basis and I would all reply with patience and care even if the next time, they seem to forget my answers so quickly and easily. Girls all seemingly like to ask the hypothetical questions to make themselves feel better. My answer can be divided into three different scenarios. If it is still at the boyfriend stage, then definitely the bound outcome is to break up without any questions. If it is already the husband, then I would react with detachment calmly for if he still loves me, then it’s okay and I might reconsider to forgive him given the degree of how much I love him and if he doesn’t love me anymore, then I would let him go and wish him all happiness and flowers with that another woman. If it is the husband and we have already had kids, then I would want to take my children’s feelings into account but you can never make a man stay with you when his heart is no longer belongs to you. Rather than holding to the exterior happiness and hypocritical peace, I would choose to let him be happy and merry. Hurt and painful as I would be, I still want to see less people suffer from the mistakes he made. The last one is ubiquitous accidents and whenever they feel like that the plots can’t go on naturally and successfully, an accident is the perfect buffer and excuse. And what amaze me is more than that but also the marvelous rate of their recover level. They can be injured yesterday and yet today, they are all recovered and in perfect health again. They are human beings and not some superheroes and Gods, which I find very hard to accept. I remembered in one TV series, the character got stroked and hit by a car seven times and she survived all of that and several times, she didn’t even have to go to the hospital because it was just a slight scratch. That woman should consider her life as extremely lucky and fortunate. Having said too much, I just want to advocate that it is time that we should value the quality of the TV series again and make some fine and exquisite works. If it is done well, who can say that it could not be a piece of artwork itself if only we would spend time and efforts to manage to do it well and with delicate care and serious attitudes?


(3) the big turning point 一夕巨变 One night, when Kate ambles alongside the road accompanying with the beautiful sunset and as if she is enchanted by something, she somehow walks right towards the river and there happens to be a shadow of a man wearing all white soft clothes. Kate looks at his back from a distance for some time, just lost the ability to move or speak. She feels the back of that man is so familiar as if she had been known him for her entire life but it’s not possible since she has only come to this world for one year. But who is that young man? Kate doesn’t have the courage to walk up and speak to him and he just takes off, showing no interest to her even if he did catch a glimpse of her. That man’s vague appearance keeps on showing up in her dreams repeatedly for almost two years beginning from the day she sees him. And when she returns to that same place where she finds him, hoping to have a further opportunity to talk to him to find out her pure obsession for him, unfortunately, she never has the chance to figure it out again. Two years later… Now, Kate has proficiently and craftily mastered the ability to communicate with the souls and could accomplish the task with delicate care and great skills. She doesn’t have to worry about that question anymore. Now she is already fifteen and come to the age of marriage in the ancient times and so her parents start to instill this matter to her mind and try to discuss it with her. However, every time, she refuses it resolutely and firmly and tries to utilize something else to divert their attentions. She would always use the excuses that she wants to be with her lovely parents and never wants to leave them. One time, however, she hears that they were discussing a previous engagement of Kate’s in secret and it is said that when Kate still hasn’t born, she has been engaged to a baby who is in another woman’s belly but afterwards, the boy’s family fall down completely and the boy might have died, therefore, the whole thing can’t be accounted for. They don’t disclose a slight detail to Kate and she thought that it might not be important then she doesn’t put it on her heart either. However, the fierce storm is coming in its way and all those joys and happiness would all disappear quite soon. It all happens so fast that one could hardly to accept the cruel truth. A month ago, it is said that the prime coerced their family forcedly to transport a pack of weapons to the next near country in secret but somehow, the emperor must find out about it, therefore, their family becomes the sacrifice of their political scheme and competition of power. Unfortunately, because of the seriousness and dangerous trait of that matter, the entire family except their mother, Tuesday and Kate, they all come to escort the cargo. Worse still, the emperor sends out dozens of assassins to kill and extinguish them and now, no one knows that whether there is any survivors left and in order to finish the matter and seal the mouths of them to keep the disreputable conspiracy in dark, the prime dispatches some men to finish them off and burns their house in ashes and fires. Despite the fact that Kate and Tuesday are good at defending, they weren’t exactly expecting this and they have never killed a single soul in their lives. Finally, their poor mother didn’t make it and Kate and Tuesday has to separate in order to survive. Kate just keeps on running and running and at the length, she collapses and loses her consciousness in the unnamable wildness. When she wakes up, she finds herself in a room of a quiet and refined private property and her clothes have all been changed and clean. She struggles to spring up but fails. A young man comes to this room right on time and asks joyfully that: “Miss… Glad to see that you have been recovered and awaken.” She wants to ask a bunch of questions but she finds herself cannot speak because of the coarse and dry throat. The young man hands out a cup of water to her, seeing that grave circumstances and he continues that: “Ah… Don’t worry. I am not a bad person and I’m under my master’s instructions to look after you. My master would return home soon and if it’s lucky, you would see him.” “Who is your master?” After regained some strengths, she asks still with some difficulties. “Ah… I’m not allowed to tell you this. My master told me that as soon as you’re fully recovered, I shall send you away and you shall never speak of this matter again as if it were never existed.” “But I want to express my gratitude to him or her. He or she has saved my life. Do you think that I can live without repaying such a great debt in my life?” If the young man doesn’t want to tell her, then she wants to know it even more than ever. The more deep a secret is buried, the more one wishes to dig it out. She suppresses a wince as motion renews the pain. After she is left all alone in this room again, she thought of what has happened in those transient previous days. Her old happy family is all gone now and she doesn’t even know that except from her, there would be anyone left in this world. Why would all this happen? How could God give her another chance to live her life and so quickly, God has changed his mind and decides to strip it all away from her? She has been accustomed to the family’s warmth and happiness for three years and she has already considered them as her family members, however, she doesn’t even have the chance to tell them that she loves them deeply and profoundly. She would not tolerate all those injustices and wrongdoings and she swears to herself that if one day, she finds out the main sinners behind all those, she would seek vengeance and kill them herself no matter how distinguished and powerful they are and how hard it would be even if the price is her life. She has already lived in borrowed life for three years and now it is time for her to do something for them-for her family. Seven days later… At that time, she could already leave the bed and do some slight exercise and one night, she is bored being lying on the bed and doing nothing at all so she decides to take a stroll and ease her fatigue and boredom of life and by the way, explode the place a little. When she is wondering randomly at this place and she happens to come across a man who seems just returns from some place and the queer thing is, that that man is so familiar and smell so sweet and there is a tantalizing aroma of fragrance in him, so pleasingly and beautifully, which makes her suspect a lot. The man is very composed and indifferent when he sets his eyes on her. Kate can’t help asking that: “Who are you? Do I meet you before in my life?” He didn’t reply. So there is unbreakable silence. Another young man Jerry quickly rushes out the room and welcomes the silent man and says that: “Master, you’ve returned. How did everything go?” The man who is called as master still doesn’t reply and comes inside the room quietly. That’s the first time she see him and in the next half month, she doesn’t have the chance to see him anymore. Since Kate has regained perfect health, she doesn’t have any excuses to be around anymore and Jerry gives her some money and shows her out, asking her to take care and be safe. Kate stands in the street, having no idea where to go and what to do because right now, she is left all alone in this world. Eventually, she decides to go to see her home for the last time, remembering the unforgivable sins and disastrous memories. That place has been a complete disaster and ruins and as buried in deep contemplation and grief, she feels that someone is trying to approach her from her back and she quickly turns around, prepared to pick up a fight with the intruder but when she sees the person who it is, she is greatly relived. It is the fat uncle of hers and she is overjoyed by the fact that he is still alive and well. She cries in his arms sadly and the fat uncle tries his best to comfort the miserable girl and then they decide to go south to cover their tracks and seek for opportunities to have their revenge. (4) help me 她可读心 On the road, the fat uncle would feel that Kate would never be the same and has changed so much for in the past, she was a very lively, optimistic, energetic and chatty girl but now, she doesn’t speak much and the gloomy and pale look on her face would not be removed under any circumstances. He feels deep sorrows and pains for her in his heart but he doesn’t know what he could do to help. It would never be easy to take out an influential and powerful man like the prime in this country and even the emperor doesn’t have the ability to do so let alone them-a fat man and a little girl. And what if they do have their revenge; Kate would be the same happy and carefree girl anymore. Such a naïve and innocent girl she once was, and yet she has to shoulder such a huge and burdensome responsibility. He doesn’t even know that whether she would make it or not. However, misfortunate never comes alone and when they are walking on the road one day, they come across a gang of thieves and bad people, who threaten to make them hand out their belongings otherwise they would make them miserable. They are seriously outnumbered and there is no way that they would be so many people’s rival at the same time, therefore, that’s only a matter of time with the bound outcome of losing. However, that young man and his companion happen to be here and unexpectedly, he rescues them. Seeing the fact that he is so powerful and strong, she is amazed and in the meanwhile, determined to seek his help. The memories keeps on coming back to her and it all dawned on her now clearly that this young man is the exact same man who she sees two years ago at the riverside and the man who haunts her in her dream for two years long of time and the man who saved her life when her family is being blood-washing and brunt to pieces. So many coincidences, for it happens one time, one may hardly notice it, two times, it’s just a coincidence but what if the third time, if they all add up, that’s not just a chance but what? Now he just saves her life again so she told herself that she will seize this opportunity and figure this whole thing out. When the young man is about to leave, suddenly, she knees down in front of him and exclaims that: “Wait… I know that I’m immensely indebted to you and there is no way that I could pay back such debts in my humble and mundane life. But I wish that you could teach me and help me seek my revenge. You’re the only person could help me now.” Jerry looks into her eyes and signs a little because he knows his master’s cold and distant character very well and normally, he would never mind or be involved in that kind of matter. He feels sorry for this poor girl. However, surprisingly, the master says that: “You’re desperate, aren’t you?” “Yes, please let me follow you…” The girl begs and pleads earnestly. “There is no need to do that. The prime is my enemy too and one day, he would be taken out. You don’t have to do anything. You could live on as a carefree and ordinary girl.” The young man says calmly as if it is quite ordinary like talking about the weather. “But I want to provide my own strengths also. Can’t you let me do my slightest part to help? I want to do it.” “Are you sure that you can? That is not a joke. Once you are committed to it, you need to cast aside your own safety or even life. You would die any minute and there are lots of obstacles and difficulties. You have never experienced any in your life, have you?” “I’m not afraid of hardships and death. I can do it. All you have to do is believe me and let me prove my determination and promise. Please… If I don’t, I don’t know how I could live on my life anymore.” “Then I don’t see another reason for me to not help you.” Therefore, they formed this little formation of four people and keeps on moving on, aimlessly and yet hopefully. One night, when they camp alongside a river and Jerry and the fat man Lee is preparing for the food to eat-fishes. The young man Jack sits near the river and looks at the it, motionlessly and fixedly and Kate wants to talk to him and when she walks near the fat man, she happens to tumble a little and because the fat man helps her to keep her balance, she touches his wrist, which makes her suspect a lot. We haven’t mentioned that Kate has another special ability that she could tell what a person is thinking when she touches his wrist and what the fat man is thinking makes her confused a lot. She can’t understand that but she doesn’t dig deep into that problem and sits near Jack, wanting to make a conversation. Jack is impressed by her behaviors recently because he never thought that Kate has truly lived up to his expectations and her words and she really can endure the hardships and difficulties along the way. Kate breaks the silence first and says to him that: “Thanks for accepting us and let us following you.” “You’re good yourself.” “You know that I always get a feeling that I have been known you for a long time in my life and yet you said that you have never met me. I believe that two years ago, I have seen you once.” “Two years- That is such a long time. I don’t remember any of it now. You must have mistaken me for someone else.” “No… I know it is you. I have never forgotten about it not even a single day in my life.” “Why are you telling me something you believed in and yet I have no knowledge of? There is no point of doing this. You can keep on believing in what you think it is and I could get to live the life as I wanted.” The young man says joyfully in a cold air. If the words are intangible swords and could hurt people, Kate must be bleeding very detrimentally and mischievously. “But… It is you. Why couldn’t you just admit that?” The girl murmurs to herself in a low voice. And deep in puzzled state and mind, she grabs a stone randomly and throws it into the river, causing a wave of ripple in the distance and as if it is so much fun doing that or she just wants to pass the time, she keeps on doing that endlessly. Eventually, she grasps a stone without thinking and happens to touch the wrist of his, this time; it is even more strange and unusual because she finds that she cannot detect his thoughts entirely. She doesn’t suppose that a man in perfect mental health would not think about anything at all. And it all comes to her that she hasn’t met or disturbed by a single soul started by the day when he is around her life. That might state one slim possibility that he might have the very rare trait of preventing the approaching of the souls. There must be something in him, which makes the souls afraid of him but what is it? She looks at him even more curiously in a subtle way and after that day she realizes that point, she spends more time standing or sitting close to him no matter he wanted it or not for at least, it could protect her from the disturbance of the souls, evil or not. Her main interests are to have the revenge and nothing else and she knows that the fat man is hiding something from her and no matter whatever it is, she has grown to not trust anyone fully and so easily. In this world, there might lack of water, lack of food, lack of necessary fresh air and lack of compassion and sympathy but what’s available most about this world is mistrust and bad intentions. (5) you are not him 你不是他 The truth is inextricably commingled with speculation and sometimes, it is very hard to distinguish the truth from the falsehood hiding behind the numerous fogs and clouds. At dawn, they arrive at a small and quiet village which is also filled with a strange and gloomy atmosphere, however, the villagers are all very hospital and warm-hearted. Looks like there will be a heavy storm coming because of the previous signs all indicating that and some raindrops have gathered their thick lashes and blurred their visions successfully without any obstacles. They are forced to stay at this village for at least waiting for the storm to stop. A widow with a small child admit them in her home and serve them with some food but Kate is really amazed by their looks because all the villagers here are frightful pale and ill, lifeless and queer enough and the scary air of this village makes her very uncomfortable. Besides, the food despite the fact that it looks tasty, it actually tastes very funny and strange as if they were actually eating Mercury or metals. It is like a heavy stone got stemmed in her heart and she finds a little hard to breath normally. On that night, she couldn’t help to sleep so she decides to find some water to drink and when she is about to make movements, a soul appears herself in front of her, which is very unusual because she thought that under the protection of Jack’s powers, no soul can approach her again. She highly suspects that her presumptions in the past are all wrong or she just chooses to believe so. “What do you want?” Kate asks impatiently and stressfully. She feels nothing about that soul and she can’t even determine whether she is evil or good this time since she couldn’t detect the coldness or warmness of the soul, which is also very rare in that case. She doesn’t understand the reason but she knows that it can’t be good. “Young messenger, I have come here to warn you. The people in this village including your friends and your lives are all in grave danger. The well water in this village has been poisoned and the scary and powerful devil is on his way. He will come soon and destroy everything of it. This town has been haunted. I warned you that if you want to live, go quickly with your friends otherwise you would all die. There is no other way out.” The soul says alarmingly. “But does that devil you speak of so omnipotent? Can’t I have a chance to defeat him? What do this village do wrong that he has to punish them like this? There are innocent children and elders here and I can’t just leave like this. And who are you? Why are you helping us?” “Too many questions… I will only say this one time to you that if you don’t leave, and then you can prepare to die for nothing with them. It’s your choice.” A gust of wind overwhelms her and when she wants to ask for more information, the soul has already disappeared and vanished, leaving her a bunch of unsolved puzzles and matters. What should she do now? The way as the soul describes it; she can’t defeat the devil by herself but just leave all those innocent people’s lives behind? How can she live with something like that? Her conscience would torment her every single day after she gets away with all those troubles and lives. There are still several hours of grey daylights and somber twilight and she finds it impossible for her to fall asleep. Therefore, the next morning, Kate is so tired because of a sleepless night and the weariness has pervaded her whole body and then she struggles out of bed and goes to the table, where they are already up and eating breakfast. Wait… breakfast? She asks worriedly and hurriedly and agitatedly to that window that: “Where did you get all the water to cook the breakfast, may I ask? ” “From the well… That’s our only source of water. The meal you ate yesterday was cooked by the same water.” The window replies humbly and politely. “What’s wrong with that, Kate?” The fat man asks with a strong sense of curiosity and confusion. Kate’s mind spins so quickly and tries to put all the pieces together. No wonder yesterday’s meal tastes so strange and does it mean that they have already been poisoned? What are the effects of this poison? Without proper antidote, will they all die in a short time? “How long have been you used the well water to cook? No, how long have you been ill?” Kate isn’t thinking straight right now and she couldn’t either. “Kate, what happened? You look so pale and haggard. You can tell me.” Jack demands patiently and softly and as if it is by some mysterious magic, Kate finds herself magically calms down quickly as soon as she hears his voice reassuringly. Therefore, after what Kate told them the truth and all they could do is to wait but the soul doesn’t pay her another visit again as if the soul has escaped here fearfully. Needless to say, it is the villagers drag them into this bloody business and so they decide to tell the truth. Ten years ago, there were four promising and aspiring young people who destined to make a great cause for themselves and they happened to encounter a wealthy family but due to dirty desires, they killed the host and the hostess in cold blood and took their wealth all away. In order to cover their scheme and hide the truth, they divided the wealth and spilt up. One had come to this place and used his borrowed wealth to start a new village. He has come to realize his great sins and wanted to change and remorse in the past ten years but when he heard and watched that the misery he has brought to this village, he knows that they have come for him and it was too late. He didn’t know what happens to the other three men because he has never heard of them ever since they spilt up. But this entire village is innocent and they don’t deserve this. Revenge in this world could be categorized into two kinds. The first one is called the hatred of destroying because in order to meet the ends, you have to destroy yourself not only your life but also the principles you have been adhered to for so long in your entire life. Your heart is left with nothing else but hatred and when you finally do have your revenge, you might as well not feel relived or the pleasure you thought you would have because your heart has been corrupted with the most fatal poison in this world and is no longer the same. You could do anything at any cost and no matter whether it is worth it or not, you would do it blindly and without any thoughtful deliberation. But what if they are changed and no longer are the same people did wrong to you? As for that kind, you might as well persuade yourself to give up and let God deal with them. The second one is called hopeful cause because you’re doing it for the greater good. That sinner has done so many wrongs and it is truly unforgivable. But the process is always painful no matter it is rightful or not and it would consume a person lots of energy and strengths. When Kate is sitting by the riverside, Jack goes to her and sits there as well but he doesn’t mean to speak at all. Suddenly, Kate asks that: “Do you actually believe me? That I could see others can’t see. I can see others’ souls.” “I believe you…” “But why? Why would you believe me so easily? You don’t think it is absurd and preposterous?” “I don’t know. Maybe it is.” “You know that the strange thing is that despite that I’m good, I can’t see your soul or read your thoughts as if you are very special to me. But I don’t know whether it is a good thing or not.” He didn’t speak. “What can we do when the devil comes here? Would we be dead by then? Do you blame me? If only I told you earlier, then all of it would not be happening now.” “No… We will all figure it out. Don’t worry too much about it.” That soul or we should call it ghost is the murdered hostess in this tragic case but she has a gentle and kind heart and she knows and witnesses the fact that the evil man in the past has been changed all together. Besides, she doesn’t want to see all those innocent people die so when the night the devil ghost come, she defends them with her life and eventually, she sacrifices herself to save all those lives. But here is the cruel fact that once a ghost is destroyed, and then it is gone and vanished forever. There is nothing about it and it would never exist again. Soul and ghost are two different definitions and the biggest contrast is that everyone has the soul and the soul can be pure or evil but the ghost is the upgrade version of the soul and it is born to be wicked. Thereupon, they have got to move on with their journey now and one night, she is famished and then she decides to look for something to eat and when she returns, she finds there are many corpses lying all over on the ground and scarlet blood flowing everywhere. Therefore, she forces herself to calm down and goes to research for her friends. And eventually, by the riverside, she finds them or at least two of them. The fat man is lying half in the river and the river has been dyed with scary blood and Jack is standing here with a sword hanging near the throat of the fat man as if the next minute, he would stab the sword to the fat man’s throat and the fat man would be dead. Besides, Jack has been injured on his arm and the blood has been flowing through constantly but Jack doesn’t seem to care a bit about it as if he were not in serious pains. Kate quickly ruches to the spot and exclaims that: “Jack, what are you doing? He is our friend. You’re not going to kill him. You won’t do that.” “Why don’t you ask him who he really is? And if I don’t kill him, he would kill me anyway.” “What… What are you saying?” Kate looks confusedly and perplexedly. “He is not the man who you think he is. His real name is Jackson and his true identity is the leader of the assassin league-east.” There are two famous assassin leagues in this country-west and east. “What…” But he looks and acts exactly like the fat man. Actually, Jackson has been wearing a skin mask to disguise and personate the fat man and he is planning to kill Jack if it’s possible but it all failed now. “I’ve been known it all along. He thinks that he could deceive me but he is wrong. The whole thing is a plot of his and it is never a coincidence that you run across us that day. It was all planned meticulously by him. Don’t you understand?” Kate was transfixed and speechless for quite a moment and she just gazes at the fat man, unable to accept the truth and when Jack waves his sword once more, she suddenly comes into senses and cries out that: “Don’t kill him. Jack, I am asking you that don’t kill him. Please…” “Well… Give me one good reason that I shouldn’t do it and I will spare his life.” “Let him go. He doesn’t deserve to die with the blood on your hands. Now, Jack, let me help you. You have been injured yourself.” No matter why he chooses to deceive her, Kate still wants to offer a chance to him and let him live. Therefore, Kate helps him with his wounds and there is only silence between them. Jack never seems to be the type of opening a conversation and he is really good at silence. to be contiuned... still have an ending to write...


It’s a little and authentic story. It happened when there was still nasty war going on in this world and maybe it was the Second World War, which I couldn’t recall clearly due to my poor memories. And this girl and man belonged to the same country and this young man was serving the army at that time. One day, the young man encountered a book which he was very fond of and when he read it, he found that there were some remarks made by another person and they were rather insightful and remarkable and then he found several books she had read and wrote some personal opinions on. After an accidental chance, he happened to acquire the means to communicate with her through the books and remarks. One day, he was directed under some clues left deliberately by her to find a book with her address on it. That’s when they started to exchange letters with each other and no matter how hard and miserable he was or even when he was at the front fighting for the country, he would all write back to her and tell her his feelings about various things and the war and she would give him lots of strengths and courage to go on with his life, encouraging and supporting him unconditionally and selflessly. When the war was finally over and the peace was on its way, they decided to meet at last and they promised each other that no matter how each other looked, they would all accept each other and be friends cheerfully. That day, at the train station, he appeared as promised a little earlier with a red rose on his hands and looked for another one with the same token-rose. And then he found a very beautiful, charming and lovely young lady walking towards him but her hands were empty and he was a little depressed that was not the woman he was looking for. Therefore, the young girl finally just passed him through, leaving the peculiar fragrance of hers in the air. Eventually, he discovered an old woman with the red rose on her hands and since the appeal and temptation of the beautiful young lady was on the opposite direction, he was faced with a great mental and moral challenge. Should he kept his words and went to the old woman around there or followed his heart and went after that fatal attraction of that enchanting girl? I mean, what would you react when you have read and grasped the fundamental information until now? Our teacher once asked us to write an ending for it without showing us the original version; therefore, we all started to brain storm about it. Normally, I’m a very imaginative person with all sorts of absurd and creative thoughts arguing inside my mind, however, when I come to write an ending for this story, I felt that only blankness and confusion took place of my mind and lingered a long time intending to seek for a permanent residence. Now, I couldn’t remember what did I write back then but it was a rather funny one. I could not add some supernatural elements to sentimentalize this story, which was quite pitiful and disappointing, however, I was really impressed by the original version. Let’s take a look. But he intended to keep his promises and words and walked towards that old woman and asked if she was the woman he has been maintained correspondence with. The old woman smiled mildly and gave him a exquisite postcard and said to him in a slow and amusing voice that: “Young man, she is waiting for you at that restaurant right now in the opposite direction. She has asked me to do this for her to test for your honesty and integrity. You should treasure her with all your heart and life. I believe that she is a really fine, beautiful and attractive girl. Now go and don’t let her wait for too long. Good luck.” The young man was burst out with joys and expressed his gratitude to the old woman. The young man said to her that: “Thank you.” That is the most beautiful words in the world I have ever heard of-thank you, isn’t it? Thank you for bringing you into my life. Thank you for willing to accompany me for so many hard years in my life quietly and insistently. Thank you for offering me a chance to say thank you to you personally and earnestly.


(1) the antecedents and consequences 前因与后果 The dewdrops sparkle in the fresh morning sun and the day has just lifted up a little. A young man stops for temporary rest and doesn’t forget to yell at the little girl running wildly way ahead of him. He exclaims the words out loud that the whole residents in this area would hear him if there is any that: “Wait… Don’t run so fast… Watch out… Today’s young people are all so vigorous. Do you hear me? If anything happens to you, I would be damned. You don’t want anything happens to me, do you.” The young man just keeps on saying despite the fact that he claims to very tired and wearied. Suddenly, unexpectedly, queerly and unusually, in the distance a cry let out by the girl incoming into his ears clearly and he panics a little by the afferent yell, worried about her safety. In the twinkling of the eye, he has already stood by her side and he asks urgently that: “What happened? Are you well?” “There’s a small fox.” The girl points at the little fox and says. “What… A fox… Then why you have to scare me…” The young man is speechless by his little naïve sister. The girl collects the little fox into her arms gingerly and cautiously because the legs of the fox is injured and covered with smelly reddish blood. The fox closes its eyes as if it were in sleep and deep meditation, wanting nothing but peace and remarkable serene. The fur of the fox is yellowish and it is unbelievably and incredibly cute. She doesn’t know why but in her deep heart, she just got a feeling that this little fox is unusual and there is something special about it. She holds it with great care and as if she has obtained a great treasure. She paces towards the direction of home and turns around and says to him that: “Come, Tuesday… Now we must hurry and let Ellen take a look at the little poor thing. I won’t wait up for you.” He still remains motionless for a while after she takes off and disappears really fast into the distance. “What… That wretched woman… I don’t want to see her.” “Don’t say it like you have a choice. Hurry now…” In a minute, they have arrived at a small but exquisite infirmity. And a young woman comes to welcome them with strong hospitality and good intentions. The little girl sits in the opposite of the young doctor and the man stands behind her while the doctor takes good care of the fox. “Ellen, is it serious?” The little girl asks eagerly. “Ah… It is quite well. But where have you found this little thing? It is quite rare and precious. I can almost sense some mysterious divine traits about it.” Ellen is curious about that. “At the foot of the snow mountain-that’s where I find it.” “That’s intriguing. What are you doing here?”Ellen gives a glimpse of the young man standing right behind the little girl and seemingly notices his presence right on track. “This is a public hospital and everyone is entitled to come and leave. Why do you care whether I’m here or not?” “Because it is my property and I got to decide who can stay and who can not. Get out of my house, now. I don’t wish to see you in the rest of my life.” The young man stands still and composed as if he didn’t hear the words. “Ellen, my brother has come to accompany me… You don’t have to be so furious…” Thereupon, this little fox has successfully infiltrated into her life and she just carries it with her everywhere she goes and even shares a same bed with it. She seems to be immensely pleased by the company and friendship of the little fox. They are almost inseparable from each other no matter what. It all seemingly goes quite well so far but one night, a peculiar and strange thing happens. On that gloomy and dim night, even the moonlight is very dark and desolate, a soul hard to recognize and tell if it is a woman or man flows into the very room the little girl stays and sleeps soundly now with a gust of cold wind. And as the very moment it would approach close enough to stretch its claws to touch the little girl, there is a dazzling purple light unknowingly radiated in the corner of the quilt and the soul is terrified and draws back a few steps by the glaring shaft of light. When the soul has the chance to look again, there happens to be a man standing in front of the little girl as if he wants to defend and protect the little girl. The man is so pale and almost transparent himself but the soul just doesn’t have the nerve to move any closer near the little girl now. And when the soul is gone and he is certain that the little girl is safe, the young man transforms himself into a little fox with the same dazzling purple light and crawls back into the quilt, quickly falling into sleep again. It’s like a gift bestowed upon the little girl, which she doesn’t know so far but she would come to realize the special gift soon enough. She could see other people’s soul and communicate with them, satisfying their unfinished wishes and needs. It is said that everyone would have a soul in him and after he dies, the soul would separate itself from the dead body. However, sometimes, you don’t die because you want to or die of natural causes and under such circumstances, you might have some concerns and unfinished businesses in this mortal world and that’s when the communicator comes in and act as the bridge between the dead and the living, the souls and the humans and the deceased and the mortals. However, not all those souls are good and kind and some are evil and wicked as well, that is to say, that they choose to still linger in this world not for the purposes for looking out for their beloved ones and family but to seek their own vengeance or break the boundary of the two world by employing the communicators mercilessly, cunningly and maliciously. Some people are just vicious and bad and there is no guarantee that after they die, there would be drastic good change in them for after all, the nature of a person is very hard to change. There is also another alternative for what if it is the bad people did something wrong to the good people and the good remaining souls of the people might find it hard to accept or forgive so they want to get justice and see the bad people suffer for their own wrongdoings and sins. However, that possibility is no longer their concerns anymore and what they should do is to seek the promising afterlife and let the God deal with those bad creatures for God is always fair to anyone and he won’t let the wickedness take precede of this world so the role of the communicators is only to elaborate and convince them to see clearly the wrong and right and persuade them to let it go. Then how to tell or distinguish a bad soul from a good soul? There is absolutely no need to put unnecessary worries on that matter because the communicators just know it when they look at the souls. It is said that the souls have their temperature as well and the better the soul is, the warmer the communicators would feel when they are around. Why would this precise little girl be chosen to do something so great a cause? Well, that’s a long story. The little girl is not her old self about a year or so ago because of an accident. The soul in this body has already gone the moment when she died and the new and fresh soul is travelling through another body and settles in the current body. The soul of the modern female thirty-two-year-old surgeon has broken the boundary of the modern era and the ancient, life and death and ended up in this brand-new body of this innocent and lovely little girl. Initially, she is appalled and shocked when she finds out the truth after she died at the hospital because of some incurable disease but later on, she has come to peace with it because after all, she has got nothing to lose and she might as well grasp this invaluable chance to live again and start all over again. This time, she promises herself that she would live a whole different life from the previous and treasure every moment of her new life. Compared to her former miserable and lonely life in the modern era, she finds great deals of comforts and endless happiness in this ancient world. As a surgeon, all she would feel and perceive is tragic death and direful sufferings of human kind while in this place, at the first time, she feels hope and the beauty of life of the world. She has six reliable and brilliant brothers and good parents who love her very much and she is still very young for she is only thirteen years old. There is great possibility and potentials lying ahead of her life. She would do anything she wants and likes and even if she wants to live a free and unrestrained life, it is all possible here. She could be anyone and do anything as long as she wanted. But she never know that there is also great challenge and responsibly waiting for her because what this life-changing event brings can’t all be fortunate and desirable things and there have to be some mishaps and obstacles as well in order to reach a balance in this beautiful and vast universe. The change in her personality is also tremendous and drastic not only from her old reasonable, sensible and desperate self but also the changes of difference of this little girl. Her family would tell that there are some differences in their beloved girl but since it is destined for the greatness, they wouldn’t pay extra attentions to them as well. Also, there are some things inevitably about to happen now. (2)the first case-the first obstacle 第一个灵魂 Monday-the big brother, whose disposition could be concluded in the following few words-honest and tolerant, seemingly silly and yet industrious and kind-hearted and virtuous and innocent; he tends to think and see the best in the people around him and he is excel in waving the sword. Tuesday-the second brother, who is referred as an old man because not only he thinks and acts like an old man but also his attitudes and interests are very similar to the elders. He is very fond of playing chess, collecting the famous painting and calligraphy and taking care of the gardening and flowers. He is also very chatty and whenever an opportunity is caught up by him, then he could extend it to an endless, tediously long and interminably lengthy conversation as if without words, he cannot live as fish without water, sunflowers without sun and humans without water. March-the third brother, who is very reserved and composed with undiscovered resource and astuteness, hidden very deep and preferred to remain secretive and ordinary by ostensible appearance. He has an unpatrolled interest in politics and might be the most ambitious and skilled person in this family and yet he kept it a deep buried secret. Thursday-the fourth brother, who has a thing for drinking and poems and he is often found drinking while appreciating the beauty and wonder of the literature and nature in the midnight at the house. He always likes various fans and writing some original poetry on the fans. Friday-the fifth brother, who is a very serious and discreet person and the knowledge of the exclusive medicine and skills are like naturally in his blood. The only and sole interest in his life is the medicine and the safety and happiness of his little sister. The queer thing is that a person who is very good at healing people and studying and observing and experimenting the medicine is supposed to be very hard-working and diligent but instead, he is the sharp contrast of the normal concept and is extremely lazy. If he could sit, he would never stand; if he could lie down, he would never sit. Saturday-the sixth brother, who is unrestricted and smart and he wants to see and explore the world and go sightseeing on his own. He is carefree and magnanimous and nothing seems to have the ability to get him worried and concerned. He is talented in playing music and diverse instruments especially the Guzheng and also such a person must have a good look to decorate and emphasize his free spirits and careless air. Her brothers all care so much about her let alone her benevolent and kind parents. Her father might be strict with her brother but when it comes to his beloved daughter, frankly, he couldn’t love that girl more and especially, after the accident, they are all afraid that they would lose her again, therefore, all her would feel in this big family is warmth and love and nothing else. In order to improve herself, she decides to learn from her brothers and because their family is specialized in delivering some goods for others, they’re all very good at fighting and protecting themselves, which she finds is very reassuring and interesting. One day, when she is playing chess with Tuesday, the little fox in her arms suddenly takes off and runs away when she concentrate on the chess and is in deep contemplation. Thereupon, she quickly decides to chase the little fox first but there is already nowhere to find it. They look at every corner of this house but the little fox is just gone. She has already grown a deep affection for it after some time they have been spent together but now, she is drowned in the sorrow of losing. On that night, as if the weather could sense her deep grief, a strong storm hit upon them without any previous sign of raining before and she finds herself lying on the bed, sleepless and speechless. The tangible soul thinks it as a perfect chance to try and approach her again since the little fox is no longer standing in the way and so, she did. Slowly, quietly and soundlessly, she appears herself in front of the little girl. The little girl with wide eyes open and amazed look senses a wave of coldness and she quivers and shivers a little. The little girl asks curiously that: “Who are you? What are you?” “I know that you are the person I have been always looking for. I’m right about my judgment about you. I’m a fresh soul separated from a body died a short time ago. I don’t mean to do you any harm. I just want to ask a favor from you. Please help me. You’re the only person who can help me.” “But… How can I help you?” The little girl replies fearlessly and calmly. Honestly speaking, she is not very afraid since her mental age is already thirty-two years old and she is perfectly capable of pretending the calmness. “That’s very simple for you. You see that I wasn’t ready for death yet when I died and I have a… The souls once they have left the body, they can not speak to the mortal world so I want you to send a message to Winston that he should move on with his life and forget me. I’m really worried about him. And as soon as this is done, I would leave you alone. I can promise you that. I just don’t want to see him suffer from my death like this. Can you help me?” The little girl lets out a sigh. She never expects that someday, she would have to deal with those sorts of things. Wait, unusually it just happens in some novels and movies then what is this? Is it real happening now? “Um… I would help you as long as you show me how. But I have a question…” “Thank you. I’m grateful for your kindness. I know that you would help me. You may ask whatever it is that you wish to know. I would all tell you.” The little girl springs up and says seriously that: “You said that the souls can’t communicate with the mortals but I am a human too. Why could you speak to me?” “We both know the answer, don’t we?” The next day, the little girl Kate asks Tuesday to accompany her to go to that place Winston lived and intends to pay him a visit as she promised the soul Cara. According to Cara, Cara was born in rich and influential family while Winston is rather poor and powerless, therefore, her family could never allow such incompatible conditions and marriages happen to disgrace her family but they are truly in love and have already engaged in secret for six years. And about a month later, her family forced her to marry another person and then she defended it hard and eventually, she had no choice but to commit suicide. That’s the miserable ending but after she died, she still couldn’t leave the poor Winston alone and immersed in the misery and bitterness of losing the love of his life. She is worried about him and wants Kate to tell him that she doesn’t blame him and wants him to move on with his life. The plots might seem a lot conventional and almost too familiar, however, when it truly happens, who could say that it is not a touching matter itself? Dose those two young lover genuinely deserve such unbearably wretched fate? When they arrive at his house, the day has already pretty dark and there is no one to answer the door. Tuesday asks with deep complains and concerns that: “Wow, Kate, why would you bring me to such a bleak and gruesome place. I’m frightened. Can we leave now?” “Why no one is at home? I don’t suppose that it is because that we’re already too late.” “Kate, what is it that you so urgently wanted to cope with? You can’t tell your own lovable brother?” “Wait… Let us go inside to take a look.” “No… I’m terrified. You go… I want to stay here. Goodbye…” “You know that you don’t have a choice. Why every time you still have to say those unnecessary lines to waste our time. Now, go… You go first…” Then they went inside and stepped into the gloomy hall and up front, Kate could see two memorial tablets and the words carved on them and apparently, she has understood the whole scheme that she has been deceived by that evil soul. Therefore, quickly, they went to look after the young man, hoping that there is still a chance of finding him. Her hopes didn’t fail this time and they find the young man standing in front of the river and seemingly, he is compelled by some unknown force and he is nearly stepping a foot right into the river. They pull the man out of it instantly and Kate looks at this blank expression of this man, puzzled at what to do next. “Kate, what happened?” Tuesday asks perplexedly and apprehensively. “I don’t know. Show yourself. Cara, don’t make me do it.” Kate screams at the air and gradually, the soul appears out of the void in front of them, floating in the air. “Why would you do that?” Kate demands an answer persistently although she might have already guessed the option; she still wants to hear it why Cara would deceive her. “I don’t want to do that either. But I don’t want to reconcile to outcome so easily. I know that I would never be wroth the same weight in his heart but I just wish to ask him to give me a small position. Is that a lot to ask? I have been loved him for six years and still, he couldn’t forget his dead wife. How can I compete with someone who doesn’t exist anymore? He never loved me and even if my father compelled to marry another man, I come to ask him to change his mind and he just keeps on pushing me away. What could I do? Can you tell me?” The soul weeps sadly. “But you’re wrong. Cara, you’re wrong. Who says that he doesn’t care about you? If he doesn’t care about you, why would he put your memorial tablet next to his deceased wife?” “What… What did you say?” This whole madness has come to an end eventually and Cara has decided to seek her afterlife with peace now. Tuesday was so puzzled and curious when he sees Kate talking to the air and he thought that his little sister has gone insane. Inevitably, Kate has to explain the whole matter to him and he is the only person knows her secret now. Kate doesn’t know what would happen in the future but she is ready to embrace whatever challenges and difficulties lying ahead of her for she understands that all the good things must befall on a certain person with a price and she is no exception. She just has to conquer that fear and develop the ability to distinguish between the good and wrong and see through the soul’s disguise and superficial appearance. to be continued... 未完待续


Can’t speak


Actually, he always dreams of those impossible things as time travel would happen to him, however, when he does manage to get beyond the measure of time and space, he starts to suspect his original absurd mindset and now he thinks that being normal and mundane is such a wonderful thing. That sort of things do happen and the reason behind the fatal disappointment is not because the obsession itself but when you try so hard to carry out a fulfillment and the day you realize it, after the transient wonders and joys it brings to you, you could find yourself in a total dilemma due to the formidable emptiness and losing purpose of life. And that’s what happens to him right now. He doesn’t know how he gets here or where the place is and he just ends up being here for no reason at all and the people in here could be very strange because they don’t speak at all. They just look at each other in their eyes and they can understand and do things as if they were connected somehow. They are the maker of their own life and that’s the conclusion he draws after days of constant observation. At first, he would still be naïve enough to try to communicate with others and he even tries different kinds of languages all over the world. He shouts at the people across and go: “Hey, hello, Hallo, Bonjour, Ciao, สวัสดี… At least give me something… Hello, can anyone understand me here? Can anyone speak here?” However, no one seems to care about what he is doing here and none is interested. At the length, he finally does one thing right and it is to give up and he thinks that he would never figure out how those people survive and keep on living without the ability to speak or maybe they could speak but they choose not to. Being in a world without language and speaking is enough to make him lose his sanity… The sole thing he thinks about is that he wants to go home and leave this terrible world behind but he could not…


There are twelve of them-the gods who are in charge of the disease and illness of the world and their abilities are immeasurable and unthinkable for they can absorb one’s pains and tormenting illness all away just by a single finger and it all just flows into their bodies and disappears or they can inflict the same by obeying the natural laws and life circle. You may ask that do they born with those kinds of special and unfair powers and are they just feeling free at will to take away one’s life and happiness? Well, try not to be too curious and cynical because the destiny has set upon on everyone the minute you come to this world and we all have to die eventually for it just is a matter of time. Besides, their jobs are not as exactly as easy and relaxing as we think for it is scared and divined and if it is not them, someone would have to do it either. They have been chosen but they might not want to be as well because we don’t know what they’re going through. It’s always hard and painful to see all those pains, sufferings and even death. We just don’t know and could never understand as well. Sometimes, a particular kind of power bestowed upon a person doesn’t necessarily would be a good thing. It’s more like a sense of responsibility and obligation needed to be fulfilled. According to the mystical tales and myths, it is said that only when you’re on the verge of death and you’re almost lifeless and dying soon could you see them or not. It’s more like luck and fortunate, meaning that it’s not everyone shall have the chance to see them once in their lifetime. Therefore, no one is left in this world to describe how they look like exactly because the ones who have the opportunity to see them are already dead and in order to take a look for yourself, the expanse is death itself. It’s more like a vicious circle provided with no way out. Nevertheless, there are numerous versions of stories spreading outside about them and one said that they look very pale and human less and almost transparent, hard to distinguish them between the darkness and moonlight and others said that they are extremely beautiful and dignified and incredibly holy, only appearing on the dim and dismal nights. And when you see them actually for real, you need to close your eyes for a minute because they are glowing with dazzling beautiful lights and it’s just so splendid that it could harm your eyes. But I’d rather hope that it’s better to not see them because what they could bring is death and only death itself. Scene one A gust of wind flows into this icy-cold and lifeless room and there is such a girl lying on her bed but you can hardly realize that there would actually be someone in this room because the life here is too weak and undetectable. If you don’t say that there is a girl, I’m afraid that one could not know because the girl is hardly breathing much. She is so weak and pale and it’s like that she could literally die at any second. A man wearing long hair and white long robe appears here all of a sudden and his robe is really long and thin for you can see his compact and pale chest clearly and easily. Apart from all those odd parts, he looks so unbelievably beautiful and splendidly handsome. He lands on the little girl’s balcony and gazes through the curtain which is flowing and dancing with the mild wind and watches this little girl dying slowly. He is being told that there is a life that can be collected this evening and here he is, however, he could still feel her strong will to live and her persistent efforts to breathe so he just waits here patiently. All he could and would and should do is to wait. A nice young woman steps into this room quietly and brought with her is some porridges and carrots. The woman puts the stuff on the purple nightstand and looks sadly, grievously, worriedly and anxiously at her little daughter. She looks so grieved and sorrowful even if she is told and well-prepared for a long time ago that this little girl won’t last much longer for now. The woman buries her face in her hands and eventually, she runs out of this room, giving back this roomful of deadly silence and unknown grief and sufferings. Ah, the little girl suddenly groans out a muffled cry, which she is not supposed to do so but somehow magically, she just did. Out of curiosity, he floats into this room and stands ten feet away from her, looking so perplexedly and indifferently. The little girl struggles to open her heavy eyelids and the first thing strikes her eyesight is him. Her face is filled with surprises and unexpected joys. She exclaims that: “Wow, you’re so beautiful. I like you. Who are you?” There is only silence and no reply. He is not supposed to answer any questions nor speak. There are certain rules he must obey. “Who are you?” The girl asks persistently. Still no sound… “Ah… I see. You can’t speak, can you? That’s okay. I won’t think less of you because of that. Do you want to be friends with me?” Friends-there is a word he cannot understand. He wants to ask the meaning of the certain word “friends” but he successfully contains himself. Under no circumstances is he allowed to break the rules otherwise there would be severe consequences. “I forget that you can’t speak. Come here, sit with me. My friend… If you don’t answer, then I can only suppose that you have given me your consent.” The little girl says placidly. She has no idea that what kind of trouble she is trying to bring into this house. The God is so curious and surprised for this little girl is bound to die any minute soon but she still makes every effort to live. Why she has such powerful wish to live? “Ah… So much pain… My friend, you see that I’m going to die now but I don’t want to leave my mother all alone in this world. She only has me. She told me that daddy left us the day when I was born. And she doesn’t want to tell me anything else about him no matter how many times I ask her. I have never seen him my entire life so I’m a little worried that after I die, I still don’t know how to find him. But that doesn’t matter much now. Can you look after my mom? I don’t want to leave her alone in this world either but that’s not my choice to make. I can’t control it. Can you do that for me?” He said nothing again. “Ah, ah…No…” The little girl murmurs to herself in a light tone for she doesn’t want to drive her mother’s attentions. At least she could do is to die quietly so that her mother doesn’t have to see her suffer and die painfully. She wants her mother to be happy. “Will…you…prom…ise….me? Please…” The girl pleads sincerely and calmly… “But… I know that it is a lot to ask…But…” “If you really can’t, that’s okay. I can’t compel you to do anything since you’re my friend now. That’s okay. I won’t blame you.” “That’s okay. You can go now. Let me die quietly and alone. I don’t want you to see me die too.” “What if I could make you live?” Scene two In the underworld (Hell) There is a young man knees down in front of a man looks like a judger and a dark desk which is filled with countless books and pens and looks quite messy. “Do you know that what have you done? You can’t just change a person’s life-or-death status at your free will. Have I not warned you that there would be severe consequences? It’s unforgivable completely and entirely.” The judger says with anger and scold. “I’m aware of that. You can punish me as much as you want. Just leave that girl alone. She is innocent.” “What… I thought that after all those thousands and thousands of years, you should have already put all those judgments about life and death away. Can’t you see that there is no definable boundary between those two things? As long as she is really such a nice and kind girl as you presumed, her afterlife would have become much better. You thought that you’re helping her, didn’t you. Well, you’re not. You’re totally wrong. Have I not taught you well? Why would you do something like this?” “I can’t regret or undo what I have already done. So, just punish me…” The man cries bravely and hopefully. “All right… Once, you’re the most promising kid I have ever seen but now you’re destroying yourself for what… You listen to me, that you will endure the three most unbearable kinds of sufferings and torments in this world-miseries brought by hatred, separated and yet still loving and yearning and yet unobtainable. Every human life reincarnation, you would watch the loved one of yours to die and you could do nothing to stop it. And only when you completed this trial shall you return to your position again. Do you hear me clearly?” Scene three The first life miseries brought by hatred 怨憎会苦 At least it’s a good start. The young soul comforts herself. Although he is an infant and was abandoned by his own parents, she has the luck to pick him up as soon as she comes into this mortal world and then she is already considered herself as extremely fortunate because it saves the troubles to look for him. He is already here, to be more precise, in her arms. What could she possibly expect more? What if the worst outcome is to never find him, which is a nightmare she could never accept. She has to repay the enormous debts she owed him and helps him through those fearsome consequences and then maybe when they have cleared off the debts, and then she could leave peacefully and pursue the next life for after all, he helped prolonged her life for another ten years so that she would spend more time with her mother. She is so grateful for what he did and feels so sorry that the troubles she has brought upon him. Actually, what she doesn’t know is that he has to suffer every life and she thought as long as he is safe and happy, there would be no serious matters and everything would be fine. It’s easy and all she has to do is bring him up and then stands by his side until he dies naturally. Eighteen years later “Are you sure that you’re really my mother? I mean, how can you never aged a day and still look exactly the same as I remembered ever since I have memories?” A good-looking young man is drinking water by the table and a young woman is packing his belongings for he will soon leave for the capital to take the exams in order to serve the country and make a small contribution even if it is slight enough, it would all be worth it. That’s what his mother has always taught him-to be a kind and helpful person. “Why would you always say the exact same thing? Aren’t you bored by your boring spirits?” The woman says amusingly. And she continued: “Now, everything is packed for and well-prepared. Remember that even if you don’t win the first place, don’t feel frustrated and despaired. Just come home for I’m always been here waiting for you. All that matters to me is you and your safety. Be safe. Don’t have too many pressures.” She pats him on his shoulders and looks at his shadow gradually disappear out of her sight. The young man has made up his mind to not let his beloved mother down and despite the speech she just made, he still wants to make his own mother pound. A year later in one afternoon, she stands below the shadow of the lofty and big tree trunk in order to avoid the direct exposing of brunt sunlight, waiting patiently for him to purchase some medicinal materials. After a while, she could see him walking step by step towards her and with the special effect of the sunlight, in her eyes, he looks so handsome and glorious in a way she has never thought of him before. She signs in her deep heart that after all, he has grown up and much to her comforts; her son now is so upright and honest just as she always wished. He has won the first place in the examination and as soon as he is honored with the official position, he comes to pick her and they live together in the capital. Since he is weak and feeble ever since he is a little kid, she would always cook a varied range of medicined diets to help him nourish his body and maintain fundamental health conditions and there is no exception about this time. When they are sitting there eating, she suddenly asks that: “Son, I heard that the neighbor’s daughter is still available and since you’re already not young, what do you think of a…” “Mother, I told you that right now, my main focus is in the enterprise and to serve the country. Therefore, you shouldn’t be concerned about that sort of things.” He says punctiliously and seriously. “But there is no direct contradiction in those two matters. If you’re married, then she could help you as well…” She tries to reason with him persistently. “Mother, let us not argue about this issue anymore. I know what’s best for me. You can be reassured. Have some faith in me.” He declared his position steadfastly and firmly. She looks at him significantly, wondering why her usually obedient son would defy her good intentions on this matter for so many times. Later on, he has done his part and responsibility quite well so the emperor starts to pay attention to him and due to the appreciation of his political insight and honorable spirits; the emperor has the desire to promote him. Therefore, the emperor sends out the superb prime minister to inspect and examine this young man to see if he could verify his potentials and the emperor’s presumptions. Then the prime sets up a meeting at his home and invites them to dine with them. Unfortunately, the prime claims to love his mother at first sight and is fascinated about her. In exchange for his career, the prime demands him to offer his mother as a gift but he refuses without even a slightest hesitation, which displeases the prime greatly and the prime swears to destroy him if he insists upon his own wishes and stand. His mother tries to persuade him too because after all, in her mind, she is meant to help him and not the other way around. She doesn’t care what would happen to her as long as he is safe and happy. She doesn’t want to bring unnecessary troubles to him. However, he says soothingly in a reassuring way that she should not be worried about anything and he would handle everything perfectly. All she should do is to trust him and he would protect her at any cost. Although it is extremely hard and he intends to make a desperate attempt, the prime still can’t steal a person in the bright daylight so the prime whispers some rumors into the emperor’s ears. Worse still, the emperor believes the prime’s craft that his mother is a monster because she never ages a day. In order to make the truth shine through and testify her son’s innocence, she is left with no other choice but to die to justify the truth because monsters would never truly perish. Therefore, when he finds her, she is already no longer with him on her bed with poison left and sprinkled alongside her skim body. He clutches at her arms, lost with sound and emotion and protesting the unfairness and injustice silently what they had done to his mother and him. The maleficence and wrongdoing is unpardonable and his heart is bellowed with rage and infinite grief. The young soul flows out of her body, looking at him melancholy and gloomily for some time and returns to the hell. Scene four While she is waiting patiently for his next life, one day she encounters another god with the ability to absorb the illness and inevitably, they have a little chat. “You’re still waiting for him?” The god asks politely. “Yes… But do you know how is he doing up there? Is he quite well?” She asks with an air of care and concern. “I’m afraid that it would only disappoint you. You see that after your death, he has a mental break down and he only wants to seek vengeance for you and he spent twenty years to prepare and take out the prime’s entire family. He is ruined with hatred and resentment. Now, he has fulfilled his destiny. I think that you would see him quite soon. He is in such a bad shape and nearly dying now.” “He… Why would he do that? I thought that after I was gone, it would all…” She has never expected that things would end up so badly and it is her that triggers and causes his endless sufferings. “No, you should not be worried. If it is not you, then someone else would bring that mishap to him as well. You’re just happened to replace that essential role in his life.” “But…” “No, the time is up. I will come to collect him now. I will see you later then.” Scene five The second life separated and yet still loving 爱别离 This time, she happens to be the daughter of a rich and influential family and he is her guard, which is very convenient. At first, she thought that it is pretty simple and easy for as long as she stays at this place and watches for him and then not a single threat and peril would happen to him. This time, she would stay at his side and would never let anything bad happen to him again. However, things would never just happen as one always expected and she is engaged to another big and wealthy family. Naturally, she doesn’t want to do that because her sheer and only quest is to help him and nothing else, thereupon, one night, she summons him to her room and closes the door tightly. “Jack, I’ve something that I wish you could do for me.” “By all means, Miss. Whatever you say, I would honor it with my life like I would always do.” He says submissively and inferiorly. She seems to be quite pleased with his attitudes and says that: “I need you to help me get away from this house. We need to run away from here.” “Miss, that is quite serious. Why would you want to do that? Everyone treats you well and kindly in this house especially your parents.” He cannot understand her reckless and unreasonable behaviors. “I know. I know that. They have been really nice to me. But the thing is, I don’t want to marry someone I don’t love. Do you know what I mean?” “But you have never seen that man in your life. How can you be so sure that you will not love him? Don’t you want to give him a chance?” She starts to grow tried of this conversation and finds a pretext to deceive him quickly. She cries that: “Because… That is because… Because I am in love with someone else and now, you can see that it is impossible for me to love whatever who it is that man. Come, if you are unwilling to help me, you can go but be quiet. I will find another way myself.” “… No… I’ll help you.” And it turns out that Jack is quite immensely formidable and inconceivably good and then they just insidiously leave this house and go to another place. She is accustomed to the poor and miserable life conditions based on the experiences from the first life so she can live quite well. But Jack is buried with a seed of worries in his deep heart that his decision and impulse might be wrong for all the time and he fears that he cannot bring happiness to her. She has no knowledge of his worries and she thought that it is for their own best. The promising days don’t last long and when she finds that she is severely ill, she is so perplexedly and doubtful. Why would this happen? How would this happen again? She tries to make every effort to comfort him and stay alive and she could not. She is destined to fail again. She knows that she is going to die soon. One gloomy night, he is at her bedside, gazing at her pale and pallor face and praying pleadingly to not let her die. When she opens her eyes and see the plaintive expression on his face, she says to him that: “Jack, everyone needs to die and so am I. You shouldn’t be so sad. You need to move on with your life. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have asked you to do this for me otherwise you would have a nice wife and maybe a dozens of kids around you. Do you blame me, Jack?” He tries to contain himself and let tears not fall down. He just shakes his head and couldn’t utter a word to say to her. He puts her icy-cold hands into his leathery hands, hoping to bring her at least one bit of warmness. “Who is that man you say you are in love with? You said that after we get away, he would be here looking for you but after all those days, he still hasn’t come. Now, you might not have much time left. You need to tell me who he is and I would bring him to you. Let you unite with him.” She smiles at him rather palely and lifelessly. “No, you can’t because he is already here. He is always here.” She regarded him with wide eyes and her eyes radiated with deep sorrow. Jack was transfixed for quite some time because he has never thought that… After all, their distance and difference is so distinguished and fearsome. But why this has to happen at this last minute when there is no hope and wish left, whereupon, he cries so hopelessly and helplessly than ever and he feels a pure vacancy and hollow in him. He should have the courage to tell her his feelings concealed so long so deep in his heart a long time ago and now, the chance is being ripped of from him forever. Only if separating would be so painful and unbearable, why would this world still need to have that sort of thing? 如若离别一定如此痛苦与不堪,那么世间为何又要有别离? Scene five In the hell The another god returns to her as promised and says to her that: “I don’t mean to pry, but do you truly love him? You know that you’re forbidden to do so.” “What do you think? After all those sufferings and hardships we have been through and what he has done for me, how can I remain indifferent and untouched?” “But this can’t end well and you have to think over it clearly because you see that he will forget you all his life and as soon as he complete his trial, he would become his old self and he will remember nothing about you. As to him, you’re like never existed in his life. Can you live with that outcome?” “Whether I want it or not, I still have to accept the results. There is nothing I could do to change it. So, my only wish is that I could help him through his final trial and then I will leave peacefully as I said. All that matters is that I could repay my debts. Nothing else is more important than that now.” “All right… You are a nice girl. I wish you luck. I don’t know whether I could see you again or not. However, I do hope that I will not have to see you in my entire life.” “Thank you…” Scene six The third life yearning and yet unobtainable 求不得 It’s already been ten years since she comes to this world and she has stayed with him with a distance for ten years. He is a monk who worships Buddhism and wants to devote his entire life to this holy career. He lives in this temple and is brought up by the elders at this place. He loves everything about it. However, since she comes to this temple to pay respects to the Buddha, there is something in him and about him changed although he doesn’t know what it is. He just knows that things can’t go back to the way it was previously before. He feels like that this girl is so familiar and he has been known her for his entire life. Those ten years, he could always see her come to here and occasionally, they would have a word. To be more precise, it is not word because he is born with defect that lack the ability to communicate naturally but he is really surprised that when he finds out that she could use gestures to exchange words with him. Initially, he suspects that she was like him but it turns out that she could speak rather fluently. Besides, there are some constant recollections of some memories about her playing in his mind endlessly. He doesn’t know why. But he is a religious monk, that is to say, that he would never betray his beliefs and convictions. Their friendship is rather mild and even imperceptible. For the past ten years, at least he would always see her and he selfishly forms an idea in his mind that if she would never be worried, then he would always see her but he knows it in his deep heart that it is almost impossible. His heart is tormented with desire and yet it is impossible to realize. Much to his surprises, she really accompanies by the side of the Buddha for her entire life and she is never married. 青灯古佛,如水淡之友谊,伴他们一生时光。漫谈时光流逝,如水般,清澈无杂,没有任何羁绊与痛楚。 Scene seven There is a young girl’s soul staring at the dirty and colorful river flowing alongside the river bank and she remains motionless like this for some time now. She doesn’t want to pursue her next life, hoping to stall some time for herself. However, she knows that nothing would happen no matter how much time she wasted here. “You’re here. I found you at last. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” A young man says joyfully. “It’s you. You remember me? How can it be?” “What… Do you still wish to conceal your feelings and never tell me the truth? Come here. We have things to do. You’re not allowed to leave me again since I have come to so much great length to find you. If I remember correctly, you have already deserted me for four times.” “Um…”