

The hour

Recently, I was really enchanted and fascinated by that marvelous and significant TV series-the hour and unlike any other one I have saw previously, the hidden depths and meaningful connotations of that show is rather profound and beautiful. It told the story of true spirits of journalism and conveyed the right values of world and life and what a decent person should do at that difficult time. At the very beginning, it all happened with the woman Penny invited her friend Freddie to organize and manage a program at the BBC with her and with no other alternatives left and something bad happened, he had to accept her offer and that’s the start of this incredible story. The reason why she was so insistent that he should join was that she thought that he wasn’t like anyone else for he was so courageous and bold and wasn’t afraid of asking the questions and the whatever severe consequences might occur along. That is to mean, that he possessed the true spirits of journalists and that’s really rare and precious at that wretched and difficult times. People were afraid of telling the truth and what they would do was just avoiding and silent.

As a matter of fact, I liked the second squeal more; therefore, I would introduce the well-arranged plots and brilliant story briefly. In the last episode of the first season, he had successfully uncovered the behind well-hidden crafty soviet agents and because of that, he had to leave the show but hopefully only temporally and a few months later, after travelling around the world and seeing the different various scenery, he has returned with freshness and sharper minds. And this time, they were faced with an even more appalling and dangerous conspiracy in the political world and among the policemen and government officials, therefore, you could imagine that it must be very difficult and almost impossible for them to take them down and tell the truth to the world. The hero was faced with extreme danger several times but he didn’t just let this all go and he was quite determined to purse the underlying truth to its end. Eventually, he promised the heroine that he would bring the most essential witness to the show to reveal to the world the truth in time and finally, he confided in his long hidden feelings for her, which was quite exciting and touching for me because I knew he loved her for so many years quietly in secret but because of their distinguished differences, he knew it in his deep heart that they could never be together and such a exquisite and elegant woman like her always deserved better. Thus, he only did nothing and saw her throwing herself to other men and I knew that he was quite heart-broken and sorrowful when faced with such hopelessness and yet he did and said nothing. However, finally, this time, he kissed her bravely and said to her that: “I’m tired of this impossible thing. It is impossible. The impossible is not possible. Wait for me and I promise that I will come back.” She was overjoyed with happiness and surprised at the wonder and beauty that beautiful kiss has brought her. And at the end, he did send the witness to the show but he was captured and tortured by the bad people badly and nastily. The last scene was that the heroine was crying by her desk and she was reading the letters she never had the courage to send out to him and the hero was lying motionlessly and covered in thick blood in the grass and dim light. When the phone ringed, she rushed out of her office and went to him as quickly as she could and in the meanwhile, he was murmuring her name-money penny repeatedly and unconsciously.


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