

Can’t speak

Actually, he always dreams of those impossible things as time travel would happen to him, however, when he does manage to get beyond the measure of time and space, he starts to suspect his original absurd mindset and now he thinks that being normal and mundane is such a wonderful thing. That sort of things do happen and the reason behind the fatal disappointment is not because the obsession itself but when you try so hard to carry out a fulfillment and the day you realize it, after the transient wonders and joys it brings to you, you could find yourself in a total dilemma due to the formidable emptiness and losing purpose of life. And that’s what happens to him right now. He doesn’t know how he gets here or where the place is and he just ends up being here for no reason at all and the people in here could be very strange because they don’t speak at all. They just look at each other in their eyes and they can understand and do things as if they were connected somehow. They are the maker of their own life and that’s the conclusion he draws after days of constant observation. At first, he would still be naïve enough to try to communicate with others and he even tries different kinds of languages all over the world. He shouts at the people across and go: “Hey, hello, Hallo, Bonjour, Ciao, สวัสดี… At least give me something… Hello, can anyone understand me here? Can anyone speak here?” However, no one seems to care about what he is doing here and none is interested. At the length, he finally does one thing right and it is to give up and he thinks that he would never figure out how those people survive and keep on living without the ability to speak or maybe they could speak but they choose not to. Being in a world without language and speaking is enough to make him lose his sanity… The sole thing he thinks about is that he wants to go home and leave this terrible world behind but he could not…


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