

The most beautiful words in this world-thank you

It’s a little and authentic story. It happened when there was still nasty war going on in this world and maybe it was the Second World War, which I couldn’t recall clearly due to my poor memories. And this girl and man belonged to the same country and this young man was serving the army at that time. One day, the young man encountered a book which he was very fond of and when he read it, he found that there were some remarks made by another person and they were rather insightful and remarkable and then he found several books she had read and wrote some personal opinions on. After an accidental chance, he happened to acquire the means to communicate with her through the books and remarks. One day, he was directed under some clues left deliberately by her to find a book with her address on it. That’s when they started to exchange letters with each other and no matter how hard and miserable he was or even when he was at the front fighting for the country, he would all write back to her and tell her his feelings about various things and the war and she would give him lots of strengths and courage to go on with his life, encouraging and supporting him unconditionally and selflessly. When the war was finally over and the peace was on its way, they decided to meet at last and they promised each other that no matter how each other looked, they would all accept each other and be friends cheerfully. That day, at the train station, he appeared as promised a little earlier with a red rose on his hands and looked for another one with the same token-rose. And then he found a very beautiful, charming and lovely young lady walking towards him but her hands were empty and he was a little depressed that was not the woman he was looking for. Therefore, the young girl finally just passed him through, leaving the peculiar fragrance of hers in the air. Eventually, he discovered an old woman with the red rose on her hands and since the appeal and temptation of the beautiful young lady was on the opposite direction, he was faced with a great mental and moral challenge. Should he kept his words and went to the old woman around there or followed his heart and went after that fatal attraction of that enchanting girl? I mean, what would you react when you have read and grasped the fundamental information until now?

Our teacher once asked us to write an ending for it without showing us the original version; therefore, we all started to brain storm about it. Normally, I’m a very imaginative person with all sorts of absurd and creative thoughts arguing inside my mind, however, when I come to write an ending for this story, I felt that only blankness and confusion took place of my mind and lingered a long time intending to seek for a permanent residence. Now, I couldn’t remember what did I write back then but it was a rather funny one. I could not add some supernatural elements to sentimentalize this story, which was quite pitiful and disappointing, however, I was really impressed by the original version. Let’s take a look.

But he intended to keep his promises and words and walked towards that old woman and asked if she was the woman he has been maintained correspondence with. The old woman smiled mildly and gave him a exquisite postcard and said to him in a slow and amusing voice that: “Young man, she is waiting for you at that restaurant right now in the opposite direction. She has asked me to do this for her to test for your honesty and integrity. You should treasure her with all your heart and life. I believe that she is a really fine, beautiful and attractive girl. Now go and don’t let her wait for too long. Good luck.” The young man was burst out with joys and expressed his gratitude to the old woman. The young man said to her that: “Thank you.” That is the most beautiful words in the world I have ever heard of-thank you, isn’t it? Thank you for bringing you into my life. Thank you for willing to accompany me for so many hard years in my life quietly and insistently. Thank you for offering me a chance to say thank you to you personally and earnestly.


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