

What’s the use of today’s Smartphone?

My friends would often complain to me about the issues regarding to my smart phone and at first, I couldn’t understand them and I am not sure that I have fully understood them now. They would always say to me rather furiously and acidly that: Hey, are you sure that you truly living in the twenty-first century? What’s the use of your phone? Is it just some kind of ornament for you? What’s the use of it if you can’t pick up the phone call and receive our messages? And look at that your bare and rare content in it and you actually have no interesting Apps installed in your phone. What are you doing all the time with your phone if you’re not playing some funny Apps? You’re just no fun. You’re impossible. However, when confronted with such outrageous allegations, I would always remain perfect calm and composure and answer their charges with extreme detachment that: Yes, yes, yes… I’m no fun but I thought that you know that already long time ago. And rather than call it my smart phone, I prefer to consider it as a brick which could protect me in some critical and dangerous situations. I switch my phone to muted status so that it wouldn’t disturb anyone and also myself and as for whether I could reply to your calls and messages, I think that I would if I could and that partly depends on the fate and chances. I bet that they would have killed me when they heard my speech if it’s quite possible and feasible.

But as a matter of fact, I’m really not that kind of person very much attached and addicted to the smart phone and I could live without it actually and honestly. One day, because I could no longer tolerate the troubles the insufficient space system has brought me, I decided to enlarge it by buying a much larger memory card. And it turned out to be rather difficult to accomplish that mission and that nice and patient salesman helped me handle the exchange of information and association of those two cards for about an hour, which I found myself indebted and grateful to him immensely. But what’s wrong about that was when I was about to leave, I said to him that: “Thank you for your help and sorry about the troubles I brought you. Have a nice day and goodbye.” Much to my regret was that I never should have said that word-goodbye to him because it meant that we would have the chances to see each other again. And I never knew that my anticipation would be so powerful and then a few days later, my phone crushed completely. There was something wrong with the outdated system and version but it has been accompanied by my side for a year and a half now and I couldn’t replace it unless it was totally broken and couldn’t be functioned normally again because of the strong affectionate emotion bond we have shared. Therefore, I went to that shop again and asked for their assistance. I must admit that salesman really was a very kind-hearted person and he helped me rewrite the system for nearly two hours without complain or any stringed conditions. I just observed him doing that complicated task patiently and curiously and I thought that he was really brilliant and good at what he did for it was like writing complicated codes and that sort of things what the computer programmers and hackers would do. Finally, after all those were eventually done, this time, I paid delicate attentions to my words and I only said thanks to him so that we would never meet each other again for I didn’t want to bring any more troubles to that friendly man. I almost hate my phone and yet one can’t really live without it at such a modern era. We have to communicate with others through the phone.


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