

The slight daylight-travel of the soul 晨光微微之灵魂的旅行 第三部分(ending) ...

(6) no more hiding, no more running 不想让你一个人呆在黑暗中

“Why would he want to kill you?” Kate asks with the tolerance to pretend to be calm.

He chucked with delight and said that: “I will tell you then if you really want to know.”

Jack was once a innocent kid and his family was really good at producing and making weapons but that’s when everything all changed the second the prime set eyes on their powerful weapons and because of his father’s upright and honest personality, eventually, the prime set them up for his father didn’t approve of the plan to build thousands and thousands of deadly weapons for the prime to do whatever dirty things. But Jack escaped and joined the assassin league-west and he has been killing blindly and cruelly under their orders for years and his heart has been paralyzed by the pains and guilty conscience of killing innocent people. Three years ago, he feigned his own death and broke it away from the league because he believed that he has his own powers and strengths to do so and he wanted to seek his own revenge to the prime. Ironically, it turned out that the league-west was under direct control of the prime, in other words, he has been killing for him for so many years but fortunately, he has rescued and persuaded some of them to follow him and Jerry was one of them willing to follow him. They have been scatted all over the world and developed their own force secretly and all they would and could do is to wait for the right timing to take the prime out and destroy the evil league once and for all. But even if he has feigned his own death, some enemies of his are very clever and won’t give up pursuing him so easily and the two leagues are intolerant for each other’s existence for a very long time. The east league believes to be the rightful and fight for the justice itself.

Having told her the truth, Kate is really surprised and worried. In the next month, they just keep on moving and avoiding the direct contract of another more rivals. Kate has been really nice to him but Jack seems to be even more indifferent and distant to her efforts and kindness. One night, Jerry can’t help but ask him of this matter. Jack simply replies that he has been all alone for his life and he doesn’t need anyone to be nice or care about him. When Kate overhears their conversation, she feels a little depressed and uncomfortable. But one could hardly blame him because for the longest time, he has formed the formidable habit and locked himself up. No one could enter into his heart so easily. He is merely pretending to be careless and heartless because he is afraid of being hurt and being left behind and alone in this world again. If one has to eventually leave him, then he hopes that he’d rather not have at all so he doesn’t have to deal with the pains of losing. However, who knows that Jack cares about her so much and she is already a part of his life that he himself isn’t even aware of that. Jack is that kid who is engaged to Kate and he has seen her once when they are still kids and at that time, Jack has already considered Kate as his beautiful little bride. He kept their own belongings-the green jade very well, which Kate has no knowledge of. All those miserable and unendurable years, it isn’t that the hatred and the desire to get revenge that kept him alive but there is also his Kate. He wants to see her even for once again in his life. If only once… So two years ago, he went to see her and she is exactly as he imagines that she would be-so pure, innocent and lovely. However, he doesn’t want to disturb her perfect little quiet life and he only protects her in secret. But he never expects that the fate would play such a big joke with him and she would come to him so abruptly. That day, when he finds the unconscious and injured Kate coving in blood and lying on the ground, he feels deep pain and grief for the second time in his life, however, he doesn’t know that he would ever be able to give the happiness that Kate deserves because he still has to fulfill the mission to kill the prime and he doesn’t know that whether he would be survive this trial in his life. All he has to do is to pretend to be distant and cold to her and hopefully, she doesn’t have to go through the pains as he did. His only hope is that after all this is over, Kate would be able to find a perfect or plain husband and live a quiet and peaceful life without him. It doesn’t matter what he will be like as long as Kate is happy and merry.

This world has been divided into five parts and reined by five countries and the country they lived in is the most powerful one but in recent years, the prime has favored and helped another a little weaker country than them and did all sort of wrongdoings to his own people and country. However, the emperor is still young and doesn’t have the equal power to defend the prime. This country’s governing force would be divided as three parts-the first is the alliance of the prime and the queen, the second one is the emperor and the third one is the prince sixth. The three parties are all accumulating forces secretly and it is said that the world would soon be changed quite dramatically. Just have to wait and see…

One night, when she is wondering alongside the river bank, a little soul of a little boy happens to appear out of nowhere and she is startled by the sudden appearance of this little boy because clearly, the boy is drowned to death. It can be concluded by the fact that there is water dripping from his body endlessly and persistently. But when she asks why the boy would follow her, he said that he didn’t remember and he just wants to follow her, which seems to be quite a clever move back then given the fact that the boy would save her life at the very critical moment in the near future.

(7)everyone has a ending 看不到你,找不到你

She is very glad and cheerful when she finds out that she still has three brothers alive in this world and she is very grateful for that. Tuesday has ended up with Ellen, to be more precise, it is the adversity that brought them together and allowed him to speak out and convey his true feelings for her. Wednesday has finally fulfilled his own dreams and ambitions and becomes a member of assisting the young emperor. And Saturday’s story is more drastic because at first, he just wants seek revenge by approaching and using the princess but eventually, it is him that find it impossible to leave her again but he still yearns for the outside scenery and world, therefore, he still decides to go but this time, with the company of the princess. Why would the prime turn his back on his own country and be a traitor? It turns out very long ago, it is not the true prime and the current one has been an impersonator all along, which did quite explain the reason. The little boy has reunited with his own mother and they have gone now. It is because of an accident that the little boy got himself drowned and when his poor mother finds out the truth, she couldn’t accept it and falls ill quite soon. After she died, she has been looking for him all along and eventually, luckily enough; she could be reunited with her family one way or another. Everyone seems to have had a happy ending, and then you might ask that what happened to Kate.

That’s a fine morning. Life is stirring. The feel of spring was in the air, the feel of growing life under the snow, of the buds bursting the shackles of the frost. Kate has just returned from the house of Jackson and Jackson has promised that he would do his best to organize and run this league well to make a small contribution and seek the welfare of people. However, when he asks about how she feels, she doesn’t say anything but only smiles at him. Everything has been settled and it seems all so perfect except… It has already been a year since he left.

Standing in front of the place where she first saw him; her thoughts are carried away by some unknown emotions. She remembered that she promised him that she would never leave his side and yet it was him to do so. She remembered that day; he promised her that he would return to her no matter what happened. She remembered that he did keep his promise and when he was covered in blood and delivered the green jade to her hand which was also currently hold in her hands. She doesn’t even know how to cry anymore. When he is with her, she couldn’t read his mind and when he is gone, she couldn’t see his soul even if she knows that he must be with her right now. She just couldn’t see him let alone feel or touch him. She couldn’t even tell him how she feels or tells him that he should go to seek for the afterlife. Suddenly, when she looks down, she finds that the little fox has returned to her and rested upon her foot despite the fact that the little fox has been gone for so many years so she holds it in her arms, keeping on gazing into the infinite distance of the unknown. Those years the little fox has been busy attending to his own business and as soon as he finds the chance to return to her side, he did it.

It’s New Year time and yet I wrote a tragedy, so I feel that I’m obliged to make a formal and official apology to you lot all. Sorry about that. Don’t follow eggs and vegetables on me. Thank you so much. Thanks a lot.


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