

The most typical and conventional scenes of some Chinese TV series

As a senior potato that has watched a various range of different kinds of TV series and feels the necessary and urgent need and pains to make some remarks, I’ve got something to say about it. There is one day when I happen to come across a TV series whose name I’m not entitled to disclose but I have been really defeated and discouraged by the simple and straightforward plots and the actors’ crude and unskilled acting skills, which is almost intolerant and unendurable for me. The lines they said also troubled me a lot, I mean, why they have to state the obvious facts repeatedly and ask the same thing again and again as if they weren’t really thinking at all. What happened to today’s screenwriters and producers and actors? That is a question lingers in my mind and heart for quite a long time and I find it impossible for me to not think about this particular matter. A numerous number of novels are being filmed and recreated as TV series and some of them are quite good and desirable inevitably and necessarily, however, some are just reckless and rather unthinkable. It seems that the original and creative scripts are becoming less and less and some family dramas even if they are original created but I find that they have been very absurd when they arrange or simply put the plots together and the characters behind their pens are like that they don’t have their own ability to think or make independent decisions. I am gravely worried and apprehensive when I’m aware of that problem. I know that nowadays some just want to cater to the audience’s tastes and are interested in making profits but they have to guarantee or at least be concerned about the quality a little bit. Speaking from my previous experiences, now I want to state the most typical and conventional scenes in TV series concerning my own personal superficial viewpoints.

The first most unbearable in my list is misunderstanding. Whenever some misunderstandings happen or occur, the heroine or the hero never wants to listen to each other’s explanations and they never have a clear and open conversation about it and then that’s when something much worse would happen. As the person who knows the truth or reason all along, I’m deeply worried and uncomfortable. Why not just listen to each other? If they do, then they could clear off the misunderstandings and I think that there is an underlying deeper reason behind the superficial exterior phenomena and that is because they don’t trust each other enough and they don’t think at others’ stands even a little bit. They just believe what they see and blame others blindly and unreasonably without realizing the fact that sometimes, appearance could be very deceiving and false.

The second one is the incurable illness. Whenever they can’t solve the problem or don’t know how to end the story, they would make the main character suffer from a miserable and untreatable disease. I suspect that they just want to emphasize the tragic atmospheres of the matter and obtain or acquire some tears from the audiences because it happens too often and too much. And every time, when they find out about it, they would choose to leave secretly and pretend to break off with their beloved loves in order to spare them the misery and sufferings of losing. I mean that at the first time, you would be deeply moved and touched by their selfless sprits and pure love but now, I’m afraid that we have been paralyzed by the familiar plots and crafts. However, recently, I find that it is indeed very hard to tell someone you loved that you would be dying soon or suffering from some pains and illnesses. Frankly, I don’t know if encountered in real life, one should know how to cope with the tough situations but if it is the ones I loved, I hope that they would tell me honestly and without any holdback or concealment and I could be here for them to get through the whole process but if it is me, I don’t what to do either, to tell the truth. However, I’m certain that God would bless us all and nothing would happen.

The third one is the objections or disapprovals from the parents. They always seem to give up so easily and hastily as soon as the parents have some second or different opinions about their choices. The fourth one is cheating. My friends would regularly ask me what I would do on a monthly basis and I would all reply with patience and care even if the next time, they seem to forget my answers so quickly and easily. Girls all seemingly like to ask the hypothetical questions to make themselves feel better. My answer can be divided into three different scenarios. If it is still at the boyfriend stage, then definitely the bound outcome is to break up without any questions. If it is already the husband, then I would react with detachment calmly for if he still loves me, then it’s okay and I might reconsider to forgive him given the degree of how much I love him and if he doesn’t love me anymore, then I would let him go and wish him all happiness and flowers with that another woman. If it is the husband and we have already had kids, then I would want to take my children’s feelings into account but you can never make a man stay with you when his heart is no longer belongs to you. Rather than holding to the exterior happiness and hypocritical peace, I would choose to let him be happy and merry. Hurt and painful as I would be, I still want to see less people suffer from the mistakes he made.

The last one is ubiquitous accidents and whenever they feel like that the plots can’t go on naturally and successfully, an accident is the perfect buffer and excuse. And what amaze me is more than that but also the marvelous rate of their recover level. They can be injured yesterday and yet today, they are all recovered and in perfect health again. They are human beings and not some superheroes and Gods, which I find very hard to accept. I remembered in one TV series, the character got stroked and hit by a car seven times and she survived all of that and several times, she didn’t even have to go to the hospital because it was just a slight scratch. That woman should consider her life as extremely lucky and fortunate. Having said too much, I just want to advocate that it is time that we should value the quality of the TV series again and make some fine and exquisite works. If it is done well, who can say that it could not be a piece of artwork itself if only we would spend time and efforts to manage to do it well and with delicate care and serious attitudes?


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