

when we were kids, we knew nothing about the world, so we were used to relying on people close to us to give us guidance.For example, we were told by our parents that we were not supposed to talk to strangers who volunteered to come near you though they bore good will and had no malicious agenda. Our teachers also told us that we should study hard so that we can land a good job in future, but in fact a lot of factors such as your personality,luck,capability affect your careers. A good diploma does not mean that you will be successful in your future career. The most important thing is that you shall not take any information from others without your own thinking. In contemporary world,independent thinking matters a lot. Learn to search information on your own is a valuable trait in society because no one will always be there for you. I am not saying that you should denpend on yourself entirely for everyting. Sometimes, asking help from others is also advisable when you encounter something beyond your current knowledge and you have no clue what it is, then, you will have to ask others who are professional in this area, which can not noly help you solve your problems at the least amount of time, but also help you gain a new insight into this area. You maynot be as expert as they are, but you can know somthing basic about this area due to their help.Therefore, you need to know the information you are looking for can be solved by you or not, if you find it hard to figure out the information after you have tried your best. With the development of Internet, there are many ways for you to search the information you need, so making full use of internet can give you a clear picture of how you should do, there are even guidance steps for your reference. You shall then have a try at these methods internet provides you and filter out some unnecessary and useless information you do not need, integrate the information you need into a complete one. That is the correct process of searching information and others can not help you with that. Even though they may tell you answers, I still think that you should search on your own if you can instead of relying on others. So, We need to develop a habit of finding information on our own, and try our best to make the information you search to your advantage.Of course, you can ask others for help but remember to resort to that method when you find that any information is of no help to you. You need to think first and then consider which solutions you are going to take next.


Wow, time really flies! 2016 is past, 2017 is coming. A new year, a new start.I still remembered that last year I wrote down my new year resolutions here and now here I am writing a new one. I think it is meaningful to conclude what you have done in the past year and make constructive plans in a new year. I really enjoy the process of writing.In 2015, I made some plans for my 2016 and when I read the plans again, I feel how earnest I was at that time. Seeing all the plans I listed and looking back the road I had taken, I can see that I failed some of my plans and I also have achieved some. So there are still some regrets left. I always wonder why we cannot make up for all the losses in our life though we have tried with all our might. Sometimes, it is hard to accept that we fell short of our expectations and our life did not turn out the way we had hoped. Then, What would we do next? To continue complaining about how unfair life is or to stick to work hard till the day when all you want are realized. The answer is obvious to everyone but I know it is not that easy and you must have a strong mind to convince yourself to go ahead whatever it takes. That is the point of making plans so that you will not feel perplexed. The goals you set for yourself can guide you to the right track. Here are the goals I set for my 2017 and I hope I can finish most of them.1 Losing weight. There is never a time that girls feel they are slim, which is really true. I put on 6 pounds last year so I really want to get back to my original figure. It is also a good way to push me to do more exercises. After a long day hard work, I feel so tired physically that I am reluctant to go outside to have exercises. Good health is premise of everything. So, in order to keep fit, I need to work out and lose some weight. There is also another personal reason that I want to lose weight, that is I want to have a smaller face.2 Wish to have a romantic relationship. Last year, I just ended a realtionship and went thrugh a bad time. Refreshed and changed, I look forward to a new relationship, but I decide to take my time and never rush to get somewhere. Deep down inside, I believe destiny. Finding someone who shares similar outlooks on life,world as well as value to you is very important for a relationship. 3 Wish to get all the certificates I want. Experience and social relations are important in contemporary world. Though I am like a freshman in my job and had no social relations to employ, the only thing left for me is to work hard and enrich myself. I have to make sure that I am making progress instead of falling behind. So, I am ready to accept all the challenges and try to be better in a new year.These are my small goals in 2017 and I hope in 2008 I can conclude 2007 a perfect year.


1 People always feel happy when they are close to happiness,but after they get hold of happiness, they begin to worry about losing it.2 I've never been known by anyone, so never will I be forgotten by anyone. Living in other people's memory is not my intent.3 Looking back in one moment, I suddenly realize that all the efforts i have made, in fact, are for the satisfaction of people around me. In order to get their applause and smile,I meticulously step on a road full of shackles and modes, but when I am at somewhere on the road, I find that all I can see are my gradually blurry face and a road I can never turn back.4 One shall at least has a dream to live up for, a reason to be strong. If your heart cannot settle, you will be on the drift everywhere.5 The best ways to forget a relationship--time and a new relationship. If the two still cannot help you forget a relationship, then it just proves that time is not long enough and your new love is not good enough6 Those who are in inferior position can easily see the hard truth of the mundane world. If a person doesn't want to go for higher posotion, then she will not worry about going down. Meanwhile, she doesn't have to suck up to others or manipulate others. she can keep her innocence all the time.7 We don't need too many things in our life. As long as we live healthily and love with our sincere heart, we will be filled with content.8 When you feel like you will lose, you can say to yourself that I am tired, but you shall never say that I cannot make it.9 I find that I can be so relieved after I give up the burden of always leaving great impression on others. One will not feel exhausted psychologically if she stops trying hard to be liked by others.10. For all these years, I have been learning one thing---that is never to look back. I only feel regretful for things that I don't do. Never will I regret for things I have done. Every step forward comes with a price. I get what I want but I also lose something that I don't want to lose. Everyone in the world is like you.


In contemporary society, there are so many temptations that people cannot resist,especially temptations related to money. It is true that money is an integral part in our daily life and a lot of things can be solved by money, but does it mean that we should go after it no matter ehat it takes? The answer is defintely no, Money does give us access to all the goods of high class and guarantees happiness to some extent, but if the obsession with money has gone too far, it can lead people to do something they are not proud of, which in my opinion, is inadvisable. Do not let the money turn yourself into someone you do not know, you ought to be honest and have a crystal clear mind. People who are in the field of sales are often thought of as sophisticated and tactful and they tend to focus on their own profit as their salary has a lot to do with their sales performance. so, there exists a deep water in the area. However, to have a good heart and being honest are the basics applying to every aspect of life. We shall have a good heart and be honest no matter what field we are in. Some people may get their way by using some mean methods, but you should not change though you are in a complex world. Having good heart is actually very easy, just remember that if you treat other people with good heart, people will feel that and they will think you are decent and honest. In my view, people are born good. Do not think the worst side of people. Of course, there are some people who do not think this way( some think people are born evil, so they are on alert to others, which are understandable because people are independent unity, everyone has their own way of thinking) but it does not matter as you cannot change the toughts of other people, you can be who you really are. A good heart person can bring people around him nothing but easiness, you do not need to spend a lot of time figuring out what kind of person he or she is, his or her behavior and manners towards life reveal himeself or herself naturally. A lot of things can be fake but a good heart is sincere and genuine, which is so valuable. So, having a good heart at any time and staying honest, life will be packed with brightness and hppiness.


I truly believe that people with enterprising spirit would go all out to achieve their goals and make themselves become someone they expect, which is very encouraging and upbeat. However, in reality, many of them who never stop their steps of chasing end up making no obvious progress. How and Why does this happen?It is common to see some people around us work so hard, even work overtime daily to complete the task assigned by their boss. They may browse a lot of websites or forums to enrich themselves, but after a certain time, they still feel that they hardly make any progress in their work. Are all the hard work in vain? what is the point of working hard? In some phase of our life, we often doubt ourselves about our ability. we tend to believe that ability can be compensated by our later diligence. So, we are eager to learn new and useful things to fulfill each day. We keep learning and absorb knowledge that is unfaimilar and beyond what we can accept at present. But, do we ask ourselves a question----Are we really enriched after seeing so much information?It seems that we are busy every day and 100% concentrate on our work. Does that mean we work very hard? Most of us konw that we cannnot memorize so much information in just few days, sometimes, a minor knowledge point is likely to take you a large amount of time delve into. If you just emphasize on the amount of information you adsorb, you will get nowhere after a day of hard work, which may result in our increasing confusion of our ability. Therefore, we are not supposed to implant a fake thought into our minds that we have worked hard and that we have tried our best. Hard work is not determined by the time we devote in, instead, we shall realize that we should make a plan first and make progress step by step through actual hard work.


we always encounter something undesirable in our life. when we konw that our peers who are not as good as you in academic performance get paid way much higher than us, we feel life is unfair and complain why we are not blessed with good luck. when we make slow progress in our work, we feel at loss and doubt whether this career is right for us. when our other colleges get bonous for their excellent performance, we feel discouraged and question our ability. Life is filled with a lot of unsatisfying matters by which are easily swayed. we have to accept the fact that life in essence is very hard. life is called life as life is a combination of survival and make a living. Uncertainy is like an adventure. Only when we survive the adventure, can we make a better living. we now live in a world with quick tempo, so we are likely to lose ourselves and have no idea where we are at the moment. Eager to get somewhere, we turn our life into one that we are unable to control. Therefore, it is necessary for us to slow down a little bit to reflect the road we have travelled. Faced with soaring price, we begin to feel it hard to make ends meet. Cloth, food, house and transportation have already taken up a great share of our expenses, but the truth is that we have to socialize with our friends,colleagues, which is also a relatively great spending. When we fail to live up to those desires, we cannot help sighing that life is so unsatisfying that we barely support themselves. At some stage of our life, we struggle in our living conditions, but we should not let it defeat us. If we think we can not afford to more socializing, we need to reduce some unnecessary get together. If you do not earn much money a month, you need to make a list of your expenses and see which part you can save so that you will be clear about your spending. It is true that more haste, less speed. we may now hit the ebb-tidied in our life but please remember do not rush to get somewhere, just be patient and live your life at a controllable and appropriate tempo. Try to believe that life will give what you want if you calm down and do what you are supposed to do at this moment. Get rid of some burdens and live your evey day happy and full.


Recently, a friend of mine kept asking me a question--was she ugly? I always told her that you are beautiful in my eye and I think you have an unique pesonal charm, which cannot be duplicated. When she asked me such a question the first time, I supposed that she was hurt by others’ opinions adout her, so, as her best friend, giving her some proper but not exaggerated praises would cheer her up. After listening to my sincere comments about her, I honestly thought that she would let those unpleasant opinions adout her go, but it turned out she was more deeply hurt than I thought and she began doubting herself. That was why she always asked me those questions.People who is sensitive in nature can be easily affected by others’ opinions. They attach great importance on how people will look at them, which is really tiring as it seems that they will think a lot and trap themselves into an adverse situation of self-doubt. Their glass-like heart is fragile, so you need to give them positive response to help build up their confidence.There is no such thing as being perfect at all levels, everyone has his or her own shortages. The least thing we should do is to magnify our shortages and take them to heart. Facing our weakness head on is the right thing to do and we should not let the weakness get the better of us.There was a saying on Weibo that I liked a lot----you should embrace who you are and tell yourself that god creates the only you, the unique being, which can never be copied.Never holding a lower opinion about yourself. If you lose confidence in yourself, chances are that you will always live under shadow. Plesae straighten up your body and try to make yourself look confident on apperance. When you bravely confront yourself , you will fiind that you are not inferior to others at all. There must be a period of time in your life when you have second thought about yourself and get lost in others’ opinions., but you should accept it as life is complicated and dificult all along. If you feel you are undervalued, you should tell yourself that you are excellent and believe that gold will shine instead of moping around. Have more confidence in yourself and what you want will be eventually given by the time. No matter how difficlut, always bear in mind that you are one of a kind and nothing will stop your pursuit if you never underestimate yourself.


Yangzhou has witnessed a dramatic decrease in temperature in recent days and yesterday it embraced a medium snow. The snow was not that intense but it lasted for a whole night. When I wake up this moring, the roofs across my apartment are covered with white snow and the road seems so slippery that people driving vechiles have to slow down in case of falling over. Given the road situation, I decide to walk to my working place which is about five minutes riding from my home. After I finish my breakfast, I change my cloth immediately and wear a scarf and a mask to avoid the cold. As soon as I step outside, a cold wind is blowing over my face and I cannot help trembling. I honestly think it will be a bitter walking for the icy road and dreadfully low temperature. However, the truth is that I don’t feel cold at all after a quick walking for several meters. Actually, my feet are warmer than any time my feet were when I rode to work. On my way to work, I see lots of people gte off their motorcycle to walk for the sake of safety. People who share the same thought as mine are all wrapped in thick clothes and they walk quickly to keep warm. I bet they don’t feel any cold. On the road, I try to remember the last time I was out for a walk in early morning. It was three years ago when I was a freshmen and our college had so-called morning exercises which every new college student must participate in. At that time, I had to set my alarm clock at 6:30 a.m and fold my quilt well before going to the morning exercises. In winter, the morning exercise was running around the playground for five circles, which is so hard that most students were out of breath at the end of running. I felt the same way at first but with increasing times of running, I became used to it and I felt I was refreshed sfter the running. It was really a good habiat, which could not only keep us from forming a bad habit of being lazy but also help build up our health both physically and mentally. However, when I became sophemore, I give up such a good habit because of my weak willpower and self-control. Getting up in a cold winter morning is not an easy job as you had to encourage yourself to get out of your warm quilt. Everytime I made a determination that I would get up early to run the next day and I set the alarm clock accordingly, but the result was always not what I expected. This was the samll regret I had in college. Regret happens everywhere, the only thing that matters most is to minimize regrets as such. When we do something regretfully, we ought realize it and make sure this will not happen next time and that is what you can control.It is a cold day and the walk does bring me a lot of beautiful memories in college and the past. How time flies, but let bygones be bygones. Today is what I should focus on. No matter how “cold” the future will be, I still choose to believe instead of indulging in the past. Remember: live today, hope for tomorrow.


A dilemma


In my parent’s traditional view, a girl should find a stable job which starts at 9:oo a.m and finishes at 5:00 p.m so that she can have more opinions in choosing a better husband and have more time to take care of her family. But, the questions are that a job like that is limited and job is not the only criterion to chose the right person. So, many girls are forced by their parents to come home after graduation and find a ralatively stable job with slender salary. Girl is also faced with a dilemma to decide whether they should choose to fight in big cities with jobs more challanging than home or they should follow their parents’ wishes to come home to find a stable job and marry at an appropriate age. So, how they choose their life path is of great importance as it is hard to find a satisfactory way to balance home and carrer. Once they have made their choice, there is little room for regret.I, as one of those girls, always ask myself the question-----Is it right to choose a stable job at such young age? shall I push myself a little bit to do a more challenging job? Sometimes, you are kind of lost yourself . The last minute you feel right about yourself and then you start second guess about yourself. This is a very upsetting condition which needs to be kept from. I deeply know that and at this moment, I really should calm myself down and think clear what I want most as you are the one who can decide your life andd make the lfe be the way you want it to be. Just think twice before action. A little boldness is definetly a necessity.


When faced with big tests, people can’t help feeling nervous as they put too much emphasis on results. Although we tell ourselves it is just a test and that we should accept it with normal attitude, the truth is that our heart still beats fast. Nervousness is the first enemy we have to fight in order to get satisfactory result.I took a test for driving license yesterday and the process is a torment. I went there very early in the moring and I started waiting for the test time along with other three people who are in the same driving schools with me. As the day was very cold and we had to wait outside, we felt that we were trembling( part of the reason is nervousness). I could not remmember how I got through those excruciating time. All I konw is that my lips are constantly trembling and that I can’t find a way to calm myself down. The whole moring was spent on waiting and then we were taken to the dining hall to have lunch, which was not hot. I have to eat more to replenish the energy lost in the moring for the coming test. After the lunch, we still had to wait and luckily an hour later, I saw my name on the big screen which dispalys the status of the test. I finally got a seat to sit down and saw the name rolling on the screen. At this moment, I felt my heart was pounding and hardly could I control my mindset. As my name got closer to the test waiting zone, I felt more nervous and then when my name jumped to the testing zone, I held the thought I could not avoid the test for better or worse and that no matter what the result would be, you at least tried. Therefore, I touched my heart and told to myself that would be fine. As soon as I got on the car and heard the sound “the exam began”, I was not in a hurry to begin. Instead, I took a deep breath and I adjusted my seat to ensure that my preparation work was perfect, then I began to focus the several points that I need to do in the test and the result was very positive. After this test, I felt a load off my mind.Then it came the “four-subject test” for driving license, as the first test gave me much confidence, I handle the “four-subject test” with less stress, so I did not focus too much and I failed. As the whole test offers you two chances, so I was left with only one chance, make or break. I was again beset by my nervousness. So, I stopped to look back where I made the mistake, then I started to go and this time I became more careful and get control of my speed. In the end, I herad a sound “You passed the test ”, I felt nothing but excited. Thanks to my luck and my proper mindset adjustment, I succeed. Though I had to return to where the first test was held to re-exam, I dealt with it with the same method and similar mindset. See, how important to adjust your mentality before big tests. If I hadn’t face it with appropriate methods to regulate my mood, chances are that I failed in the second round. Therefore, we ought to bear in mind that fear is something we can curb with right methods and that we can not let the nervousness defeat us, we should give ourselves positive encouragements and some time to relax our strain. The time you feel you shake off your excessive nervousness is the time when you can breakthrough yourself. Never should you underestimate the power brought by mentality adjustment.