

We just think we have worked hard and tried our best
2016-07-11 I truly believe that people with enterprising spirit would go all out to achieve their goals and make themselves become someone they expect, which is very encouraging and upbeat. However, in reality, many of them who never stop their steps of chasing end up making no obvious progress. How and Why does this happen?
It is common to see some people around us work so hard, even work overtime daily to complete the task assigned by their boss. They may browse a lot of websites or forums to enrich themselves, but after a certain time, they still feel that they hardly make any progress in their work. Are all the hard work in vain? what is the point of working hard?
In some phase of our life, we often doubt ourselves about our ability. we tend to believe that ability can be compensated by our later diligence. So, we are eager to learn new and useful things to fulfill each day. We keep learning and absorb knowledge that is unfaimilar and beyond what we can accept at present. But, do we ask ourselves a question----Are we really enriched after seeing so much information?
It seems that we are busy every day and 100% concentrate on our work. Does that mean we work very hard? Most of us konw that we cannnot memorize so much information in just few days, sometimes, a minor knowledge point is likely to take you a large amount of time delve into. If you just emphasize on the amount of information you adsorb, you will get nowhere after a day of hard work, which may result in our increasing confusion of our ability.
Therefore, we are not supposed to implant a fake thought into our minds that we have worked hard and that we have tried our best. Hard work is not determined by the time we devote in, instead, we shall realize that we should make a plan first and make progress step by step through actual hard work.


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