

Walking to work in a snowy day
2016-01-23 Yangzhou has witnessed a dramatic decrease in temperature in recent days and yesterday it embraced a medium snow. The snow was not that intense but it lasted for a whole night. When I wake up this moring, the roofs across my apartment are covered with white snow and the road seems so slippery that people driving vechiles have to slow down in case of falling over. Given the road situation, I decide to walk to my working place which is about five minutes riding from my home. After I finish my breakfast, I change my cloth immediately and wear a scarf and a mask to avoid the cold. As soon as I step outside, a cold wind is blowing over my face and I cannot help trembling. I honestly think it will be a bitter walking for the icy road and dreadfully low temperature. However, the truth is that I don’t feel cold at all after a quick walking for several meters. Actually, my feet are warmer than any time my feet were when I rode to work. On my way to work, I see lots of people gte off their motorcycle to walk for the sake of safety. People who share the same thought as mine are all wrapped in thick clothes and they walk quickly to keep warm. I bet they don’t feel any cold.
On the road, I try to remember the last time I was out for a walk in early morning. It was three years ago when I was a freshmen and our college had so-called morning exercises which every new college student must participate in. At that time, I had to set my alarm clock at 6:30 a.m and fold my quilt well before going to the morning exercises. In winter, the morning exercise was running around the playground for five circles, which is so hard that most students were out of breath at the end of running. I felt the same way at first but with increasing times of running, I became used to it and I felt I was refreshed sfter the running. It was really a good habiat, which could not only keep us from forming a bad habit of being lazy but also help build up our health both physically and mentally. However, when I became sophemore, I give up such a good habit because of my weak willpower and self-control. Getting up in a cold winter morning is not an easy job as you had to encourage yourself to get out of your warm quilt. Everytime I made a determination that I would get up early to run the next day and I set the alarm clock accordingly, but the result was always not what I expected. This was the samll regret I had in college. Regret happens everywhere, the only thing that matters most is to minimize regrets as such. When we do something regretfully, we ought realize it and make sure this will not happen next time and that is what you can control.
It is a cold day and the walk does bring me a lot of beautiful memories in college and the past. How time flies, but let bygones be bygones. Today is what I should focus on. No matter how “cold” the future will be, I still choose to believe instead of indulging in the past. Remember: live today, hope for tomorrow.


JCQ 2016-01-29 08:29

Sorry, you have to see in this way. I did not realize it until the pictures I inserted were already successfully uploaded on the website. Next time, I will pay attention.

Igo 2016-01-26 12:01

I tilted my neck 90 degrees in order to see your pictures of snow view. So, thanks a lot!