

New Year Resolutions
2017-01-06 Wow, time really flies! 2016 is past, 2017 is coming. A new year, a new start.
I still remembered that last year I wrote down my new year resolutions here and now here I am writing a new one. I think it is meaningful to conclude what you have done in the past year and make constructive plans in a new year. I really enjoy the process of writing.
In 2015, I made some plans for my 2016 and when I read the plans again, I feel how earnest I was at that time. Seeing all the plans I listed and looking back the road I had taken, I can see that I failed some of my plans and I also have achieved some. So there are still some regrets left. I always wonder why we cannot make up for all the losses in our life though we have tried with all our might. Sometimes, it is hard to accept that we fell short of our expectations and our life did not turn out the way we had hoped. Then, What would we do next? To continue complaining about how unfair life is or to stick to work hard till the day when all you want are realized. The answer is obvious to everyone but I know it is not that easy and you must have a strong mind to convince yourself to go ahead whatever it takes. That is the point of making plans so that you will not feel perplexed. The goals you set for yourself can guide you to the right track. Here are the goals I set for my 2017 and I hope I can finish most of them.
1 Losing weight. There is never a time that girls feel they are slim, which is really true. I put on 6 pounds last year so I really want to get back to my original figure. It is also a good way to push me to do more exercises. After a long day hard work, I feel so tired physically that I am reluctant to go outside to have exercises. Good health is premise of everything. So, in order to keep fit, I need to work out and lose some weight.
There is also another personal reason that I want to lose weight, that is I want to have a smaller face.
2 Wish to have a romantic relationship. Last year, I just ended a realtionship and went thrugh a bad time. Refreshed and changed, I look forward to a new relationship, but I decide to take my time and never rush to get somewhere. Deep down inside, I believe destiny. Finding someone who shares similar outlooks on life,world as well as value to you is very important for a relationship.
3 Wish to get all the certificates I want. Experience and social relations are important in contemporary world. Though I am like a freshman in my job and had no social relations to employ, the only thing left for me is to work hard and enrich myself. I have to make sure that I am making progress instead of falling behind. So, I am ready to accept all the challenges and try to be better in a new year.
These are my small goals in 2017 and I hope in 2008 I can conclude 2007 a perfect year.


voice_cd 2017-01-11 08:37

thanks for sharing it here, we have highlighted it.