

Mentality is very important
2016-01-08 When faced with big tests, people can’t help feeling nervous as they put too much emphasis on results. Although we tell ourselves it is just a test and that we should accept it with normal attitude, the truth is that our heart still beats fast. Nervousness is the first enemy we have to fight in order to get satisfactory result.
I took a test for driving license yesterday and the process is a torment. I went there very early in the moring and I started waiting for the test time along with other three people who are in the same driving schools with me. As the day was very cold and we had to wait outside, we felt that we were trembling( part of the reason is nervousness). I could not remmember how I got through those excruciating time. All I konw is that my lips are constantly trembling and that I can’t find a way to calm myself down. The whole moring was spent on waiting and then we were taken to the dining hall to have lunch, which was not hot. I have to eat more to replenish the energy lost in the moring for the coming test. After the lunch, we still had to wait and luckily an hour later, I saw my name on the big screen which dispalys the status of the test. I finally got a seat to sit down and saw the name rolling on the screen. At this moment, I felt my heart was pounding and hardly could I control my mindset. As my name got closer to the test waiting zone, I felt more nervous and then when my name jumped to the testing zone, I held the thought I could not avoid the test for better or worse and that no matter what the result would be, you at least tried. Therefore, I touched my heart and told to myself that would be fine.
As soon as I got on the car and heard the sound “the exam began”, I was not in a hurry to begin. Instead, I took a deep breath and I adjusted my seat to ensure that my preparation work was perfect, then I began to focus the several points that I need to do in the test and the result was very positive. After this test, I felt a load off my mind.
Then it came the “four-subject test” for driving license, as the first test gave me much confidence, I handle the “four-subject test” with less stress, so I did not focus too much and I failed. As the whole test offers you two chances, so I was left with only one chance, make or break. I was again beset by my nervousness. So, I stopped to look back where I made the mistake, then I started to go and this time I became more careful and get control of my speed. In the end, I herad a sound “You passed the test ”, I felt nothing but excited. Thanks to my luck and my proper mindset adjustment, I succeed. Though I had to return to where the first test was held to re-exam, I dealt with it with the same method and similar mindset.
See, how important to adjust your mentality before big tests. If I hadn’t face it with appropriate methods to regulate my mood, chances are that I failed in the second round. Therefore, we ought to bear in mind that fear is something we can curb with right methods and that we can not let the nervousness defeat us, we should give ourselves positive encouragements and some time to relax our strain. The time you feel you shake off your excessive nervousness is the time when you can breakthrough yourself. Never should you underestimate the power brought by mentality adjustment.


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