

Always remembering to have a good heart and be honest
2016-12-12 In contemporary society, there are so many temptations that people cannot resist,especially temptations related to money. It is true that money is an integral part in our daily life and a lot of things can be solved by money, but does it mean that we should go after it no matter ehat it takes? The answer is defintely no, Money does give us access to all the goods of high class and guarantees happiness to some extent, but if the obsession with money has gone too far, it can lead people to do something they are not proud of, which in my opinion, is inadvisable. Do not let the money turn yourself into someone you do not know, you ought to be honest and have a crystal clear mind.
People who are in the field of sales are often thought of as sophisticated and tactful and they tend to focus on their own profit as their salary has a lot to do with their sales performance. so, there exists a deep water in the area. However, to have a good heart and being honest are the basics applying to every aspect of life. We shall have a good heart and be honest no matter what field we are in. Some people may get their way by using some mean methods, but you should not change though you are in a complex world.
Having good heart is actually very easy, just remember that if you treat other people with good heart, people will feel that and they will think you are decent and honest. In my view, people are born good. Do not think the worst side of people. Of course, there are some people who do not think this way( some think people are born evil, so they are on alert to others, which are understandable because people are independent unity, everyone has their own way of thinking) but it does not matter as you cannot change the toughts of other people, you can be who you really are.
A good heart person can bring people around him nothing but easiness, you do not need to spend a lot of time figuring out what kind of person he or she is, his or her behavior and manners towards life reveal himeself or herself naturally. A lot of things can be fake but a good heart is sincere and genuine, which is so valuable.
So, having a good heart at any time and staying honest, life will be packed with brightness and hppiness.


Ada_LYF 2016-12-13 10:38

Be a good heart and honest person can bring those people around you with brightless and happiness.