

A dilemma
2016-01-18 In my parent’s traditional view, a girl should find a stable job which starts at 9:oo a.m and finishes at 5:00 p.m so that she can have more opinions in choosing a better husband and have more time to take care of her family. But, the questions are that a job like that is limited and job is not the only criterion to chose the right person. So, many girls are forced by their parents to come home after graduation and find a ralatively stable job with slender salary.
Girl is also faced with a dilemma to decide whether they should choose to fight in big cities with jobs more challanging than home or they should follow their parents’ wishes to come home to find a stable job and marry at an appropriate age. So, how they choose their life path is of great importance as it is hard to find a satisfactory way to balance home and carrer. Once they have made their choice, there is little room for regret.
I, as one of those girls, always ask myself the question-----Is it right to choose a stable job at such young age? shall I push myself a little bit to do a more challenging job? Sometimes, you are kind of lost yourself . The last minute you feel right about yourself and then you start second guess about yourself. This is a very upsetting condition which needs to be kept from. I deeply know that and at this moment, I really should calm myself down and think clear what I want most as you are the one who can decide your life andd make the lfe be the way you want it to be. Just think twice before action. A little boldness is definetly a necessity.


宁檬 2016-01-19 09:30

Always stick to what you really want. Eventually you'll find age or stability for a girl is not that important as you thought. Try as hard as you can when you're young.

JCQ 2016-01-19 08:26

Thanks for you reply and advice. I do need some encourgement from others as getting out my comfot zone is not that easy. I will try my best not to regret someday in the future.

宁檬 2016-01-18 14:00

So long as you think twice about the choices for your future, it means you already got an answer of yourself. What you need is more approval and encouragement from other people. Why not just take some risks at choosing a more challenging job? Better experiencing it now than regreting it some day in the future.