

Visit to Nan Jing


Among my experiences to different tourist attractions, this time impressed me the most. <div>Firstly, I have to say that Nan Jing deserves to be called the ancient capital for as the time my friend and me got off the train, the buildings with ancient charm heaved in our eyes and made us feel unforgettable. Although it was not the first time for me to take the subway, it was really exciting to buy subway tickets in a total strange place. Before I got to there, I hade browsed the internet to find some useful information. Most people said that it is really worthy taking the Nan Jing subway because of its special ticket . The Nan Jing subway ticket is a round blue circle with words on it. I really want to keep it to be a memory but I did not do that. If everyone does that, it must be a great pressure to Nan Jing government. </div><div>We paired visit to some typical spots in Nan Jing such as The Nanjing presidential palace, Mochou Lake, Xuanwu Lake, Confucius Temple and Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall. The reason I chose to visit Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hallwas that everyone who had visited that place would feel down with anxiety. So did my friend and me. There is a sentence on the wall"the crime could be forgiven but never be forgotten". As a Chinese person, we should keep this in mind forever. </div><div>The happiest time for me is rather than eating and shopping. At night, my friend and I walked in the street of Confucius Temple. The view along the Qin Huai river is gorgeous. The cate on the street is really attracting and the souvenir shop was crowded by visitors. As a foodie and hungry shopper, I nearly ate all the kinds of cate and bought a lot of souvenirs. If you happen to have any chance to visit this beautiful city, it must be a good choice for you. </div><div>Although it was an exciting visit, it also made me exhausted for I nearly walked five thousands miles. If you want to have a relaxing trip, it is necessary to prepare it in advance. By the way, Nanjing city does have so many visitors. On my guess, it is not less than people in Beijing. </div><div>Wish all you have a good time.</div>


It is common for everyone who had ever been heart by someone you love. How do you deal with your feelings when things like these happened?<div>Yesterday, my ex-boyfriend phoned me and chatted with me over half an hour. At the beginning, I did not intent to answer his phone because I think couples cannot be friends since they break up. But he believes that we could be friends. We have talked a lot on the phone from the study to our daily life. Then he asked me if I had found a new boyfriend. At that moment, I was restless and had nothing to say. Half a year has passed since our break up in last year. I never expect that one day he could phone me and talk to me in this way. I remembered that the day when we broke up, I cried like a idiot and nearly begged him not to do this to me. But he just said we were not fit for each other. After a burst of crying, I told myself to cheer up and proved to him that I could live better without him. Thus I began to run everyday to keep my body. Besides, I read more books and paid much attention to my studies. The god always blesses the one who has paid his efforts. I got the first place in the final examination among our class. I got a healthy and thin figure. There is always a voice in my deep heart keeping telling that I could do better, everything is gonna to be better. Since our break up, we never meet each other or contact each other in our free time. He was no longer my QQ friends, because I expelled his name as soon as possible. I do not know what his real intention is, but I do know that he must regretted what he has done in the lady days. Although I have feelings for him even after he has done this terrible things to me, I chose a wise way to answer him. I did not say yes or no,<span style="line-height: 1.8em;">but I said that it is none of your</span></div><div><span style="line-height: 1.8em;"> business. He said he knew what I meant and would call me next time when he misses me. At last, he said if I could give him a hug, I said no with firm tone. Then he ended the phone with low voice and sad feelings.</span></div><div>After hung up the phone, I was wondering if I had done something wrong. If any of you is settled in this situation, what would you do?</div>


To help or not help


One hour ago, when I was walking down the street with my friend, we met a beggar man begging to the passerby. Though it was a little dark on the road, we can clearly saw that he had no legs. Out of mercy, I gave him all the change that I had. After we walked a long distance, my friend told me not to do such thing next time. I was confused why would she said that, for she was always a warmhearted a person in everyone's mind. Then I asked her why. She told me that many people were not really that poor. The only reason for these people to beg for money is that they are too lazy to earn money by their own. As that fact that I have heard this from others, I was shocked that these words came out of her mouth. Maybe the word or the people live in this world make the world the way it looks like. <div> It also reminds me of one of the news in my blog. It is said that a young girl who pretended to be a high school student begged for money on the street. Unfortunately, she came across an urban inspector who used to be a student majored in science. He put forward a easy mathematics problem to the so called high school student, but she could not answer it. At last, she ran as rapidly as her feet would move. This example happened to explain that there are so many fake beggars who make living by obtaining mercy from strange people. This kind of thing is not what we are expecting. When we give a helping hand to these people, we want to help them as much as we can so that they can get rid of this poor and terrible situation. On the contrary, they get used to accepting money few May miss the chance to help people who are in in urgent need. And then, we may feel guilty of not helping them. What a hard decision to make, don't think so. doing anything, thus things get much worser than any time. The whole world would be influenced by this environment. What's worse, for those people who really need help ,they might be regarded as bad people. </div><div> We are now in an awkward situation. When we see people who are calling for help on the street, we could hesitate for a while before we give money to them even though we are eager to do this deep in our heart. We must take the cheating into consideration. During the period of thinking, we </div><div><br></div>


It is a great day worthy being remembered. I get a part time job in an educational organization as an English tutor. As a college student majoring in English, I always wanted to get a job like this. The main task of this job is to teach some basic knowledge to these adults who want to improve themselves by learning a little English. As the development of the world economy, English has become increasingly important than ever before. Thus, more and more people want to enter the mainstream of English which gives a business opportunity for these organizations who could make a big amount of money by providing family education. Of course, it is beneficial to those people who need it. It also reminds me of the experience of choosing my major after the college entrance examination. It is mainly because I love English. The first time I get to know English owned to my master in junior school. He is a interesting person who did his best to teach knowledge with amusing ways. It turned out to be an excellent method for I had mostly remembered the grammar what he taught me even when I was in high school. It was him who triggers my interest to English. I like reciting English vocabulary even not for an examination, I like reading English novels and I like speaking English. In the subway station in Beijing, every time I had a chance, I would talk to foreigners in order to improve my oral English. Like the old saying goes, providence does not let down a man who does his best. I had got my efforts paid off. And I want to say I never regret choosing English as my major in college even English has become the top ten majors which could hardly lead to a decent job. I treat English as my best friend, so I would never give it up even facing problems. It would be wonderful if I could live the rest of my life with accompany of English. The song “friend” sang by Zhou Huajian (周华健) is lingering in my mind. How wonderful it is. So, my dear friend, are you ready to open the world of English with me with full of enthusiasm?


“Nothing can make you a truly woman than doing housework”, my roommate answered this to me when I asked her why she is always washing. Unquestionable, women are born to serve to their family and this great world. For a long time, my dream is to become an able woman who is highly intelligent and familiar with everything. Even worse, I would laugh at those men who are timid and overcautious. Until yesterday a thing has changed my view. Before meeting her current fiancé, my cousin was a girl who just thought the same as me. When asked what kind of man she wanted, she was always smiling and answered like this “since I am a female with strong power, I must find w person who is strong enough to control me”. And I would tease at her after hearing this. It turned out to be that she picked up a man with gentle and meek temple. As a result, she became a little woman who is willing to attach herself to her man. The ambitious goals for her future career ended in smoke, what she wanted to be are a woman who can accompany with her husband at any time. There is no doubt that the power of love is beyond estimation. It occurs to me that if I would change my mind in the future when I meet my Mr. Right. However, being an understanding wife and loving mother is no easy job, the first thing must be came across is cooking. I knew nothing about cooking even I was already over 18years old. I ever heard that at my parents’ age, I was already a mother of several kids. What a big change of our society! Anyway, I decided to learn cooking. At first I thought it must be difficult for me, but it turns out to be easy as long as you can follow the steps one by one. The dishes are like clowns who are disposed by magicians. And you are the magician. A sense of amazement and satisfaction filled me when I saw the whole table of dishes that I have cooked. No matter what they tasted, I feel proud of myself. They are the fruit of my efforts. By the way, they are really delicious. But I have to say there is a long way to go before I am qualified to be a good wife. I am working on it!braised fish in brown saucefried rice cake in Chinese stylemy work with great efforts