

To help or not help
2014-05-14 One hour ago, when I was walking down the street with my friend, we met a beggar man begging to the passerby. Though it was a little dark on the road, we can clearly saw that he had no legs. Out of mercy, I gave him all the change that I had. After we walked a long distance, my friend told me not to do such thing next time. I was confused why would she said that, for she was always a warmhearted a person in everyone's mind. Then I asked her why. She told me that many people were not really that poor. The only reason for these people to beg for money is that they are too lazy to earn money by their own. As that fact that I have heard this from others, I was shocked that these words came out of her mouth. Maybe the word or the people live in this world make the world the way it looks like. <div> It also reminds me of one of the news in my blog. It is said that a young girl who pretended to be a high school student begged for money on the street. Unfortunately, she came across an urban inspector who used to be a student majored in science. He put forward a easy mathematics problem to the so called high school student, but she could not answer it. At last, she ran as rapidly as her feet would move. This example happened to explain that there are so many fake beggars who make living by obtaining mercy from strange people. This kind of thing is not what we are expecting. When we give a helping hand to these people, we want to help them as much as we can so that they can get rid of this poor and terrible situation. On the contrary, they get used to accepting money few May miss the chance to help people who are in in urgent need. And then, we may feel guilty of not helping them. What a hard decision to make, don't think so. doing anything, thus things get much worser than any time. The whole world would be influenced by this environment. What's worse, for those people who really need help ,they might be regarded as bad people. </div><div> We are now in an awkward situation. When we see people who are calling for help on the street, we could hesitate for a while before we give money to them even though we are eager to do this deep in our heart. We must take the cheating into consideration. During the period of thinking, we </div><div><br></div>


ColinSpeakman 2014-05-16 16:04

That is telling! Someone hungry refuses food, even others refuse a worn but usable coat offered. Of course food will help their hunger but it has be be consumed there and then. They want money because that is their JOB... To collect money for the master.  As others said, they are sometimes forced into it. It is very sad but a nasty aspect of society.

ExileMick 2014-05-16 15:55

I have sat in an open air cafe and been approached by a beggar. I offered food but they refused, they wanted money. I refused to give money. I won't give money to anyone who I judge as being fit enough to work e.g. they could collect plastic for recycling. 

I have also seen some people with terrible disfigurements.They were incapable of work. I didn't mind giving them something.

serenitywnj 2014-05-16 15:46

Your words remind me of the street girls who sold flowers to every passersby. it is said these girls are served to some cruial boss who forced them to sell certain number of flowers. If they faile, they could not go home or get the tiny money. In some other situations, these girls are sold by their parents to give the debt money. what a miserable phenomenon. Just as you say, what we can do is to help people as much as we can .

serenitywnj 2014-05-16 15:41

so you agree with my friend's opinion? that is we should not give too much help to those people who are not reall that poor? thanks for your sharing informaion with us. By the way, I was so sorry that  I can not see what you are referring to for the first time.  

ColinSpeakman 2014-05-16 14:30

There is a famous saying: Give a person some fish, and you feed them for a day. Give a person a fishing rod and net and you teach them how to feed themselves for life! Very true, but the person replies.. If someone is giving me fish everyday, why the heck should I bother going to the trouble of fishing?  

ColinSpeakman 2014-05-16 14:08

I think Mick answered it well, but the reference clothes reminded me of something. I visited Cuba twice (I already posted on this admirable country) . Many people there are poor but they have pride! A guy may only have one suit and it may have a few parts stitched and repaired, but he wears it every day to show he has some pride and look the best he can. When a poor person dresses down too much, there may be a reason. If the kind hearted are doing good for that person, then at China prices, 100 rmb, never mind 1000 rmb is enough to buy a cleaner set of basic clothes. The fact that the next day the beggar turns up shoddy looking as ever makes me think that most of the money goes to someone else controlling this beggar! That is sad. Yes let's help in homeless hostels serving food, in soup kitchens, in places where our time and our money can be seen to do good, not to line the pockets of wicked deceivers!

ExileMick 2014-05-16 11:12

Read it again. The point is that the woman is a professional beggar, a leech in society that preys on the sympathies of good people. She is given more money than many people can honestly earn. She wears old clothes to convince people that she really needs help but she lies.

serenitywnj 2014-05-16 11:07

I was wondering what the point of your story here?

ExileMick 2014-05-16 00:49

I watched a woman begging in the street. Her clothes were tired and scruffy, her shoes were almost worn out. I observed her as she pleaded with almost everyone passing by to please help her. Within an hour, she had collected almost 100 RMB. I continued watching her and she was given more by strangers who really believed that she was desperate yet she was, probably, receiving more money per hour than most of her benefactors plus she didn't have the responsibility of working for a business. 

Using the amount that I saw her collect as an average, I reasoned that she was making around 1,000 yuan or more each day yet, the following day, she was back again. Her clothes were tired and scruffy, her shoes were almost worn out ...............

serenitywnj 2014-05-15 23:25

But we all know it is not easy to teach somebody living skills or find a job. And it is not proper to talk everyone we met. On the other hand, you have provided some good choices.