

Poor sidewalk
2014-05-15 Early in today, when I finished my dinner and was on the way to my job, I found a strange thing which made me annoyed. The sidewalk was crowded with electro mobile and bicycles who are waiting for red lights. Those are people who are eager to across the street and went home to see their wife or husband. What I want to say is that this kind of behavior has badly influenced our normal life of walkers. The sidewalk is designed to bring the pedestrians convince and safety. If the sidewalk is occupied by vehicles, how could the pedestrian feel safe when walking on the street. This thing is so Chinese, as long as one person did it, there might be millions of followers no matter what bad the thing is. Take the red light for example. Some people would across the street by seeing no cars on the road even the traffic light is red. Then, other people who saw this would follow his step. As a result, more and more people would did the same thing. It is really dangerous to do that and would cause much inconvenience to the drivers. So, if you ever ran the red light by accident, do not do it again for your life's sake. And if your vehicle is occupying the sidewalk because of your eagerness to go home, do not do it again for the god's sake. We live in a harmony world which need to be maintained by every member of this world. We all the people should do our best to make this world much better.<div><br></div>


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