

something about your ex-
2014-05-24 It is common for everyone who had ever been heart by someone you love. How do you deal with your feelings when things like these happened?<div>Yesterday, my ex-boyfriend phoned me and chatted with me over half an hour. At the beginning, I did not intent to answer his phone because I think couples cannot be friends since they break up. But he believes that we could be friends. We have talked a lot on the phone from the study to our daily life. Then he asked me if I had found a new boyfriend. At that moment, I was restless and had nothing to say. Half a year has passed since our break up in last year. I never expect that one day he could phone me and talk to me in this way. I remembered that the day when we broke up, I cried like a idiot and nearly begged him not to do this to me. But he just said we were not fit for each other. After a burst of crying, I told myself to cheer up and proved to him that I could live better without him. Thus I began to run everyday to keep my body. Besides, I read more books and paid much attention to my studies. The god always blesses the one who has paid his efforts. I got the first place in the final examination among our class. I got a healthy and thin figure. There is always a voice in my deep heart keeping telling that I could do better, everything is gonna to be better. Since our break up, we never meet each other or contact each other in our free time. He was no longer my QQ friends, because I expelled his name as soon as possible. I do not know what his real intention is, but I do know that he must regretted what he has done in the lady days. Although I have feelings for him even after he has done this terrible things to me, I chose a wise way to answer him. I did not say yes or no,<span style="line-height: 1.8em;">but I said that it is none of your</span></div><div><span style="line-height: 1.8em;"> business. He said he knew what I meant and would call me next time when he misses me. At last, he said if I could give him a hug, I said no with firm tone. Then he ended the phone with low voice and sad feelings.</span></div><div>After hung up the phone, I was wondering if I had done something wrong. If any of you is settled in this situation, what would you do?</div>


serenitywnj 2014-05-25 22:08

It sounds a great idea. But we all know that sometimes we can  not do things in our own control. If I can not help missing me, how should I do?

财神 2014-05-25 20:57

nobody is perfect, all can do mistake. without arrogance you can have chatting with him.but keep your distance and balance giving space if you don't want him again. how is my suggestion?