

To my best friend---English

It is a great day worthy being remembered. I get a part time job in an educational organization as an English tutor. As a college student majoring in English, I always wanted to get a job like this. The main task of this job is to teach some basic knowledge to these adults who want to improve themselves by learning a little English. As the development of the world economy, English has become increasingly important than ever before. Thus, more and more people want to enter the mainstream of English which gives a business opportunity for these organizations who could make a big amount of money by providing family education. Of course, it is beneficial to those people who need it.

It also reminds me of the experience of choosing my major after the college entrance examination. It is mainly because I love English. The first time I get to know English owned to my master in junior school. He is a interesting person who did his best to teach knowledge with amusing ways. It turned out to be an excellent method for I had mostly remembered the grammar what he taught me even when I was in high school. It was him who triggers my interest to English. I like reciting English vocabulary even not for an examination, I like reading English novels and I like speaking English. In the subway station in Beijing, every time I had a chance, I would talk to foreigners in order to improve my oral English.

Like the old saying goes, providence does not let down a man who does his best. I had got my efforts paid off. And I want to say I never regret choosing English as my major in college even English has become the top ten majors which could hardly lead to a decent job. I treat English as my best friend, so I would never give it up even facing problems. It would be wonderful if I could live the rest of my life with accompany of English. The song “friend” sang by Zhou Huajian (周华健) is lingering in my mind. How wonderful it is. So, my dear friend, are you ready to open the world of English with me with full of enthusiasm?


serenitywnj 2014-05-14 21:38


ColinSpeakman 2014-05-12 14:10

Congratulations! You are embarking on the important journey of helping locals learn or improve English. Best of luck!