

what a meaningful day
“Nothing can make you a truly woman than doing housework”, my roommate answered this to me when I asked her why she is always washing. Unquestionable, women are born to serve to their family and this great world. For a long time, my dream is to become an able woman who is highly intelligent and familiar with everything. Even worse, I would laugh at those men who are timid and overcautious. Until yesterday a thing has changed my view. Before meeting her current fiancé, my cousin was a girl who just thought the same as me. When asked what kind of man she wanted, she was always smiling and answered like this since I am a female with strong power, I must find w person who is strong enough to control me. And I would tease at her after hearing this. It turned out to be that she picked up a man with gentle and meek temple. As a result, she became a little woman who is willing to attach herself to her man. The ambitious goals for her future career ended in smoke, what she wanted to be are a woman who can accompany with her husband at any time. There is no doubt that the power of love is beyond estimation. It occurs to me that if I would change my mind in the future when I meet my Mr. Right. However, being an understanding wife and loving mother is no easy job, the first thing must be came across is cooking. I knew nothing about cooking even I was already over 18years old. I ever heard that at my parents’ age, I was already a mother of several kids. What a big change of our society! Anyway, I decided to learn cooking. At first I thought it must be difficult for me, but it turns out to be easy as long as you can follow the steps one by one. The dishes are like clowns who are disposed by magicians. And you are the magician. A sense of amazement and satisfaction filled me when I saw the whole table of dishes that I have cooked. No matter what they tasted, I feel proud of myself. They are the fruit of my efforts. By the way, they are really delicious. But I have to say there is a long way to go before I am qualified to be a good wife. I am working on it!

braised fish in brown sauce

fried rice cake in Chinese style

my work with great efforts


serenitywnj 2014-04-26 19:56

you get a deep understanding of Chinese customs for women. thanks for your comment. I have learnt a lot from your words.

tedbrent 2014-04-25 17:17

I don't think you have to be a conformist or yes wife  for your would-be huband; instead,  it would be wise for you to be yourself for your own good.  In fairness, a girl or woman  living in China faces a  scabrous   choice  between becoming a toe-the-line wife or maintaining her own indivituality, since conventional wisdom has it women are secondary to men in terms of social standing  in China.  And time was when Chinese  wives were told to abide by  some strict and asinine  moral principles , say,三从5德, 男女授受不亲 and 嫁鸡随鸡嫁狗随狗;  any deviation from such so-called social norms would take flak from the general public.

tedbrent 2014-04-25 16:46

Don't tell that to libbers. They just can't wait to eat your lunch. 

seanboyce88 2014-04-24 18:33

Are you jainist per chance?

serenitywnj 2014-04-24 15:54

do you eat pork?

财神 2014-04-24 15:44

I don't eat neither alive, nor Dead 

serenitywnj 2014-04-24 12:29

I do not need a man to control me, but I nees a man who cares about me and loves me.  we can be equal partenrs in sme degree.

serenitywnj 2014-04-24 12:27

maybe it is right for everyoe, but in my opinion, I do think so. My mother gets up ealier every day to prepare the breakfastfor my father,then she needs to do washing and cleaning the house. she never comlained it.  In her mind, she beleives that women are slaves to the men. perhaps I am influenced by my mother.

serenitywnj 2014-04-24 12:24


serenitywnj 2014-04-24 12:24

it doesn't matter. But I have to ask , haven't you ever eaten a dead animal?