

Visit to Nan Jing
2014-05-27 Among my experiences to different tourist attractions, this time impressed me the most. <div>Firstly, I have to say that Nan Jing deserves to be called the ancient capital for as the time my friend and me got off the train, the buildings with ancient charm heaved in our eyes and made us feel unforgettable. Although it was not the first time for me to take the subway, it was really exciting to buy subway tickets in a total strange place. Before I got to there, I hade browsed the internet to find some useful information. Most people said that it is really worthy taking the Nan Jing subway because of its special ticket . The Nan Jing subway ticket is a round blue circle with words on it. I really want to keep it to be a memory but I did not do that. If everyone does that, it must be a great pressure to Nan Jing government. </div><div>We paired visit to some typical spots in Nan Jing such as The Nanjing presidential palace, Mochou Lake, Xuanwu Lake, Confucius Temple and Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall. The reason I chose to visit Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hallwas that everyone who had visited that place would feel down with anxiety. So did my friend and me. There is a sentence on the wall"the crime could be forgiven but never be forgotten". As a Chinese person, we should keep this in mind forever. </div><div>The happiest time for me is rather than eating and shopping. At night, my friend and I walked in the street of Confucius Temple. The view along the Qin Huai river is gorgeous. The cate on the street is really attracting and the souvenir shop was crowded by visitors. As a foodie and hungry shopper, I nearly ate all the kinds of cate and bought a lot of souvenirs. If you happen to have any chance to visit this beautiful city, it must be a good choice for you. </div><div>Although it was an exciting visit, it also made me exhausted for I nearly walked five thousands miles. If you want to have a relaxing trip, it is necessary to prepare it in advance. By the way, Nanjing city does have so many visitors. On my guess, it is not less than people in Beijing. </div><div>Wish all you have a good time.</div>


ColinSpeakman 2014-05-28 12:34

Great that you visited Nanjing. I used to live there. A lovely city. Yes to keep the blue subway token you have to buy a spare one as the machine collects them in at end of journey. You went to many of the famous places but not the Purple Mountain Park with Dr Sun Yat-Sen mausoleum or visit the beautiful Zhan Garden? Reason to come back!