

Fast and death.


The husband of my auntie's sisiter was killed by a car accident few days ago. The perpetrator run away from the spot. Few days later he voluntarily surrendered to the police office, and was sentenced just 4 years in prison. When the victime demanded a compensation, the killer's 70-year-old mom and brother just said they barely don't contact with him, and they have no money. Then the victimes went to relevant governmental bureaus. After discussion, the official staff told the victims that they can get twenty thosand RMB and no more. It means that the only punishment for the perpetrator is prison while he just came out there for the same reason one year ago.The sister of my auntie has two young kids.Before the accident they borrowed much money to survive the life. And this winter is much more colder than before. They are desperate now. Early this morning my uncle came to my home and asked for help.They want to present the local official bureau with a petition signed by all the people of the village. They wanna fairness.I was absolutely shocked by such news, again.Three years ago the sister of my good friend was killed in a car accident and the driver also run away.She was 23 years old at that time, young and beautiful.But no one came out and take responsible for the accident. Heart-brokenly reality. I came to her funeral. Her mom cried to death before the coffin. Not long ago the relative of Chinese famous star Wang Baoqiang was killed for a similar reason. He was pissed off by the saying of the perpetrator,"It's not a big deal. I have relative with a background." When killing become a small thing?What's wrong with all those accidents? How about our law? What a complex!


For all these days i've stayed at Zhuquan middle school of my hometown, and found out that it's not easy to be a teacher at all. There're 70 students per class on average, and three out of five are boys. Before having class, a teacher has to think over how to get students' attention, let 70 students fully understand what you gonna teach and cope with sudden situations .And during class, there're always some students having small talks, or just in a daze, and a teacher has to stop several times. In a boarding school you have to take care of ends and odds about students' lives. Every day they break some school disciplines and you have to remind them what is right and what is wrong over and over again. Most of the time they forget quickly what you said. It's normal that they have poor sense of self-control. So a teacher has to be very patient. However, when students turn deaf to what you told them, and break rules again, you cannot help but get pissed off. So you gonna punish them. But "a teacher has to be very careful in terms of punishment nowadays", as someone told me,"few month ago a student was in hospital beacuse his teacher asked him to do jump-squat as a punishment and it made very serious result." Oops!Another teacher told me that "we should put discipline priority to study. If students don't afraid you, no one would listen to you in your class."Is that right? Why can we just focus on how to have an interesting class?How to be a good teacher?


My 2016 Do list


As a rule i make Do List at the beginning of a year. Though i might can't get all done, it makes me very happy to try to fulfill each thing in the list. For instance, i learned two French songs and read One Hundred Years of Solitude according to my Do List 2015. Small things as they are, they mean a lot to me. I know who i am and i am who i am when i do the listed things. Sometimes i get lost, i can always find a way out.Yesterday i made my 2016 Do List:1. Read at least ten classic books which i desired for a long time but haven't read, such as À la recherche du temps perdu, and write article about my thought about those books.2.Travel at least three times and write down what i see and feel about the traveling.3.Take many many pitures with one theme, such as funeral ceremony of my hometown, Hunan to record something meaningful.4.Practice at least three copy books for calligraphy until i can write beautiful Chinese.5.Get my drive licence.6.Learn French and try to pass French Basic level exam.7.Keep learning English and try to pass Interpretation Ⅱ.8.Learn how to swim.9. Do part-time translation.10. Try to be a regular teacher in my hometown.I know it looks too many things to do within one year and i might cannot focus on something of significance, but i'll try my best to fulfill all of them. As a great Chinese writer Luxun said, Shijian jiji, zong hui you de(One can always have more time when he wants to).Experience matters.God bless everyone and every country in 2016. I will do my bite to make a better me and a better world.


Am i a loser?


I didn't get the social visit visa as the NGO couldn't provide with the document that the Embassay asked for.I wasted two months, again!Last year i went back to university to prepare for postgraduate entrance exam.Even though i worked very hard during that three months, the final score was not high enough to go to my dream university, Soochow University.After that i had to find a job, but before i could get a job i met bad people and resulted with miserable saving. To suvive the situation i tried to landed any job i could.The first one lasted two month and the second one 6 month.Now, in 2015 i screwed up my plan for 2016.Will it be my last straw?The whole story above was unknow for my family and most of my friends. I don't want them to worry about me. Actually it beacuse i was afraid they will judge me i suppose.I fear of failure. Ironically i failed over and over again.Early of this month i visited my best friend Melissa for one week. Her business went very well and she bought her car just few days ago.I am so happy for her and always hope the best for her. But i have no idea where my future is. Damn!Melissa asked me,"What do u want? Do you know what you really want?" She looked at my silence, and walked away.Last weekend one of my old friend invited me to go to her birthday party. I haven't meet many of them for three or four months even we are in the same city. During that night they repeatedly reminded me of my appreance:bony body, worse skin, etc.I didn't tell them anything about my life but just kept smiling.This morning i read my diary of last December by accident. I found out same uncertainty for new year. The difference is, there was hopeness between the lines, which is absent now.Not long time ago i was cheated again by a stranger. She looks like a kind woman and spoke gentely. It dreadfully supprised me after i found out she lied to me. How could she do that? How she teach her children by doing such hideous thing? And then i know that there no horns on the head of bad people. I don't trust my judegement now, even my taste for clothes.I got lost.Am i a loser? Yes for the moment! I ruined 2015. Sometimes i comfort myself with the old Chinese sayings about Benmingnian, as this year is Sheep year and i was a Sheep, zodiac year of my birth ! (People belong to Sheep is destinated to be unlucky this year). But i know i have to change. Fotunately i am still very young and i have many chances to restart.God bless me. My Christmase wish:Let me find the right direction and be on the road.Merry Christmas.


http://music.163.com/#/song?id=30621954For most of us, when we graduate from college, we graduate from home. We don't ask for money from home, we don't accompany mom and dad regulary, and we gradually adapt ourself to the new environment as much as possible. Why we leave home when we grow up?I still remenber, after 10 years living in the town, the mom of my grandpa demanded to go back home villiage. It was very troublesome as the house in the villiage is very very old and she needs someone to take care of. What's worse, in the year of 1998, the flood put our village into danger. Everybody in the family refused to sent her back to village but the old lady was quite determined. She even said that if you guys don't help me go home, I myself will crawled back to home. One year after back home. she died.Why the old demand to go back home before dying? And how's the feeling of departure and arrival for those refugees in the middle-east nowadays? Do they feel excited when they leave their home and can they go back when they get old? We know it's totally different.As young Chinese, we are so lucky to live in a respectively peaceful country. We leave cos we want to experience and explore; and we can go back anytime we want. But for some people, they have to leave home cos their home collapsed, and they cannot go back home as there's no home for them. I don't know why but all of a sudden the pome of Yeats occurs to me.When You Are OldWhen you are old and grey and full of sleepAnd nodding by the fire,take down this bookAnd slowly read,and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;   How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face;   And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur,a little sadly,how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.


Four day ago, i quited again, my third job after graduation in 07/2013.I want to do work matters. I want to do things inspire us so we can inspire other people to do the things that inspire them.And now i am doing my pre-trip task thus i can get my sponsorship letter and have my visa, and go to help those children in poor area at Indonesia. Yes, action speaks louder than talking. Amost all friends support me, but they are busy with making a fortune, building their stable and cosy tomorrow at the sacrifice freedome of today. If i ask them, do you like your present job? They don't answer directly. Usually they would complain a little bit about their colleagues, or customers, but then they would say, " i have no choice anyway, my parents want me to do so, and i have to survive the competitive society. Before my 30 somthing, i want to have a car and a house. And before my 35 years old i gonna have a baby ot two. " I strongly believe they will live as planned because they are working very very hard. Even during their holiday they reply e-mails and answer all the phones related to their business. Their sacrifice deserves a better life. My mom suggested me go back home and teach in a primary school nearby. In my extened family we've already have five teachers. They accompany family happily and live a peaceful life. In every festival all the families at home meet together and celebrate in my grandpparents' home. Everyone are happy. However, for me, it doesn't work. I desire to explore. I eager to experiencing.Maybe one day i gonna be a teacher, but before that i have to learn the expansive world. Surely the precarious future intimidates me sometimes. If my application to be a volunteer succeed, i spend one year abroad without any salary. And i have to pay my transportation fee, visa application fee, visa extended fee. My saving is not enough. So i planned to borrow some from my best friend as she have done her pioneer business quite good. I gonna be very poor.Whatever.I just wanna try.Do you like your present job? Are this important for us? For gods' sake i don't know. If one year later my answer is no, then i gonna go to blind dates and married some guy available. And i'll focus on my reading and writing and my responsibility for my family.


A new colleague came to our office and we had a small talk the other day. She is young and beautiful. When the theme came to age, she seriously said, "i am very old". "Then how old are you? " my partner, 21 years old, ask her. "I was born in 1991.God, i am old!" I were quite shocked. She is the same age with me. I never ever have the thought tha i am old even for one second though i work with a girl 3 years old younger than me. Why she said she is old? Acutally many of my friends, 24 or 25, complain that they are not young any more. Is 24-year-old old for girls? Why i feel that my life just get started and my exciting things except man or marrige are around the corner? Why i think that the relationship i desire for must be a real romance but not necessarily lead to marrige? Am i old? Should i hurry up and hunt a man with wealth and make preparation for my comfortable life as my family and friends told me? If i keep waiting for the right man to show up , will reality punish me with loneliness in the rest of life? God bless me. In my opinion, time is the most impartial thing in this world. Everyone has the chance to be 18, and everyone gonna grow int 40. We are equal. The only thing we can do is try our best to be graceful and beautiful, to be happy at the most of time and be sorrow at some necessary moments. Even wrinkles are gifts from God. 24 is not old. And 42 can be very young, right? Actually, for all the opinions i hold, i grudually become doubtful. Such change is not to myself, but to the worldly life i am confront with. Many peopole around me tell me thai i should live in reality. I have no idea. The reality is 24-year-old is not young any more? Come on. I don't believe that. I am still young. I will experience many many things, have adventures, meet interesting persons, take great pictures, eat delicious food, write intersting stories, and wait for the one, millions of the one, to show up. All in all, 24 is very young!!!!!!!