

Is 24-year-old old?!!!!!!
A new colleague came to our office and we had a small talk the other day. She is young and beautiful. When the theme came to age, she seriously said, "i am very old".
"Then how old are you? " my partner, 21 years old, ask her.
"I was born in 1991.God, i am old!"
I were quite shocked. She is the same age with me. I never ever have the thought tha i am old even for one second though i work with a girl 3 years old younger than me. Why she said she is old?
Acutally many of my friends, 24 or 25, complain that they are not young any more.
Is 24-year-old old for girls?
Why i feel that my life just get started and my exciting things except man or marrige are around the corner? Why i think that the relationship i desire for must be a real romance but not necessarily lead to marrige?
Am i old? Should i hurry up and hunt a man with wealth and make preparation for my comfortable life as my family and friends told me? If i keep waiting for the right man to show up , will reality punish me with loneliness in the rest of life?
God bless me.
In my opinion, time is the most impartial thing in this world. Everyone has the chance to be 18, and everyone gonna grow int 40. We are equal. The only thing we can do is try our best to be graceful and beautiful, to be happy at the most of time and be sorrow at some necessary moments. Even wrinkles are gifts from God. 24 is not old. And 42 can be very young, right?
Actually, for all the opinions i hold, i grudually become doubtful. Such change is not to myself, but to the worldly life i am confront with.
Many peopole around me tell me thai i should live in reality. I have no idea. The reality is 24-year-old is not young any more?
Come on. I don't believe that. I am still young. I will experience many many things, have adventures, meet interesting persons, take great pictures, eat delicious food, write intersting stories, and wait for the one, millions of the one, to show up.
All in all, 24 is very young!!!!!!!


Enyadeng 2016-01-10 13:00

oh, i know, but i'm don't agree with that~ 

Hillary_Clinton 2016-01-08 13:08

24 is nearing the age of possibly being one of the  'left-over women' in China

samlam 2016-01-08 12:36

Thank you for sharing your feelings.