

Fast and death.
2016-01-13 The husband of my auntie's sisiter was killed by a car accident few days ago.
The perpetrator run away from the spot. Few days later he voluntarily surrendered to the police office, and was sentenced just 4 years in prison.
When the victime demanded a compensation, the killer's 70-year-old mom and brother just said they barely don't contact with him, and they have no money.
Then the victimes went to relevant governmental bureaus. After discussion, the official staff told the victims that they can get twenty thosand RMB and no more. It means that the only punishment for the perpetrator is prison while he just came out there for the same reason one year ago.
The sister of my auntie has two young kids.Before the accident they borrowed much money to survive the life. And this winter is much more colder than before. They are desperate now.
Early this morning my uncle came to my home and asked for help.They want to present the local official bureau with a petition signed by all the people of the village. They wanna fairness.
I was absolutely shocked by such news, again.
Three years ago the sister of my good friend was killed in a car accident and the driver also run away.She was 23 years old at that time, young and beautiful.But no one came out and take responsible for the accident. Heart-brokenly reality. I came to her funeral. Her mom cried to death before the coffin.
Not long ago the relative of Chinese famous star Wang Baoqiang was killed for a similar reason. He was pissed off by the saying of the perpetrator,"It's not a big deal. I have relative with a background."
When killing become a small thing?What's wrong with all those accidents? How about our law? What a complex!


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