

How to be a good teacher?
For all these days i've stayed at Zhuquan middle school of my hometown, and found out that it's not easy to be a teacher at all.
There're 70 students per class on average, and three out of five are boys.
Before having class, a teacher has to think over how to get students' attention, let 70 students fully understand what you gonna teach and cope with sudden situations .
And during class, there're always some students having small talks, or just in a daze, and a teacher has to stop several times. In a boarding school you have to take care of ends and odds about students' lives. Every day they break some school disciplines and you have to remind them what is right and what is wrong over and over again. Most of the time they forget quickly what you said. It's normal that they have poor sense of self-control. So a teacher has to be very patient. However, when students turn deaf to what you told them, and break rules again, you cannot help but get pissed off.
So you gonna punish them. But "a teacher has to be very careful in terms of punishment nowadays", as someone told me,"few month ago a student was in hospital beacuse his teacher asked him to do jump-squat as a punishment and it made very serious result." Oops!
Another teacher told me that "we should put discipline priority to study. If students don't afraid you, no one would listen to you in your class."
Is that right? Why can we just focus on how to have an interesting class?How to be a good teacher?


Enyadeng 2016-01-14 11:40


Igo 2016-01-14 11:01

Step by step, you will be there. 


HenLaoLaoShi 2016-01-14 10:21

You everyone is motiviated by some kind of reward.  Some are motivated by external rewards, a good job, money, or the approval of their parents for example.  Others are more motivated by internal rewards such as personal satisfaction with their accomplishments.  Yes, to be able to lead individual students, you must get to know them. With such large classes that it is hard to know each student.  But I think you can get a general idea what motivates most of the children in you class.  Design your class to provide rewards to the majority of your students.  Then, if you see students that do not respond to what you are doing, get to know them a little better and see if they has some special needs that should be met.  It's hard work, but the results will be rewarding to you as well.

Enyadeng 2016-01-14 09:30

Thank you soooo much!!!It's very useful. We can lead them to knowlege but you can't make him think.How to lead? I have to know what they are interested in.

HenLaoLaoShi 2016-01-13 21:37

Recently I taught my students an English idiom: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."  While I was preparing the lesson, I found this quote: "You can lead a student to knowledge but you can't make him think!"  Part of what a teacher must do is to make a student thirsty, thirsty for knowledge.  This is easier said than done.  You have to know the students dreams and goals.  You need to know what is important to them.  Then you have to show them how learning will help them achieve their goals and dreams.  Every students motivations are a little different.  My high school classes were like your classes, over 70 students in each class.  It's impossible to know all your students well.  But I think you can generally get to know what your students value the most and help them understand why their education is valuable.

Enyadeng 2016-01-13 14:23

Thanks. But i have no idea how it gonna be.

Igo 2016-01-13 12:52

Interesting. For sure, you will eventually handle all the problems a teach would face.

Enyadeng 2016-01-12 09:55


kevinfly 2016-01-11 10:32

I am not a teacher, but i was a students for a long time. As my experience, make students be afraid of teacher is not a wise way to control students. Some times, the more teachers push their students, the more students miss teachers request.