

Do you like your present job? Does it important?
2015-11-19 Four day ago, i quited again, my third job after graduation in 07/2013.
I want to do work matters. I want to do things inspire us so we can inspire other people to do the things that inspire them.And now i am doing my pre-trip task thus i can get my sponsorship letter and have my visa, and go to help those children in poor area at Indonesia.
Yes, action speaks louder than talking. Amost all friends support me, but they are busy with making a fortune, building their stable and cosy tomorrow at the sacrifice freedome of today. If i ask them, do you like your present job? They don't answer directly. Usually they would complain a little bit about their colleagues, or customers, but then they would say, " i have no choice anyway, my parents want me to do so, and i have to survive the competitive society. Before my 30 somthing, i want to have a car and a house. And before my 35 years old i gonna have a baby ot two. " I strongly believe they will live as planned because they are working very very hard. Even during their holiday they reply e-mails and answer all the phones related to their business. Their sacrifice deserves a better life.
My mom suggested me go back home and teach in a primary school nearby. In my extened family we've already have five teachers. They accompany family happily and live a peaceful life. In every festival all the families at home meet together and celebrate in my grandpparents' home. Everyone are happy. However, for me, it doesn't work. I desire to explore. I eager to experiencing.Maybe one day i gonna be a teacher, but before that i have to learn the expansive world.
Surely the precarious future intimidates me sometimes. If my application to be a volunteer succeed, i spend one year abroad without any salary. And i have to pay my transportation fee, visa application fee, visa extended fee. My saving is not enough. So i planned to borrow some from my best friend as she have done her pioneer business quite good. I gonna be very poor.Whatever.I just wanna try.
Do you like your present job? Are this important for us? For gods' sake i don't know. If one year later my answer is no, then i gonna go to blind dates and married some guy available. And i'll focus on my reading and writing and my responsibility for my family.


Boy.Hollywood 2015-11-27 23:42


Enyadeng 2015-11-26 14:39

Thanks : )

Boy.Hollywood 2015-11-26 00:36

I know this is a rough time for you and I want you to know I am here for you. If you need to talk, please feel free to PM with me. I am by your side when you are in need.

Enyadeng 2015-11-25 20:05

Awesome comments. You don't have to work but, it seems you know the working life quite well.Your description are penetrating i guess. And i agree with you that there's many opportunities and for young people we should fully prepare for it by learning and experiencing. However, many of a people have to survive and fulfill their social responsibility first. If they are not lucky enough, they have to do something they don't like. And cuz they don't like it, they complain. Bad!Further more, it's not easy to figure out whether you like a job or not.Oh, i don't wanna execuse for myself. It's sucks.Anyway, thanks for your suggestion.

Boy.Hollywood 2015-11-25 13:47

If I had to work, I'd quit immediately after the interview! Luckily I was born into a wealthy family and we never in our life had the needs to work for money which leads me to going into interviews just for kicks and entertainment on those boring days. Those who have jobs are are living in a modern-day slavery system. They are paid just enough to live and not more. They are punished when asking for more. They are deluded into thinking the job-friends are real-friends. People with jobs make friends at work only to talk about pens, weekends, and offices, they live a lifestyle of confusion about real-friends and colleagues. They go home and tell their spouse about their terrible day and the job becomes a part of their marriage. Their spouse becomes tired of hearing about the job after six months. And he couldn’t care less about hers either. They'll live in a bubble like whenever things are good they'll always worry about what could go wrong. And whenever things are bad it always seems like they will never get better. Then years later they wake up next to a total stranger. 40 years later they die nearly cashless and unhappy. They even buy a house they didn’t really want, and make payments just to lower their income and they complain about it.Then they realise that all the money spent on degrees to get that perfect dream job that will make them so happy and sucessful was a complete waste of time and money.

This is not meant to be depressing or boasting. Nor does it mean everyone should hate their job. There are many ways to be happy where you don’t have the standard job like everyone else. To be clear: There are more opportunities than ever. But you have to prepare the body and mind and spirit to find those opportunities and when you find them, is it really what you want and need...

Enyadeng 2015-11-24 17:23

Good point, thanks. Hope you and your son are all well now.

Enyadeng 2015-11-24 17:19

I just hope for the best and cope with the rest. Thanks for your advise. 

Enyadeng 2015-11-24 17:17


parcher 2015-11-23 23:19

well wish you luck...

chinalionfish 2015-11-23 20:53

I can understand your situation. Last year when I got depressed for the failure of my marriage but I couldn't find the way to accomplish divorce, I even had an idea to study and work abroad, a way to escape from the reality I think. Finally, it proved unachievable, because my son is too young.     According to your indicating, you are young and single. So you can move and settle down in any condition. Most of times, it's difficult when you make some change. But if you don't try, you even have no chance to fail, not to say succeed. Just make a blueprint, balance the weight of pros and cons and alternative options before making the final decision. Good luck.