We Chinses take bath before bed at night. In south China people bath every day before we sleep, especiallly in summer. But we don't do so in the morning after we get up. I never think it is a problem until one month ago. He asked, why you don't have a bath? I answered back naturally, i will do so at night, but not now. He just looked at me wieldly, speechless. His response made me uncomfortable. If i don't take a shower in the morning, will it mean i am not clean enough?
Recentlly a friend told me that, morning bath means healthy in work, smelly to others, confidence and enthusiam. If he is right, does it mean that our habbit of having bath at night is wrong? No, i don't think so. Acutally, we can guess a foreinger getting closer without a look but just smell the perfume. Seldom will Chinese do as far as i know.
Morning bath is good. Night bath is nice too. We just make sure that our smell won't bother others. Or if you want to set out a signal that you are confidence, or you want to attract someone others, then little perfume will help you, but please take care it won't too much.
Put it shortly, either taing bath at night or in the morning, don't take it as a fussy.