

My 2016 Do list
2016-01-02 As a rule i make Do List at the beginning of a year. Though i might can't get all done, it makes me very happy to try to fulfill each thing in the list. For instance, i learned two French songs and read One Hundred Years of Solitude according to my Do List 2015. Small things as they are, they mean a lot to me. I know who i am and i am who i am when i do the listed things. Sometimes i get lost, i can always find a way out.
Yesterday i made my 2016 Do List:
1. Read at least ten classic books which i desired for a long time but haven't read, such as À la recherche du temps perdu, and write article about my thought about those books.
2.Travel at least three times and write down what i see and feel about the traveling.
3.Take many many pitures with one theme, such as funeral ceremony of my hometown, Hunan to record something meaningful.
4.Practice at least three copy books for calligraphy until i can write beautiful Chinese.
5.Get my drive licence.
6.Learn French and try to pass French Basic level exam.
7.Keep learning English and try to pass Interpretation .
8.Learn how to swim.
9. Do part-time translation.
10. Try to be a regular teacher in my hometown.

I know it looks too many things to do within one year and i might cannot focus on something of significance, but i'll try my best to fulfill all of them. As a great Chinese writer Luxun said, Shijian jiji, zong hui you de(One can always have more time when he wants to).Experience matters.
God bless everyone and every country in 2016. I will do my bite to make a better me and a better world.


Enyadeng 2016-01-05 10:18


Enyadeng 2016-01-05 10:17

i guess so.

Enyadeng 2016-01-05 10:17


HenLaoLaoShi 2016-01-04 22:30

Great!  I have a similar list.  I hope you have the time and energy to accomplish all your goals!

宁檬 2016-01-04 14:24

To learn driving and swimming is also on my list. Would be wonderful if that could be realized.

samlam 2016-01-03 09:54

It is a good habit to make a plan at the beginning of a year. You are clear what you are going to do.