

I couldn’t stop laughing out like a mad person when I heard a dude claimed he’s been suffering from bad ankles for almost one year and a half because of a pair of shoes which you can easily take them off. How many times you think something you can easily take it off but it still stuck with you? You can’t just easily take off a pair of shoes just like you can’t get rid of the stranded memories lingering in your head. You can’t walk out of the circle you drew years ago just like you kept putting a single song on a loop because you are a nostalgic lunatic. You can’t be fulfilled just like your unpaid check, overdue credit card notes and your empty stomach. You are hungry and your inspirations for life are drought. People used to use formula to calculate happiness index but forgot how to talk to each other about it. You never talked to me, you never wanted to talk to me, even you’re so damn hot, need-to-call-fireman hot, but sorry, to me you are like a piece of walking bacon. Sometimes we tend to be pushed along by some sort of responsibilities, we take, we perform, we tolerate, until we get use to it. We thought it is great to do so. Just like the “United Kingdom” is supposed to be “United” but Wales, northern Ireland, Scotland, England said no. Then the situation gets out of control, your submission didn’t make the world a better place but a land of misery, even the cactus died from the breathless atmosphere. 500 days of the bad ankles it takes 1,500 tough thoughts, countless pains, unknown numbers of constipation, 1 final decision. Before you take them off.


I heard doubts from the forum as well as people from other countries -" why is China the only country that has passed a law obliging children to visit their parents if it is something they willingly do?" "why is there an increased suicide rate amongst the elderly in rural china if their families care for them so much, especially if the parents are ill?""Chinese parents sending their children to universities is an “investment”.? Well all these thoughts are not 100% wrong, because I can tell you yes there were people really like this exist in China. I don’t know if you heard a TV show called “ The Jeremy Kyle Show” google it if you don't know. After you watched 10 mins of this show you will feel your mind being boomed. Whole thing act like black humor but it’s just reality around us. People got raised in different backgrounds, there’s always a saying goes “Things of one kind come together”. The same type of crew will also be found in your country too, I’m sure this is not a surprise for you. I accidentally found this on Facebook some parents / grandparents even made a website for it http://abandonedparentsandgrandparents.com/ (interested readers can have a browse) In 1994, Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly established, I’m feeling lucky and proud that China carried out this law —make and force these people to do the right thing. The law regulated that if one’s elder parents lost ability to work and suffered a life difficulties, their children shall have the obligation to taking care of their parents. Without these two conditions the parents shall not ask for legal help. Same clauses also can be found in <Marriage Law>. For your reference, in China Marriage Law also stated another clause: “ It shall be forbidden to drown or desert infants or commit any kind of infanticide.” Do you think it’s unnecessary?or you think only Chinese might do this horrible thing? http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/heartbreaking-first-picture-newborn-baby-6560786 here’s only one example of this, and this is about the ugly side of human nature. It got nothing to do with a certain country. As a country you cannot control people’s heart but you can regulate what is right what is wrong. I think this law is made based on humanitarianism and it’s very necessary. Family love mean a lot to Chinese, whilst western countries are guiding their kids to be independent and trying to letting them decide their own life , Chinese parents paying all their heart and time doing research and planning for their children, because they want to give their children a better future, a better life. This could take it out as a topic to say that Chinese parents are giving “ too much” even “interfering” their children’s life. :-) or in the other side, western kids definitely are missing out some company from their parents in their childhood. Whatever it is, love can have different forms.


There’s one dude hasn’t had a girl for almost 3 years complaining his ex-girlfriend : “ She’s very selfish, she asked me to buy her gift, I did, I prepared flowered bed, candles… you know buy gifts cost me a lot of money I kept doing it for a while but she didn’t give anything back so I stopped and see what will happen. “ I lifted my eyelids had a glance at his standard single-for-ever face and asked “ what happened then?” “ She didn’t buy me anything and then we broke up “ “ Because?” “ She moved house, it’s too far from mine, so I fed up spending 30 mins on the way to pick her up everyday.” “Hmm.. good point, damn right you are single.” As soon as he opened his mouth I wanted to say this man doesn’t know woman, or in a precise way to say: This man doesn’t have a feeling for his ex-girlfriend. Some times men use the excuses like “ oh women are so complicated, we are so simple, we’re so easy to be pleased.” “ Women just keep throwing those hidden messages to us, are we mind-readers?” “ oh god she’s asking too much!” “ She were raised in the castle? such a drama queen! She thinks she’s a princess?!” People become a pair - this behavior is fully self-volunteered, please ask yourself, in the mirror — just in case you won’t remember your face when you hear the truth. “ Are you volunteered to be her boyfriend/girlfriend? or you are doing this for some kind of trade? do you wanted to get something from it? “ Sex, is not “something”. Sex is one of the humans basic instincts. Same as love. But do people still possess the desire to love? or just got pushed along by life, didn’t even have a minute to look into the other half’s feeling? Back to the dude from the beginning, look what he got when his woman especially asked for a gift, in his mind, “gift” means something to enhance the quality of sex, perhaps in his ex-girlfriend’s eyes gift probably mean that hair clip she pointed out in the shop the other day. Does distance really tearing the couples apart? Answer definitely will be yes in some way if they’re in two cities or two countries. But a distance like 30 mins definitely not long enough for a broke-up reason. Yet the distance between people’s heart could be far enough to be apart. So called hidden messages they were never meant to be hidden, you will get it if you want to receive it. Or a wrong number will never get the message. Simple.


So cold!!! First snowfall in Yantai city. Winter just turned on freezing mode overnight, it's colder than your ex-girlfriend's heart, colder than your ex-boyfriend's joke. So I thought if I will ever get married I would married to this type of person:When my period is coming, you should be more punctual than my period to appear in front of me with a glass of hot water and my favourite snacks.You use your warm hands to warm up my cheeks and noticed I changed a new hair clip today.When I fell asleep on the sofa you could help me cover a blanket and lay a sweet kiss on my forehead.When I'm not happy you'll try to make me happy. Always be patient with me, when I'm talking to you I hope you could look into my eyes rather than your phone.I wish when you hear me screaming in the kitchen, run to me rather than sitting on the cough playing simpson's then after a decate or two ask me" are you ok?" I wish you could notice all my minor changes in both appearance and emotion. Even my emotion is really hard to capture. At least you should try.Acceptance、 mutual-agreement 、attention is always the right supplement for affection. Adrenaline plays a very important part in love but it could just wear off by years.A friend of mine, he got to know his girlfriend on a "evening walk" after work. After that they had a long chat on internet for a year (i don't know why don't they just meet up and chat) after a year, they started dating. Everything goes pretty well, they got a kinda romantic start, a rational testing period, then cohabited for four years. Now broke up. I asked why, he said we just got no love anymore. Recently I got a new “gnosis”, perhaps all the un-matching, feeling not loved, - is just you couldn't receive his love signal. He or she, just didn't love you the way you want. But it doesn't mean he or she doesn't love you. It does feel message denied, but you couldn't say that he or she didn't deliver. I guess this is a million dollar question for you to think.And I still in the search of the answers too.Or this is just what it is.


on Jun 26th America became the 21st country where legalized same-sex marriage.Gays and lesbians are finally share the same right with everyone else, it's a great march to a marriage equiality in America. But this decision, also aroused some objections among people. I had a simple flick through the forum, majority objection voices are:- A marriage should consist of a man and a woman not two hariy men or two ugly lesbian. It won't form a great growing-up enviroment for children ....[my view] : why people are getting married? for love or for given birth? If you say yes I 'm getting married because I want to have children not because I love her/him and I want to give her/him a commitment. Then I will terminate any furture possible discussions with you. I'm sorry because you're a lost cause. If you say I get married because I really love her/him, I want to share my whole life with this person. Then why can't you see gays and lesbians having this right? They are JUST normal people like us, I'm sure they've already born enough pressure from social rumors, some of them probably don't want to be born as homosexual, but this is just what they are. Do you have a choice when there's no choice? They have been scared to tell people in public they are gay or lesbian, because their " issue" aren't common. But do love have "any wrong" ? I assume No.You can't be "gayist" only because they are both men or both women. People are all emotional creatures, you can't stop people falling in love, they didn't make this decision to be gay or lesbian to annoy or against any of you or any of the religion. Any religion, I guess, will not tear the lovers apart. Love is valuable stuff in this materialized world, you are rich man if you own love. At last, I'd like to say - gays and lesbians will not get effected whether you're agree or object them. They'll still do what they're doing, legalize gay marriage in America doesn't really make any difference on the gays behalf, because there's already have 11 other countries approved its legalization. If they do want to get married, they can fly to other countries to get married, why bother protesting? why interfere other people's happniess? Gays and lesbians never made any comments on our relationship yet, when you carry out the hate on people, you shall also allow people have the equiality of love.


The moment of deciding to love it means you have triggered a mission impossible. It's like you saw a cute cuddly rabbit through a shop window, you tried really hard to pursued the shopper to sell it to you.After you paid a fortune for this cute little thing, the amount of excitement of getting the things you want gives you hope and all the beautiful fantasies of a wonderful future. Little did you know, you couldn't handle this baby from the first week, the constantly feeding and clingy are tiring you out, especially the scratching noise it made on its own cage make you cannot get a complete sleep. The rabbit hates you because you never feed what it wants, you hate the rabbit because it poops too much and way too noisy at night. Apparently you've forgotten its cute look from the shop window, at this moment, only thing you want to do is sending this rabbit away. You started to regret getting this rabbit, blame yourself that why didn't you check up the precautions about raising a rabbit? it's not fair on the rabbit either, it didn't had the chance to be with a better person who can taking better care of it. Until the day you finally find someone to gave the rabbit to, all the guilts from unable to taking care of the rabbit eventually got released. You used ' we did had a great time together ' to relief yourself in the first week of the rabbit absence. Then you told everyone ' theres no perfect love' to make others agree on your decision.Luckily it's only a rabbit, what if it's something important in your life you meet which bothered you, tortured you and you cannot just leave it to others? or even someone you promised to a wonderful future but you given up because of some difficulties? If there's always a next time, we would only hope to spend the chance wisely next time. What if there's only one shot? If it's a rabbit, we can send to someone who knows how to raise it, if it's something we can fix, just try to fix it. :>


Many many years ago, my dream is to become a writer. Apparently it didn't get to come ture and died early. My mum said its a waste of time and making people go mental if you just sitting at home imagine things.I was granted with tremendous imagination though. If it exposed well, it might lead me into a mental hospital. but who knows? what if i did wrote something that people like to read?How many things have you dropped out because you listened to someone else's opinion? Have you really give yourself time to think about what you really want ? Have you ever tried to hold onto something you meant to have? A lot of couples divorced because of they feel they " got lost in love" . Do you think divorce is really the way out? Are you sure you won't get lost in anywhere else? I'd say divorce is just an extreme way for people to avoid problems, human are selfish creature, constant paying if they didnt get expected returning they will feel not worth doing this emotion investment.The formula of love economists gave is - do not expect too much.Well , how ? It's interesting that it always seems easier to find flaws on your partner rather than the shining bits on them. Don't you think so?The way out sometimes is just simple as turning the arrow to the other way, to yourself. Life trivial might wearing out some passion from the start, but what it brings you more is not only the immature "love", but the real life partner you are having now.Some people would say, are you denying the exsistance of love?Id say love is an immature form of life. as time goes by, your love is aging too until you found the old man and old woman sitting on their rocking chair trying to recall their memories of how they fell in love - that is the sweetest thing i can ever imagine. But i woundn't use any word to name that, because theres only one person in this lifetime saw your most ugly side , heard your most harsh words, walked you through the most difficult time...... and still willing to be with you. Guess thats enough.


In the morning saw someone posted a screenshot of a new game , called “ goat simulator” , look the slogan of this game : “You no longer have to fantasize about being a goat; your dreams have come true!” It brings me into deep thought , 1. Why have people fantasize about being a goat? why not sheep, lamb or unicorn ? 2. I have to admit that followed by the fast development of technology, nothing can hold back human being’s diversified creative thinking.. Anyway, speaking of the technology thing, when i was searching for E-books online yesterday I accidentally found out a super interesting video about technology. Back to B.C. 5th century, an ancient greek philosopher launched a great discovery : everything in the universe consist of different size and quality impenetrable, endless movements of atoms, but until the end of 17th century, science authenticated everything is made of molecule. so people have known beings secret like centuries ago, the don't you neglect the speed of development of technology, it may takes long time to reach to a certain powerful stage, but once its on the right track, it will just be going faster and faster. So .. what if if human being can invent some super atom, for example, diamond is made of carbon if people can invent carbon atom then you can have as many as diamond you want. Also, to think a bit further - it’s a bit similar to what nanotechnology is doing right now. girls won’t need to worry about the wrinkles, all you need to do is stick your face in the atom machine, modify the structure of molecule, inject some antioxidant enzyme.. Then you can keep young forever. Or if one day technology reached the peak point people can modify the gene, then you can decide how you want to look like. The world will have no diseases unable to cure, with abundant natural resources and beautiful beings. These are all positive aspects of technology improvements. and ….it has negative side too. For another example (this is quote from authoritative news centre ) “The quality of life on earth probably contains 10^45 carbon atoms. A nano robots have 10 ^ 6 carbon atoms, only need to 10^39 nano robots can devour all the life on the earth, and 2^130 approximately equal to 10^39, that is self replication as long as 130 times can be swallowed up by life on earth. Scientists believe that nano robot is a self replicating as long as 100 seconds. That is to say a simple error may will be in 3.5 hours to destroy the earth full of life.” Feeling a little panic? in 3.5 hours we would be finished by the robots we built. It’s like watching Resident Evil huh? but in reality, a lot of countries knows that technology can change the earth they (America, Europe, Japan) have invested 5billion Dollars to do the relevant research. It’s a happy story or a sorry story, we really don’t know yet.


Read some great articles on CD forum, some foreign bloggers gave out some opinions such as nowadays China's young people knows so little about their own culture , instead they are more interested in foreign culture etc....These are all got their points but i have some of my own views.As a Chinese myself actually this phenomenon happens simply due to a few reasons below:1. English is the world's language for communication; New Chinese generations started to learn English early, some family started to let kids study English at 2-year-old in general it's compulsory to have English class from the first year of the primary school. When you learn a language, you will have to learn their culture, habits, taboos and some other bits and bobs. - It's not that Chinese so "worship" western culture, it's only because Chinese or other non-English speaking countries have to.What if the worlds language is Chinese, will it be Chinese's turn to concerning about others not knowing their own culture enough? ;) or this is just a cultural blended era itself?2. Native English speakers owns the hollywood. Still, when your English language up to some certain level, from human's curiosity of course you would like to have a look what's happening in their life, so we watch a foreign movie. we learned there are some superheros , how special effect get made, and anime would be make like that too. - this is definitely helped with the development of China's relevant sector.The whole point is about learning and improving, keeping the previous good bits and improving the bits which need to be improved. Guess why your own cinema is not widely known to the world? because , yeah , not famous enough. As we all know, America is being called a "developed country" that's why they owns hollywood, of course it also because they founded it first, I'm sure other developed country members are all have ability to found a movie making centre. So here we goes, we got "developed" first, then we bring out the caste differentiation, "developed" ones have the ethnocentrism planted in them. - which is not a bad thing, you shall do that, everyone should but some of you didn't. Every nation shall be respected by their own people. (certainly there are some f*cked up parts you will never give any of your love to) Only referring to this - why's China young people don't have the knowledge about their ancient culture heritage? is that hinting the old old China is going to "vanishing"?hmm, I guess you know all your country's historical stories from here and back 2000 years? Unless you are a scholar of this field. or you are a Dora A meng (chin chin) , oops ! some of the developed countries do you even have 2000 years established history to think back of ? let's say America? :P3. 80% Chinese are not majoring in history. As the same thing will happened in any other country its like when you grab a university student on the street ask them to name some of their historical stories they probably will go "ah...umm.." . So all the kindhearted worrying about China is experiencing their own culture destruction etc, actually this is just how Chinese new generation look like, history is in the museum and for those who want to dig in deeper, they will get a degree for it, or Phd or ...higher level.You can't still expect Morden Chinese still wearing Qipao to go to school or going on a tour by riding a donkey, taking their days and nights knitting a piece of cloth. Or...many old things they just changed, Chinese or any other country's new generation, may are not as the same as you thought -both on the good bits and bad bits.