

500 days of the injury ankles

I couldn’t stop laughing out like a mad person when I heard a dude claimed he’s been suffering from bad ankles for almost one year and a half because of a pair of shoes which you can easily take them off.

How many times you think something you can easily take it off but it still stuck with you?

You can’t just easily take off a pair of shoes just like you can’t get rid of the stranded memories lingering in your head.

You can’t walk out of the circle you drew years ago just like you kept putting a single song on a loop because you are a nostalgic lunatic.

You can’t be fulfilled just like your unpaid check, overdue credit card notes and your empty stomach.

You are hungry and your inspirations for life are drought.

People used to use formula to calculate happiness index but forgot how to talk to each other about it.

You never talked to me, you never wanted to talk to me, even you’re so damn hot, need-to-call-fireman hot, but sorry, to me you are like a piece of walking bacon.

Sometimes we tend to be pushed along by some sort of responsibilities, we take, we perform, we tolerate, until we get use to it.

We thought it is great to do so. Just like the “United Kingdom” is supposed to be “United” but Wales, northern Ireland, Scotland, England said no.

Then the situation gets out of control, your submission didn’t make the world a better place but a land of misery, even the cactus died from the breathless atmosphere.

500 days of the bad ankles it takes 1,500 tough thoughts, countless pains, unknown numbers of constipation, 1 final decision.

Before you take them off.


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