

happiness is not a target , it's an ability
2015-05-28 Many many years ago, my dream is to become a writer.

Apparently it didn't get to come ture and died early. My mum said its a waste of time and making people go mental if you just sitting at home imagine things.

I was granted with tremendous imagination though. If it exposed well, it might lead me into a mental hospital. but who knows? what if i did wrote something that people like to read?

How many things have you dropped out because you listened to someone else's opinion? Have you really give yourself time to think about what you really want ? Have you ever tried to hold onto something you meant to have?

A lot of couples divorced because of they feel they " got lost in love" . Do you think divorce is really the way out? Are you sure you won't get lost in anywhere else?

I'd say divorce is just an extreme way for people to avoid problems, human are selfish creature, constant paying if they didnt get expected returning they will feel not worth doing this emotion investment.

The formula of love economists gave is - do not expect too much.

Well , how ? It's interesting that it always seems easier to find flaws on your partner rather than the shining bits on them. Don't you think so?

The way out sometimes is just simple as turning the arrow to the other way, to yourself.

Life trivial might wearing out some passion from the start, but what it brings you more is not only the immature "love", but the real life partner you are having now.

Some people would say, are you denying the exsistance of love?

Id say love is an immature form of life. as time goes by, your love is aging too until you found the old man and old woman sitting on their rocking chair trying to recall their memories of how they fell in love - that is the sweetest thing i can ever imagine. But i woundn't use any word to name that, because theres only one person in this lifetime saw your most ugly side , heard your most harsh words, walked you through the most difficult time...... and still willing to be with you. Guess thats enough.


HailChina! 2016-12-02 06:49

This is not a very nice comment. I do not intend on involving you. Take a compliment. God. And I really do not see what a good heart has to do with getting rich. That is the problem.

bex 2016-12-01 19:28

dude.. I don't think you are with any of the 'tradition" stuff haha you are ahead of us a lot of miles; not a big fun of Aubrey Plaza but I like Kirsten Dunst, I haven't watched the movies you said i'd have a look later, here's one with Keira Knightley and James McAvoy called Atonement - suitable for nostalgia u

FYI woman don't need much really

u said:
"Mostly I just need more money. I need to change that. If I became a billionaire tomorrow I would be so lovable. The reality is that I just do not have a lot to offer right now. I would not even be close to having enough to offer to a person like yourself. It is just the truth. I need more money. Apart from that I am pretty good."

Well I hope you have a hungry brain and a good heart then you will fix your money thing one day. we are not died yet right? so you still have plenty of time to get rich :-) (P.S. don't get me involved in this pls :-))

HailChina! 2016-12-01 05:37

Have you ever seen a movie called Safety not Guaranteed? It is very good. I watched it alone. While I was watching it I kind of wished that I was watching it with Aubrey Plaza.

A movie that I like better though is Upside Down. It has Kirsten Dunst in it.

I think it was best to let her go. Maybe it would have been different if I had more to offer at that time.

Traditionalists are not big on change. I think that change can be good but tradition is important too.

Mostly I just need more money. I need to change that. If I became a billionaire tomorrow I would be so lovable. The reality is that I just do not have a lot to offer right now. I would not even be close to having enough to offer to a person like yourself. It is just the truth. I need more money. Apart from that I am pretty good.

bex 2016-11-30 18:52

sadly at some point we have to confess that we do feel lonely and this brings us insecure.(Of course you can say You are not in " us" group.  Just yet?  :-) 
insecure was formed from many factors - mostly from self dissatisfaction or psychological trauma from family or social impact.

'Lost and found' - they are the best response to Oscar Wilde's words I think. If you could live single and enjoy your current state, it's a really cool thing to do!

Love - was a small word when there's only two people met and feeling great to be together , it will become a hugh word after you got kids ; love is nothing really, what is it ? there's no standard answer to it. I only can say there're many reasons for you to choose be with this person.

from your words you liked that person but are you just afraid that you cannot full fill the long term commitment and let her go? this doesn't sound wise to me :-) the world is changing so quickly, nobody say that change is not a good thing

HailChina! 2016-11-29 12:41

But why do you want someone to be with you? It seems to me that most people need to have someone tell them that they love them - and yes - to be with them. But why? In my opinion the reason most people need someone to love them is because they are insecure and they do not feel worthy of love. So if these people find a partner that they think is on their level/compatible ( people usually go for partners that are about as attractive as themselves unless they have a pay scale that allows them to do better ) and they get this person to 'love' them and to be with them then they feel worthy or whatever - on the level that they can achieve with their physical and mental blessings, or curses. It all seems pretty stupid to me.

And what is so-called 'love' anyway? Nobody could tell you.

I think Oscar Wilde said that the true individual cannot have a partner. I agree because if you enter into a committed long term romantic relationship with another person then you are losing a lot of your identity. You can no longer just care about yourself - you have to also consider your partner.

I think that old couples are very depressing but even worse are the middle aged ones. In my opinion they are just so pathetic.

I wanted to hear the last female that I dated tell me that she loved me. And she did say it. It took a bit of doing. She would have been an acceptable life partner but I honestly dont want one.