

gays are getting married and you pissed?
2015-06-29 on Jun 26th America became the 21st country where legalized same-sex marriage.
Gays and lesbians are finally share the same right with everyone else, it's a great march to a marriage equiality in America. But this decision, also aroused some objections among people.

I had a simple flick through the forum, majority objection voices are:
- A marriage should consist of a man and a woman not two hariy men or two ugly lesbian. It won't form a great growing-up enviroment for children ....

[my view] : why people are getting married? for love or for given birth?

If you say yes I 'm getting married because I want to have children not because I love her/him and I want to give her/him a commitment. Then I will terminate any furture possible discussions with you. I'm sorry because you're a lost cause.

If you say I get married because I really love her/him, I want to share my whole life with this person. Then why can't you see gays and lesbians having this right? They are JUST normal people like us, I'm sure they've already born enough pressure from social rumors, some of them probably don't want to be born as homosexual, but this is just what they are. Do you have a choice when there's no choice? They have been scared to tell people in public they are gay or lesbian, because their " issue" aren't common.

But do love have "any wrong" ? I assume No.

You can't be "gayist" only because they are both men or both women. People are all emotional creatures, you can't stop people falling in love, they didn't make this decision to be gay or lesbian to annoy or against any of you or any of the religion. Any religion, I guess, will not tear the lovers apart.

Love is valuable stuff in this materialized world, you are rich man if you own love.

At last, I'd like to say - gays and lesbians will not get effected whether you're agree or object them. They'll still do what they're doing, legalize gay marriage in America doesn't really make any difference on the gays behalf, because there's already have 11 other countries approved its legalization.

If they do want to get married, they can fly to other countries to get married, why bother protesting? why interfere other people's happniess? Gays and lesbians never made any comments on our relationship yet, when you carry out the hate on people, you shall also allow people have the equiality of love.


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