

thought from a rabbit
2015-06-04 The moment of deciding to love it means you have triggered a mission impossible. It's like you saw a cute cuddly rabbit through a shop window, you tried really hard to pursued the shopper to sell it to you.

After you paid a fortune for this cute little thing, the amount of excitement of getting the things you want gives you hope and all the beautiful fantasies of a wonderful future.

Little did you know, you couldn't handle this baby from the first week, the constantly feeding and clingy are tiring you out, especially the scratching noise it made on its own cage make you cannot get a complete sleep. The rabbit hates you because you never feed what it wants, you hate the rabbit because it poops too much and way too noisy at night. Apparently you've forgotten its cute look from the shop window, at this moment, only thing you want to do is sending this rabbit away.

You started to regret getting this rabbit, blame yourself that why didn't you check up the precautions about raising a rabbit? it's not fair on the rabbit either, it didn't had the chance to be with a better person who can taking better care of it.

Until the day you finally find someone to gave the rabbit to, all the guilts from unable to taking care of the rabbit eventually got released. You used ' we did had a great time together ' to relief yourself in the first week of the rabbit absence. Then you told everyone ' theres no perfect love' to make others agree on your decision.

Luckily it's only a rabbit, what if it's something important in your life you meet which bothered you, tortured you and you cannot just leave it to others? or even someone you promised to a wonderful future but you given up because of some difficulties?

If there's always a next time, we would only hope to spend the chance wisely next time. What if there's only one shot? If it's a rabbit, we can send to someone who knows how to raise it, if it's something we can fix, just try to fix it. :>


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