

He/She just didn't love you the way you want
2015-11-25 So cold!!! First snowfall in Yantai city.

Winter just turned on freezing mode overnight, it's colder than your ex-girlfriend's heart, colder than your ex-boyfriend's joke.

So I thought if I will ever get married I would married to this type of person:

When my period is coming, you should be more punctual than my period to appear in front of me with a glass of hot water and my favourite snacks.

You use your warm hands to warm up my cheeks and noticed I changed a new hair clip today.

When I fell asleep on the sofa you could help me cover a blanket and lay a sweet kiss on my forehead.

When I'm not happy you'll try to make me happy.

Always be patient with me, when I'm talking to you I hope you could look into my eyes rather than your phone.

I wish when you hear me screaming in the kitchen, run to me rather than sitting on the cough playing simpson's then after a decate or two ask me" are you ok?"

I wish you could notice all my minor changes in both appearance and emotion. Even my emotion is really hard to capture. At least you should try.

Acceptance、 mutual-agreement 、attention is always the right supplement for affection. Adrenaline plays a very important part in love but it could just wear off by years.

A friend of mine, he got to know his girlfriend on a "evening walk" after work. After that they had a long chat on internet for a year (i don't know why don't they just meet up and chat) after a year, they started dating. Everything goes pretty well, they got a kinda romantic start, a rational testing period, then cohabited for four years. Now broke up. I asked why, he said we just got no love anymore.

Recently I got a new “gnosis”, perhaps all the un-matching, feeling not loved, - is just you couldn't receive his love signal. He or she, just didn't love you the way you want. But it doesn't mean he or she doesn't love you.

It does feel message denied, but you couldn't say that he or she didn't deliver.

I guess this is a million dollar question for you to think.

And I still in the search of the answers too.

Or this is just what it is.


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