

Why visiting parents is a legal obligation in China?

I heard doubts from the forum as well as people from other countries -" why is China the only country that has passed a law obliging children to visit their parents if it is something they willingly do?"

"why is there an increased suicide rate amongst the elderly in rural china if their families care for them so much, especially if the parents are ill?"

"Chinese parents sending their children to universities is an “investment”.?

Well all these thoughts are not 100% wrong, because I can tell you yes there were people really like this exist in China. I don’t know if you heard a TV show called “ The Jeremy Kyle Show” google it if you don't know. After you watched 10 mins of this show you will feel your mind being boomed. Whole thing act like black humor but it’s just reality around us.

People got raised in different backgrounds, there’s always a saying goes “Things of one kind come together”.

The same type of crew will also be found in your country too, I’m sure this is not a surprise for you. I accidentally found this on Facebook some parents / grandparents even made a website for it http://abandonedparentsandgrandparents.com/ (interested readers can have a browse)

In 1994, Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly established, I’m feeling lucky and proud that China carried out this law —make and force these people to do the right thing.

The law regulated that if one’s elder parents lost ability to work and suffered a life difficulties, their children shall have the obligation to taking care of their parents. Without these two conditions the parents shall not ask for legal help.

Same clauses also can be found in <Marriage Law>. For your reference, in China Marriage Law also stated another clause: “ It shall be forbidden to drown or desert infants or commit any kind of infanticide.”

Do you think it’s unnecessary?or you think only Chinese might do this horrible thing? http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/heartbreaking-first-picture-newborn-baby-6560786 here’s only one example of this, and this is about the ugly side of human nature. It got nothing to do with a certain country.

As a country you cannot control people’s heart but you can regulate what is right what is wrong. I think this law is made based on humanitarianism and it’s very necessary.

Family love mean a lot to Chinese, whilst western countries are guiding their kids to be independent and trying to letting them decide their own life , Chinese parents paying all their heart and time doing research and planning for their children, because they want to give their children a better future, a better life. This could take it out as a topic to say that Chinese parents are giving “ too much” even “interfering” their children’s life. :-) or in the other side, western kids definitely are missing out some company from their parents in their childhood.

Whatever it is, love can have different forms.


bex 2016-12-13 20:03

well its a bummer that I know wikipedia started to charging people for ignorance now they were saying for some kind of ads free stuff

anyways dude, there's no one to force you to like any country your disappointment might got rejected.

China is where I was born I hate some of it but I do love most of it. I never denying I'm a Chinese in any country in anywhere

I don't get what you get but never mind. have a great day!

aloha123 2016-12-10 10:35

voice-cd on the other hand sounds very characteristically mainland chinese. ...lol ....i want to like China, i'm waiting for some sort of spiritual revolution where the mainland chinese just all wake up one day and decide to love one another and also the country.

aloha123 2016-12-10 10:30

Hehe. Wikipedia is also just another opinion, represents itself only. Everything written has bias. History as taught to us are falsehoods. So yeah, take no authority above yourself.

Anyway, you are fluent, but I have no idea what your point is. Poverty is not a problem, because there are poor people in SE Asia that don't have the problems that Mainland Chinese seem to struggle with. You just think poverty is a big problem, because of your extreme face culture. It's really not. Only if you have starvation would I agree that yes, that extreme level of poverty is a problem. But who is starving in China today?

So you sound very western with mainland Chinese influence from hanging out here. I think you could pass for a Hong Kong person.


bex 2016-12-10 07:11

I represent myself ONLY

Here's my blog so personal views only, us is on broad term so you can interpret it like 'people' :-) ok, so , let me put this in a statement : There's no solution to change people's heart. unless they wanted to. Is it clear this time ?

I don't get that - why you think people hang around with governors think poverty is the cause of all problems ?

Every problem has a cause for sure. My evaluation is based on what have happened in China, story line is like this : earn money - go to cities - try to stay in the cities - left those troublesome parents behind.

Or else you think: I hate my parents - I don't want to visit them but why? when people are concentrating on building their own life something else could easily be abandoned. these people are cruel - this perhaps also got sth to do with their parents raising methods, growing up environment as well. (coz these are main factors forming a person's personality)

So yeah, I say poverty is a cause of this problem. One of them. Their personality is another problem. What caused to have such a personality? it's a a vicious circle.

You sounded like from HK or Taiwan, whoever's China it doesn't matter, no need to kick the ball coz nobody cares, it's in the wikipedia anyways :D

aloha123 2016-12-02 20:36

Dear Bex...> Give us some solutions on how to "change people's heart"??

Who is "us"? Are you a representative from the Chinese government? Um. For free I give hints. If you want more information, you would need to cough up some dough. Hehe just kidding. But really, I don't want to put any more effort because I don't think people get it.

Mainland Chinese who hang out in government circles, seem to think poverty is the cause of all your problems. Why do you think this? I guarantee you, with your current foundation, all the money in the world wouldn't make you happy. Why do the rich Chinese misbehave? It's because money didn't solve their problems like they thought it would.

It IS what happened to China. It is what you Chinese people did to China. It used to be "my China," but now it's "your China."

Sure bad happens everywhere, but you have to ask why other countries didn't write such a law.

In any case, relax, Bex, I'm not here to wind you up. I'm just disappointed.

bex 2016-12-01 22:39

Give us some solutions on how to "change people's heart"??

As far as I could think of is -- government take some serious action to smack some money into the poverty village and build up some entertainment facilities for elders.

I never heard of it evil heart can be turned. Especially when somebody else ask you to change. NO SUCH THING IN THIS WORLD.

Unless they wants to change by themselves.

all I say is law can help you do things you don't want ---because you have to and you should do it. It might not change his heart but elders right is being protected somehow. ----- when family relations developing to such stage, there's no love inside, it's only hard cold right or wrong.

Again, it's not what happened to China, it's what happened to the people !!!

Don't tell me your country don't have such cases? or tell me even your country have such cases happened, will these elders right being protected??

bex 2016-12-01 19:55

hmm you might did hit my nerve - because this reminded me the ugly side of our Chinese, not because of I want to denying this to you.

All the reports I read yes. you are right. we both knew this is ugly and wrong. What I'm trying to say is this is not only happen in this country. FYI -I'm not passionate patriot without knowing situations from other countries and only saying good about China.

This ugly side of society exist in other countries too.

What caused the elderly parents suicide in China - mostly they were left out alone in the deep village whilist their children went to work in bigger cities. ---China is a fast developing country, it had experienced very dark and POOR time, there's a group of uneducated young Chinese (30ish )with narrow and selfish minds, they wanted to stay in bigger city to live but they don't want to go back to the poor mountain village, even it's their hometown and their hometown still have their old parents.

There's not much you can actually do in the village, no entertainment or anything, solitude and neglect caused elderly parents choose to suicide.

Who to blame on? This is a scar for our society.

BUT it doesn't happen very often in the cities. --- economy situations are relatively better in the cities. Children are relatively have better education, they were raised in a better environment, they don't have that strong desire to "get out of the mountain".

Human nature could be very evil, and it all has a reason.

For a big populated country like China, much more government needs to do.

aloha123 2016-12-01 18:43

> I’m feeling lucky and proud that China carried out this law —make and force these people to do the right thing. 

This is why I don't blame the Chinese government for all the misfortunes that China has suffered for the past century. You approve of such an invasive and humiliating law, and you are all about controlling things from the outside. If you could really control things from the outside, communism would have worked. The thing is, you love to ignore the human heart, but someday you will see that the human heart is more important than any laws that can be written up. Just because it's hard to teach the heart, it doesn't mean you should just give it up altogether.

But this is why China today is the way it is. Because you all agree that it is good this way. You like it, and you feel lucky and proud about it. Well, what can I say. Enjoy your life. Just don't ask me to be a part of it, because I hate this new law, and I was shocked when I first heard about it over 10 years ago. I even remember where I was when I read about it. My thoughts then, what happened to the Chinese people? That was the second time in my life. The first time was when I heard about the one-child policy. Back then I was still a kid, but my initial thoughts then, what happened to China? But to you all, it's all good and normal, you feel lucky and proud. To each his own.

Sincerely yours very truly.