

I am lucky because I am an English teacher; I am unlucky because I am an English teacher in Tibet. I have been working as an English teacher in Tibet for almost 14 years. To some degree, Tibet is my second hometown. I love this place. I also love teaching here. Tibet is the extreme west part of China, which is one of the traveling destinations in the world. Everyone comes to Tibet just for travelling, for relaxing, for fun, for the beatiful senery. But I care more about the education of English. The students in Tibet need learn three languages . Firstly, Tibtan, their mother tougue(native language). Secondly, Chinese, Chinese is their official language(they are totally Chinese). Finally, they have to learn English, a must course to college. So the students in Tibet need spend more time on their lessons than inland students. It's somewhat hard for them to learn three languages, especially for English. Some of them even don't know how many letters in English when they come to Senior High School. It doesn't matter, I can teach them from ABC. Things are complicated than we imagine. Most of them have no interest in learning English. As we all known, the full marks of English test in high school is 150 points, while the average points in my school is 40 points. What a shame for our English teachers! I really want to do something to change. The very first thing I want to do is to improve the interest of students' learning English. I guess the students must love games, so I prepare 1 to 2 games in my class. I play an English song each class. And I emphasis the importance of English every class. Change brings good effect. Now, most students expect to meet me and have my English class. Because they know there is a lot of fun in class. And also they can learn English easily. How proud I am now. Anyway, It's a great change for me to let my students fall in love with English.


"He maybe becomes a computer engineer. Just guide him well." One of my friends said. I believe that what he said is reasonable. I should divert his mind. At last, we had a deal. He mustn't surf the internet from Monday to Friday, two hours at weekend. We come to an agreement. His grandparents are responsible for supervising. Everything goes well at the first few weeks. Gragually, he can't stand without the games. He began to play the games every day, not so long, one hour or so a day. I think It doesn't matter. It's most important for a kid to keep good mood. I think we'd better reach a compromise. My idea proved to be wrong later. He refused to complete his homework. His teacher got angry and asked him, "why not hand in your homework?" " I ,I forget to bring with me. Next time I will remember." he answered trembledly. In fact, the same excuse every time. even bother to make up another excuse. I can imagine how disappointed his teacher is. Things got worse and worse, he is unwilling to go to school. "I am ill and feel uncomfortable, I need to see a doctor" He said to his grandpa every Monday. The teachers like to leave much homework at weekend and ask students hand in on Monday morning. In his opinion, The teachers will forget when he appears on Tuesday. How smart he is. The thing that I can't tolerate is that he often tells lies. Dad, I have finished my homework, Dad, I listened to the class carefully today , I do all things by myself and etc.


After a few days rest, I was thinking about doing something for them. So we four(I;a teacher from guizhou province and other two native persons) Planed to learn concrete situations according to pay a visit to the villagers. There are 258 people in the village in total, all pure herdsmen, a peaceful, quiet village, 20 kms far away from Mt. Everest. We can see the highest mountain clearly any place in the village. After investigation, we knew that half of them didn't lack of money, They are all millionairs(many sheep and a lot of yaks. ). They even didn't know how wonderful the outside world is. Nor did they use money effectively. Were they hungry for knowledge? I was wondering only to find some school age kids wandering in the village. I asked one of them. Why not go to school? "My older brother and sisiter don't go to school either". replied he. "My mum is my teacher and teach me how to count numbers from one to thousand. I can count sheep now. I will go to herd sheep with my father a few days later." He answered me proudly. I couldn't say a word for a long time. Education is free there, but It seems that they get more from herding sheep or yaks. How embarrassed the education is here, I think. To be honest, some of the kids are looking forward to going to school, but their parents object strongly to do so. Students can take nothing home from the school, the situation are totally different if they stay at home or herd sheep. It's dangerous for them to follow the previous model, I told myself again and again. I need do something to change them. So I held a meeting in the village. I told them how important the education and knowledge are. We had a discussion after the meeting. One of the villagers raised a question confused me. If my kid go to school one day, would you like to herd sheep for me? If you lend me a hand. I am glad to send him to school. I keep silence for a long time again. No word to respond to him.


There was an old legend in Chinese culture saying that a daughter is a lover and a son is a debtee of a father in the prelife. Unfortunately, I have not a lover, but a debtee. Nine years ago, my wife gave birth to a healthy he-baby in a hospital by caesarean section. It's the biggest and most meaningful things that year. His appearance makes my life more significant. His voice of crying, laughing, both make me happy. I feel I was the happiest guy in the world. He is a precious gift that God give me. How time flies! The baby began to grow. one year, two years, three years... He was really a good baby. So lovely. Everyone would love him as long as seeing him. So he is the focus of the whole family. It seemed that the flowers and applause were prepared for him intentionly. He began to speak his native language. papa, mama. I realized that I need do something for him at once. Somebody called me father. I'd like to do everything for him. I thought so at that time at least. Little boy began to go to school, maybe a writer, a scientist, a lawyer, a philosopher ... is on the way, I think. I am wrong. He is interested in watching TV and playing computer games. That's ok, He should learn the outside world through TV or compter, I think stubbornly. But things seem out of control. He is a persevering boy. He forget eating and sleeping owing to being busy in doing his favourite things. Once I cann't stand any more and tell him, you are not my son if you are still addicted to watching TV or playing computer games all day. His anwser give me a big surprise. I can be a son of others. I know there is a generation gap between us. But It is important for everyone to study, especially for a child. Maybe I should try another way to communicate with him. waiting for my good news.


Is reality unfair ?


It's really a serious and have to say topic, I think. There exists so many unfair phenomena in the world. We can neglect but they are still there. Some pretend not to see them because they choose to aviod. They think they should do the things that they consider right. It seems that the society should be to blame. It's true that the government should be responsible for it. But what we can do for it is what I want to talk about today. I am not the lucky dog. I was born in a poor family. I couldn't get the better education from the preschool. My parents are not officers in the key department or are not the billonaire. I am doomed to average. It seems that make sense. But I don't think so. The society and we both need do something to change the situation. The rulers and administration maybe are thinking how to prevent and do something available. as for us ,we have no time to wait the change taken by the government. We must change ourselves right now. A friend of mine often complains that he is the lowest of the low. He want to be a successful person and then give back the society. He really works hard and run a prvite company. After his a few years of fight, he made an achievment in his field and earned a big fortune. It may be a completely wonderful ending for him, I think. But he don't think so. One day, he said to me, hi,buddy, I found my ending is just as the starting piont of others. It's unfair.To be frank, It's hard fact. Don't you look at those who are struggling for life. They are inferior to you although they work as hard as you even harder. You should be satisfied with your present situation. He got nothing to say to me. What's your opinion?


I can still remember those hard days when I suffered from constantly sleeplessness in my high school. Such days never come again, I hope. But things always get the opposite of what you want. Sleeplessness is really a nightmare for me. But It just like an old friend who always accompany me and visit me, especially in the evening. I can feel that it is beside the pillow, wandering around the room, sometimes hiding in the clock. I definitely get some feasible measures to cure sleeplessness. I'd like to share them with you if you get the same trouble. counting sheep or just counting numbers is a good way. I like the latter more and practise this method every night, of course, It doesn't work well each time. Last night, I counted the numbers as uaual. one two three four five...after a while, I forgot where the numbers are. So I began from one two three... and after a while , I forgot where I counted again so I stayed up all the night through. Don't worry. Most time It has a positive effect. The aim of counting is to make you boring and restrain the exciting of your brain, also can make you clam down from the sharp competitive conditions. So this way is choosed by most persons firstly. I tried another way when the first failed. taking much exercises, like jogging, running, riding, skipping rope, doing push ups, doing squats and so on. Someone may ask what benefits do you get from it. If you are a man of strong willpower and do one or two or more of them two hours each day. You must be healthy and vital. Generally speaking, sleeplessness might hide you. Most importantly, you must be tired after these exercises of two hours and sleepy. One more thing, the prime time of taking exercises is around five in the afternoon. I like hiking on my city, no time limit, the only standard is that I am tired and want to sleep. It's really a good way to keep fit and cure sleeplessness. It's important for everyone to find a cause to be optimistic. According to statistics, pessimistic persons are uaually sleeplessness, I am one of them. To tell you truth, I long for being an optimistic person. But it's hard to change. I tried again and again and failed again and again. Now I am still trying. It's necessary to keep good mood because annoyance and sleeplessness will knock at your door at the same time. So setting up a positive and progressive outlook of the world is the best solution. We should practise the following words: smile, jiggle, laugh, grin,guffaw. Night make me frightening , night make me intoxicated, Now it's time to do what we should do at night-- sleep.


Someone believe that everyone come to the world with original sin, which just like a poisonous snake in our heart. Few peole can control the snake, however, most of us cann't control. Firstly, I would like to take the nazi leader Hitler as an example. He was a notorious guy in the World War Two. Why did he launch the war? I guess he must have been controlled by the snake in his heart. What caused him becoming a cruel butcher? He hasn't been an unforgiven guy since he was born. With the wrong knowledge accepted by him and the wrong world outlook. The little snake in his heart grew up with these "nutrition". So the devil came to the world. Secondly, let us look at the corrupt officials in China. Countless officials were carried off or investigated. Zhouyong Kang was one of them. There must exist a very big poisonous snake in the biggest tiger's heart. He abused the right that people gave him. He filled his own pocket with public funds. He had sex relationship with many female at the same time. I am sure that much time will be needed to handle his case because of his countless crimes. How about the common people? I am sure I can stand for one of them. There definitely lives a snake in my heart all the time. Sometimes I can control and sometimes I cann't. I have married , but I still want to find a lover. How filthy I am! Even sometimes I want to have sex intercourse with two girls at the same time. I did thought in the past although I didn't do so. I decide to kill the poisonous snake in my heart or I will make a big mistake. How about you ?


Great grandma


My grandma was born in 1911, a common farm family in old China, a great women in my heart. Left me in 1996. Her life was a epitome of China. She really had gone through the hard times – the twice World Wars, the Civil War, the Three Years of Disasters, the Cultural Revolutions and etc. I was the lucky one among her forty grandchildren. She loved me best. I was always the first one to share her stories about her early life. No chance to get educated. “I am longing for going to school.” She always told me, In fact, girls shouldn’t go to school. It’s a duty for girls to learn how to cook and how to wave. Going to school was the privilege of boys. Sex discrimination was ubiquitous in those days, especially in the countryside. It’s necessary for girls to bind their feet. My grandma had a pair of small feet. Every girl must do it when they were 8 years old, some may be earlier under the double pressures both society and parents. Small feet mean beautiful, charming, attractive. Some girls couldn’t find a man to marry just because of having big feet. The aesthetical standard killed the generation of my grandma. It’s cruel to prevent growing of feet. No right to choose. My grandma married my grandpa when she was 16, when most girls study in school nowadays. She didn’t meet her future husband once before marriage. Parents decided the marriage instead of themselves. Luckily, my grandpa was a good guy. She led a happy life after marriage. Women were the tool for fertility. She had seven children alive in her life, four boys and three girls. She had my father (the youngest one) when she was on her forties when her granddaughter appeared in the same year. It’s really an interesting thing. Maybe people didn’t know how to control birth. Thousands of people died from The Three Years of Disasters. It took place from 1959 to 1961. Nothing to eat, even salt. My grandma was so wise that she found something to eat for the family( a kind of mud, bark, ). These things really could fill the belly. But questions arose one by one. Some had a big belly because the mud couldn’t be digested. Some legs became thick due to lacking of salt. Fortunately again, my grandma and her family defeated the disaster and survived. My grandma was always optimistic. She told me those things with her smiling face. Her only hope was that I could go to college even though she didn’t know how important the education played.