

Is reality unfair ?
It's really a serious and have to say topic, I think. There exists so many unfair phenomena in the world. We can neglect but they are still there.
Some pretend not to see them because they choose to aviod. They think they should do the things that they consider right. It seems that the society should be to blame. It's true that the government should be responsible for it. But what we can do for it is what I want to talk about today. I am not the lucky dog. I was born in a poor family. I couldn't get the better education from the preschool. My parents are not officers in the key department or are not the billonaire. I am doomed to average. It seems that make sense. But I don't think so. The society and we both need do something to change the situation. The rulers and administration maybe are thinking how to prevent and do something available. as for us ,we have no time to wait the change taken by the government. We must change ourselves right now.
A friend of mine often complains that he is the lowest of the low. He want to be a successful person and then give back the society. He really works hard and run a prvite company. After his a few years of fight, he made an achievment in his field and earned a big fortune. It may be a completely wonderful ending for him, I think. But he don't think so. One day, he said to me, hi,buddy, I found my ending is just as the starting piont of others. It's unfair.To be frank, It's hard fact. Don't you look at those who are struggling for life. They are inferior to you although they work as hard as you even harder. You should be satisfied with your present situation. He got nothing to say to me.
What's your opinion?


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