

A poor village near the Mt. Everest (part two)
After a few days rest, I was thinking about doing something for them. So we four(I;a teacher from guizhou province and other two native persons) Planed to learn concrete situations according to pay a visit to the villagers. There are 258 people in the village in total, all pure herdsmen, a peaceful, quiet village, 20 kms far away from Mt. Everest. We can see the highest mountain clearly any place in the village.
After investigation, we knew that half of them didn't lack of money, They are all millionairs(many sheep and a lot of yaks. ). They even didn't know how wonderful the outside world is. Nor did they use money effectively.
Were they hungry for knowledge? I was wondering only to find some school age kids wandering in the village. I asked one of them. Why not go to school? "My older brother and sisiter don't go to school either". replied he. "My mum is my teacher and teach me how to count numbers from one to thousand. I can count sheep now. I will go to herd sheep with my father a few days later." He answered me proudly. I couldn't say a word for a long time. Education is free there, but It seems that they get more from herding sheep or yaks. How embarrassed the education is here, I think. To be honest, some of the kids are looking forward to going to school, but their parents object strongly to do so. Students can take nothing home from the school, the situation are totally different if they stay at home or herd sheep.
It's dangerous for them to follow the previous model, I told myself again and again. I need do something to change them.
So I held a meeting in the village. I told them how important the education and knowledge are. We had a discussion after the meeting. One of the villagers raised a question confused me. If my kid go to school one day, would you like to herd sheep for me? If you lend me a hand. I am glad to send him to school. I keep silence for a long time again. No word to respond to him.


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