

He makes me happy and anoyed
There was an old legend in Chinese culture saying that a daughter is a lover and a son is a debtee of a father in the prelife. Unfortunately, I have not a lover, but a debtee.
Nine years ago, my wife gave birth to a healthy he-baby in a hospital by caesarean section. It's the biggest and most meaningful things that year. His appearance makes my life more significant. His voice of crying, laughing, both make me happy. I feel I was the happiest guy in the world. He is a precious gift that God give me.
How time flies! The baby began to grow. one year, two years, three years... He was really a good baby. So lovely. Everyone would love him as long as seeing him. So he is the focus of the whole family. It seemed that the flowers and applause were prepared for him intentionly. He began to speak his native language. papa, mama. I realized that I need do something for him at once. Somebody called me father. I'd like to do everything for him. I thought so at that time at least.
Little boy began to go to school, maybe a writer, a scientist, a lawyer, a philosopher ... is on the way, I think. I am wrong. He is interested in watching TV and playing computer games. That's ok, He should learn the outside world through TV or compter, I think stubbornly. But things seem out of control. He is a persevering boy. He forget eating and sleeping owing to being busy in doing his favourite things. Once I cann't stand any more and tell him, you are not my son if you are still addicted to watching TV or playing computer games all day. His anwser give me a big surprise. I can be a son of others.
I know there is a generation gap between us. But It is important for everyone to study, especially for a child. Maybe I should try another way to communicate with him. waiting for my good news.


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