

Terrible sleeplessness
I can still remember those hard days when I suffered from constantly sleeplessness in my high school. Such days never come again, I hope. But things always get the opposite of what you want. Sleeplessness is really a nightmare for me. But It just like an old friend who always accompany me and visit me, especially in the evening. I can feel that it is beside the pillow, wandering around the room, sometimes hiding in the clock. I definitely get some feasible measures to cure sleeplessness. I'd like to share them with you if you get the same trouble.
counting sheep or just counting numbers is a good way. I like the latter more and practise this method every night, of course, It doesn't work well each time. Last night, I counted the numbers as uaual. one two three four five...after a while, I forgot where the numbers are. So I began from one two three... and after a while , I forgot where I counted again so I stayed up all the night through. Don't worry. Most time It has a positive effect. The aim of counting is to make you boring and restrain the exciting of your brain, also can make you clam down from the sharp competitive conditions. So this way is choosed by most persons firstly.
I tried another way when the first failed. taking much exercises, like jogging, running, riding, skipping rope, doing push ups, doing squats and so on. Someone may ask what benefits do you get from it. If you are a man of strong willpower and do one or two or more of them two hours each day. You must be healthy and vital. Generally speaking, sleeplessness might hide you. Most importantly, you must be tired after these exercises of two hours and sleepy. One more thing, the prime time of taking exercises is around five in the afternoon. I like hiking on my city, no time limit, the only standard is that I am tired and want to sleep. It's really a good way to keep fit and cure sleeplessness.
It's important for everyone to find a cause to be optimistic. According to statistics, pessimistic persons are uaually sleeplessness, I am one of them. To tell you truth, I long for being an optimistic person. But it's hard to change. I tried again and again and failed again and again. Now I am still trying. It's necessary to keep good mood because annoyance and sleeplessness will knock at your door at the same time. So setting up a positive and progressive outlook of the world is the best solution. We should practise the following words: smile, jiggle, laugh, grin,guffaw.
Night make me frightening , night make me intoxicated, Now it's time to do what we should do at night-- sleep.


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