

It was over 70 years ago the horrible horrific Honda men tried to rule the worldThe emperors men had scorched the world with bombs and gunsIn pearl harbor the hungry horrible horrific Honda men had the yanks in a twirlThey bombed their ships and cause some havoc in the pearl "harbor"......................Then the yanks put paid to the horrific horrible Honda men.....The yanks dropped that bomb in the horrific horrible Honda men's denIt was very sad but that put and end to them then and then..Now the horrific horrible Honda men are back again...............With their now friends the yanks they want to take the island in the SouthHistory shows this island in the South belongs to the might Chinese red armyBut the horrible horrific Honda men will not stop, they see a chance to grab some landThe mighty Chinese army is solid and full of strength ........And the horrible horrific Honda men think that the yanks will helpThe mighty Chinese have warned,attack us in the South China SeaAnd we will quickly let you see.....The yanks are there in their splendor just smelling blood like they doThis time i think the horrible horrific Honda men will fall againThe horrible horrific Honda men are up to their old tricks againBut this time i think again they will be crushed in vain............Lets hope the yanks stop their assistance to the horrible horrific Honda menAnd we can all have peace in this world againThe Chinese will be peaceful until disturbed againBut in the thought are the massacres of NanjingWhen the horrible horrific Honda were at their very worstReeking havoc in their endeavors to kill with lustYes the memories of Nanjing are still very clearAnd i think in retrospect the horrible horrific Honda men should live in fearI do hope that these horrible horrific Honda men get some senseAnd realize that with the mighty red army they will be in disarrayIf in fact they want to playAnd the Yanks stop their meddling ways in this matter that is not theirs to playThe mighty Chinese reds will wait and see and hope that the fools will see the planBecause the Chinese reds are ready for revenge...........and justice for the Nanjing kill and lust..


This blog is about democracy and freedom of the press in all ways even if they are close associates or loving friends . Yes i know it is the china daily and china is a communist country, but in fact is the china dailya newspaper that is run on democratic lines? The blogs for example are there some bloggers who are not really into intelligent matter rather just photos with comments taken from another person. No i am not directing my blog at any particular person or persons. But these blogs should be original blogs with original comments rather then blogs made up of photos and the words taken from other books or other peoples comments? Is that intellectual comment or just copying other intellectuals? i believe the blogs should be made by the person themselves otherwise they are just not original or in fact real. Is a presentation of say ten or more or less photos with comments stolen from other people a blog? or is it in fact just "plagiarism"? Yes i believe if you look close at some of the blogs and in particular the blogs that have many photos and "stolen comments" with a general lack of intellectual content should in fact be banned by china daily.. but alas in this very big world some people know more important people on china daily and are allowed more liberties. This is not in fact a harsh comment on china daily but only a comment on what happens sometimes in china, where people pamper their friends or others with favors. I believe that the china daily if it is to stand up to be a true publisher of blogs then it must act with absolute integrity and allow true freedom of speech, get rid of these fraudsters who produce mostly photos and comments stolen from others. I do hope that the China Daily publishers this blog as it might in fact be better for the intellectual and original content of blogs and in fact prove that the China Daily is in fact a progressive newspaper.. amen


"The Horrific Honda men'The Honda people came in their droves....Why on earth did they come in the first place these rogues....It seems that they wanted more land to live and stay......And in their minds the reds people were the prey....The Honda people also went to "Pearl"........ harbourThey had the yanks in a bit of a twirl.....Their was only one answer to this fight.....The red white and blue release that bomb with all it's might......That quickly put and end to the leopards flight.......The Honda men are back again.......They hide behind the red,white and blue with disdain......They claim the island to their south......But the peacful red people will not their rightful land go.......Because the Diaoyu island is red property as we know......No, the leopard will not change it's spots......Because those Honda people want more results......Now the years have passed and the Honda men have had time to Think.....But they never did apologize for their STINK.......Putins boys are with the reds ...........And if the leopard does persist then the it will be torn to threads.....Let us hope that peace is here to stay.....And now the red,white and blue settle down without delay....Because Jinping is a man of steel.....And lets hope like hell Mr Obama knows how to deal........Do not let those Honda men RAISE again....Stop this leopard in his track......Put them back in the rack.......Nobody in this world wants another fatal attack......Poetry by Phantomguy "just to let the world know that the evil honda men are back and beware the leopard""


I read with interest that the "director of asian affairs in the white house" Evan Medeiros has made a controversial statement regarding the announcement by China that the victory of The Chinese Peoples War of Resistance in the1940's was to be celebrated and remembered this year in China. Mr Evan Medeiros in his astounding piece of political wisdom has made a statement that is absolutely non of his business. The Australian people turned out in the millions to march and watch the march of what we call the ANZACS (the australian and new zealand army corps) last saturday the 25 th of April.Every year on the same date Australians celebrate the memory of the soldiers killed and injured in wars last century and thestart of this century. And did Evan Medeiros say anything about the Australians marching and celebrating? no he did not because he knows that the Australians would be insulted by any political activist (yes i am calling Evan Medeiros a politicalactivist). commenting on their right to march and remember with solemn dignity the past wars and the soldiers who fought for Australia. So why make a comment on China and their intention to remember their soldiers and citizens killed in wars. I can recall with great sadness that there were a reported 13,000,000 yes 13 million chinese people killed by the Jaanese Imperial Army. What right has this fool Evan Medeiros to make such ridiculous and intimidating statments. It is time the USA juststopped sticking their noses in the business of China. Let what ever country that wishes to remember the past wars and thesoldiers and civilians killed be able to remember with dignity and let this remind us all of what sadness and disaster that wars do bring to all countries. Pleas stop the "China Bashing" as it is just getting to out of hand Mr Medeiros, and it only opens more wounds. These wounds need to be healed with more political sensitvity. What right has Evan Medeiros to make statements condemning China and it's intention to remember their soldiers and civilians killed in this past war? none at all i think.from phantomguy who says it as he sees it


Well it seems like "Abbott and Costello" comedy show of the last century has now been reinvented and renamed. Now thiscentury we have the "Abe and Obama" show. At a recent meeting of the Japanese Prime Minister Abe and the USA president Obama, Mr Obama has pointed out the "China is flexing it"s muscles" in the so called "Diaoyou Islands dispute".Is it the "Pot calling the kettle black". Who exactly is flexing their muscle? It would appear that the USA is actually flexingit"s muscle by saying that it will stand by the Japanese in the South China Sea. I truly believe that any historian worth hisor her salt would have no doubt at all the the Diaoyou Islands belong to China. The Chinese are great diplomats and they havenot come out with all this "bullying tactics". We all know that China is not a war monger and history has proven this correct, but can a true historian say that Japan or in fact USA has a history of being involved in wars? I am not going to be the judge and jury here in "The South China Sea Dispute" but "blind freddy without his glasses" can see that the Chinese are in fact standingup for a principal here. And once again Mr Abe has failed to recognize the acts relating to "the comfort women". As usual MrAbe has sidetracked the situation and just renamed these women "illegal trafficking victims". When is Japan going to come clean and face the facts "perhaps never" does a leopard ever change it"s spots? Sadlly no. All readers of this blog can make their own decisions but please do not be fooled by words and how they can be "machined",as the Japanese have in fact beeen doing for many many years. Look at the facts''' Look at the history of the countries involved"". ""Make your own decision"From the one who speaks his mind Phantomguy


Today 25/04/2015. Today in Australia we celebrate "Anzac Day" "Australian and New Zealand Army Corps".. Today it is100 years since the Australian soldiers landed in a place called "gallipoli" situated in Turkey. Anzac is a day of rememberancefor soldiers sailor and airforce who were killed or injured in all past wars and peace keeping missions. Today many old soldiers will march and wear their medals on their right hand side of their chest, soldiers that are now deceased will be represented in the Anzac day marches by their sons and daughters and relatives who will wear the medals of the deceased soldiers on their left hand side to signify that they are marching in rememberance of their deceased relative or close friend. Many drinks will bedowned with old comrades still alive and relatives of past soldiers. It is the only day that the police turn a blind eye to a gambling game we call "two up" where coins are tossed in the air and land "heads" or "tails". The Australians will play this game during the day as they drink and eat. You can lay your bet for heads or tails to come up when the coins drop to the ground. Normally this game of "two up" is illegal, but on Anzac the game is played and the police just let it go on with noarrests. Yes today in Australia and New zealand we celebrate with sadness and sorrow in relation to the past in war and peace. Just some information for the readers far away in China from phantomguy who says as he thinks