

Anzac day celebrations in Australia
2015-04-25 Today 25/04/2015. Today in Australia we celebrate "Anzac Day" "Australian and New Zealand Army Corps".. Today it is
100 years since the Australian soldiers landed in a place called "gallipoli" situated in Turkey. Anzac is a day of rememberance
for soldiers sailor and airforce who were killed or injured in all past wars and peace keeping missions. Today many old soldiers will march and wear their medals on their right hand side of their chest, soldiers that are now deceased will be represented in
the Anzac day marches by their sons and daughters and relatives who will wear the medals of the deceased soldiers on their
left hand side to signify that they are marching in rememberance of their deceased relative or close friend. Many drinks will be
downed with old comrades still alive and relatives of past soldiers. It is the only day that the police turn a blind eye to a gambling game we call "two up" where coins are tossed in the air and land "heads" or "tails". The Australians will play this game during the day as they drink and eat. You can lay your bet for heads or tails to come up when the coins drop to the ground. Normally this game of "two up" is illegal, but on Anzac the game is played and the police just let it go on with no
arrests. Yes today in Australia and New zealand we celebrate with sadness and sorrow in relation to the past in war and peace.
Just some information for the readers far away in China from phantomguy who says as he thinks


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