

the new laws on anti smoking in china
2015-04-17 Interesting to see that chins is about to implement some smoking restrictions in public places. Well some restrictions were
implemented in Australia several years ago and it is a better place to live for non smokers and young children who sometimes
have no choice with smoking parents. But just one question If smoking is restricted then some people will smoke only in their
own homes "which is their right off course" but what about the rights of the children in the house? This is a question the chinese
austhorities need to address before they get to strict. For example it is forbidden to smoke in a car with anyone under 18 in australia and if caught will lead to a heavy fine. But to smoke in your own home with children present is not unlawfull?
Anyhow just wanted to make a comment but i applaud the chinese government in taking a brave and bold step to alleviate the
risk of smoking to the non smoking world and to perhaps increase the overall health of people in china
from the person who speaks as he thinks phantomguy


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