

China has every right to march and remember with sadness the world war 11 victor
2015-05-01 I read with interest that the "director of asian affairs in the white house" Evan Medeiros has made a controversial
statement regarding the announcement by China that the victory of The Chinese Peoples War of Resistance in the
1940's was to be celebrated and remembered this year in China. Mr Evan Medeiros in his astounding piece of political
wisdom has made a statement that is absolutely non of his business. The Australian people turned out in the millions to march and watch the march of what we call the ANZACS (the australian and new zealand army corps) last saturday the 25 th of April.
Every year on the same date Australians celebrate the memory of the soldiers killed and injured in wars last century and the
start of this century. And did Evan Medeiros say anything about the Australians marching and celebrating? no he did not
because he knows that the Australians would be insulted by any political activist (yes i am calling Evan Medeiros a political
activist). commenting on their right to march and remember with solemn dignity the past wars and the soldiers who fought for Australia. So why make a comment on China and their intention to remember their soldiers and citizens killed in wars. I can recall with great sadness that there were a reported 13,000,000 yes 13 million chinese people killed by the Jaanese Imperial
Army. What right has this fool Evan Medeiros to make such ridiculous and intimidating statments. It is time the USA just
stopped sticking their noses in the business of China. Let what ever country that wishes to remember the past wars and the
soldiers and civilians killed be able to remember with dignity and let this remind us all of what sadness and disaster that wars do
bring to all countries. Pleas stop the "China Bashing" as it is just getting to out of hand Mr Medeiros, and it only opens more wounds. These wounds need to be healed with more political sensitvity. What right has Evan Medeiros to make statements condemning China and it's intention to remember their soldiers and civilians killed in this past war? none at all i think.
from phantomguy who says it as he sees it


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