

The Story of the Horrific Honda Men in Poetry
2015-05-14 "The Horrific Honda men'
The Honda people came in their droves....
Why on earth did they come in the first place these rogues....
It seems that they wanted more land to live and stay......
And in their minds the reds people were the prey....
The Honda people also went to "Pearl"........ harbour
They had the yanks in a bit of a twirl.....
Their was only one answer to this fight.....
The red white and blue release that bomb with all it's might......
That quickly put and end to the leopards flight.......
The Honda men are back again.......
They hide behind the red,white and blue with disdain......
They claim the island to their south......
But the peacful red people will not their rightful land go.......
Because the Diaoyu island is red property as we know......
No, the leopard will not change it's spots......
Because those Honda people want more results......

Now the years have passed and the Honda men have had time to Think.....
But they never did apologize for their STINK.......
Putins boys are with the reds ...........
And if the leopard does persist then the it will be torn to threads.....
Let us hope that peace is here to stay.....
And now the red,white and blue settle down without delay....
Because Jinping is a man of steel.....
And lets hope like hell Mr Obama knows how to deal........
Do not let those Honda men RAISE again....
Stop this leopard in his track......
Put them back in the rack.......
Nobody in this world wants another fatal attack......

Poetry by Phantomguy "just to let the world know that the evil honda men are back and beware the leopard""


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