

blogs and the chosen people
2015-05-27 This blog is about democracy and freedom of the press in all ways even if they are close associates or loving friends . Yes i know it is the china daily and china is a communist country, but in fact is the china daily
a newspaper that is run on democratic lines? The blogs for example are there some bloggers who are not really into intelligent matter rather just photos with comments taken from another person. No i am not directing my blog at any particular person or persons. But these blogs should be original blogs with original comments rather then blogs made up of photos and the words taken from other books or other peoples comments? Is that intellectual comment or just copying other intellectuals? i believe the blogs should be made by the person themselves otherwise they are just not original or in fact real. Is a presentation of say ten or more or less photos with comments stolen from other people a blog? or is it in fact just "plagiarism"? Yes i believe if you look close at some of the blogs and in particular the blogs that have many photos and "stolen comments" with a general lack of
intellectual content should in fact be banned by china daily.. but alas in this very big world some people know more important
people on china daily and are allowed more liberties. This is not in fact a harsh comment on china daily but only a comment on what happens sometimes in china, where people pamper their friends or others with favors. I believe that the china daily if it is to stand up to be a true publisher of blogs then it must act with absolute integrity and allow true freedom of speech, get rid of these fraudsters who produce mostly photos and comments stolen from others. I do hope that the China Daily publishers this blog as it might in fact be better for the intellectual and original content of blogs and in fact prove that the China Daily is in fact a progressive newspaper.. amen


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