

Hello again


Last time that i logined the blog can be trace back to the summer of this year. To be honest, I really miss here. Maybe, I am missing the period that I spend in the room by myself and knock the keyboard to give a birth to the word that encompass all my feeling. Luckily, some friends that I never meet will comment my blog. Thus, we can share our opinion. This autumn, I came to Hongkong to start my one-year study here. Well, it is already three months passed. I don't want to talk about anything about Hongkong this time. I just want to talk about myself. It's a werid thing for a girl who never homesick. Yeah, that's me. Maybe, I know i will back to mainland next year which means it's really a short time for me to study in Hongkong. So, i think i'd better treasure this opportunity. It is really difficult and easy thing to foster a habit. In terms of difficult, laziness is human nature. We uesd to find plenty of excuse to free ourself. Because of the traditional educational and growing experience, we are accustomed to do the thing that somebody told us to do. That's the role of homework and deadline. However, after I come here, i almost have no homework and quiz due to the course that I choosed. I can't make myself sitting and to read a book, maybe, it can last for several minutes, however, when more and more unknown words rushing in front of you and when you find that you know every single words but when they combine into a long sentence, what does it mean?! At that time, i just want to throw away the book. As for easy, I just want to mention one word, that is persistence. It is the secret of every successful person. Like Mayun, he insist on his taobao career, so he successed. Turn to a girl in beside me, she used to be a fat girl. While, after 3 months, she get rid of 10kg. That really an amazing word for me. She kept running for one every night before she go to bed. Persistence makes her dream come ture. Last week, my older roommate said a sentence which impressed me a lot, that is persistence is nothing. So cool! Look after your emotion when you find the reality of out of your imagination. I come to Hongkong with a simple dream that is my English-speaking ability will be improved. To some extent, it was destoryed. Because, you gradually find that people around you are mainland students, and some of the courses are taught by cantonese and mandarin. Disaster...... It is the time to comfrot yourself and to find a way to solve this problem. More video on Youtobe, chatting with people from English-speaking countries. However, i want to say its a little bit difficult for master. Because, less activities was held for master. That's true. You need to find the opportunity by yourself. And that's the thing i always do. Although some results are not satisfied, i still keep doing it. No matter how many failures I've comfronted, I just do it. When the failure comes, it just take some time to comfort my blue emotion. Tomorrow is another day. Maybe, i am a little blue tonight. I want to talk to myself and give myself a comfort smile. Everything is gonna be ok. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Take it easy.


Long distance love


Compare with last 20 years, our transportation and communication system are much more advanced and perfect. Due to those factors, a new kind of love style is emerging gradually. That is long distance love. It can be simply defined as two lovers who can’t stay in the same place because of some external reasons. Have you ever experience a long distance love? What is your biggest problem during that period? My boyfriend and I are experiencing long distance love. He told me that some sentences which describe long distance love have impressed him deeply. Here come his original words. I stay alone, while I am not lonely. The people without accompanied is always feeling a series of anxiety, depression and helplessness. However not all the people without accompanied are singles, they are one partner of the long distance lovers. They have dinner by themselves, work by themselves, overcome the pressure by themselves etc. They may be in blue while they must be full of joy as they go back home and face the screen of PC or pick up the phones. It is not other reasons just because they don’t want their dear darlings to see their pain. What they want convey is, “ I am fine and I miss u.” I trust in you even you shoot at me, I still believe it is an accident. The base of any strong relationship is trust. Distance is a horrible thing that can ruin the trust as soft as dust, and distance is an amazing thing that can strengthen the trust as hard as diamond. Many lovers are damaged by suspicion. Different life styles and timetables create huge gaps between lovers, which makes they can’t communicate with each other directly. The so-called jet liners make the lovers worried and anxious, which will cause suspect if they didn’t explain clearly. In many occasions, lovers may discuss because of misunderstanding the other and they disregard it as arguments. In fact, they should say,” sorry, dear. I trust u. can u say something?” Boys and girls have different emphasis towards love, especially long distance love. As a girl, I will say something from girl’s aspect. Boys can freely add your opinions if you read this blog. The secret to maintain a long distance love is trust your lover. Under different circumstances, it is easy for you to cause misunderstanding in two places. And because of the distance, your communication channel is solely a cell phone or PC. Different people read the same message can cause different emotion, because words have no expression, voice which can worsen the misunderstanding. Therefore, if something bad appears between you, give her a call. Sometimes, all she wants is just your soft voice. Both of you should control your tongue before the bad words come out from your mouth. Those bad words are not our innermost thoughts but the drug produce by a monster named emotion. They are not like knife or scissors but the degree of injury is much powerful. Just like a book’s name, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, boys and girls consider different aspects towards the same issue. Long distance love kill two lovers’ hug, night-walking and some other best things. To some extent, girls are more sensitive, they pay attention to details. Maybe your short message about tomorrow’s weather before sleeping can bring her a good dream. In front of others, girls like to show their independence, bravery. They only show their blue or weakness in front of you, not because they are terrible or useless, but because they love you. They hope their lover can be their little sun to bring them sunlight and they only permit their beloved boys to do this. I am undergoing a long distance love. What is worse is that I don’t know the exact date of the ending. Sometimes, I will be blue, lonely and frustrated. Sometimes I found my life is a mess. I am not sorry for that. I think those bad situation are proved that I am growing up. I reckon that the most important thing for girls to do is to find our life style. We should keep walking on our road, and if everything is smoothly, one day your road will crossed with another road. At that moment you will find your over-missed face appears in front of you. Baby, don’t cry, because that’s the ending of the long distance love.


Last Saturday, I went to the Xinhua bookstore and bought a regular script copybook. As a Chinese, I am ashamed to find that my English hand-writing is much better than Chinese. So, I hope the copybook can help me beautify my Chinese hand-writing. For adults, since PC, tablet, cell phone become life necessity, people’s fingers do much more tapping rather than holding a pen. When we are young, some of us have a beautiful hand-writing which are always praised by teachers and family members. However, as time went by, the time we use pens become less and less. Sometimes, I will just suddenly have a strong felling that is I want to write. After my graduation from university, I constantly heard some of my friends told me that their hand-writing is terrible than before. At that moment, I just make a wry smile and said so do I. Apart from this situation, I also find that sometimes I become unsure about the Chinese character that I write on the paper if somebody asks me how to write a Chinese character. It’s ridiculous. I attribute it to less writing and more electronic product’s message sending. With the development of science and technology, I know taping will take over more and more in our life. It’s ok, because it is the tendency of our human society. There is no need for us to against it. After all, it brings lots of convenience and entertainment. I like those electronic products too. While even so, I don’t want to lose my ability of writing. I don’t want to forget the smell of paper and ink. Therefore, I will keep writing with my favorite pen on my cute notebooks. And I will write a nice postcard or a letter to my friends. Finally, even I write less and less. I still want my hand-writing become nice. So I will work hard with my copybook. O(∩_∩)O


Hello, my friends. Long time no see. O(∩_∩)o Jasmine wants to ask you a question. How long haven’t you open a big dictionary? It’s maybe three days or four weeks ago. Perhaps, you can’t even remember the place where you put your dictionary. I always put my big Oxford advanced learner’s English-Chinese dictionary on the desk. But to be honest, I haven’t opened it for a long time while last week, I epoch-making opened it and search for some words. And I had a mixed feeling after that. I have my first small dictionary in my primary school time. The small one that you can see in the photo is her. She accompanied me for my primary and middle school time. When I entered into middle school, my father bought a new one for me. It was much thicker and heavier than the first one. During that period, I didn’t have Wen Qu Xing (a previous electronic dictionary), mobile phone or personal computer. Therefore, the paper dictionary is my best mentor. After I entered into the university, I have cell phone and PC. But I still took my big Oxford dictionary to the university. However, the time that I use her was especially less than before. As time went by, iphone, ipad appear in our life. Those make word-searching more convenient than before. Well, I am not going to distinguish which one is superior. I think both of them have pros and cons. Paper dictionary is difficult to carry with and it slow to find what you want. However, everytime I turn a page gives me a soft feeling of blood and fresh. During the searching, I can see more words, sentences which can boost my vocabulary. Besides, I don’t know why, using dictionary gives me a feeling that I am communicating with our ancestors. Although, I am a Chinese, I can still feel that Samuel John firstly made his great work A Dictionary of the English Language. That is the origin of dictionary in my heart. Electronic dictionary can promote our working and studying efficiency and can absolutely reduce the weight of our bag compare with the paper dictionary. But, it constantly gives a feeling robot. Sometimes my mind will absent and think about whether human will be controlled by robot one day. Haha, maybe I’ve watched too much science fiction films. As far as I am concerned, if I have enough time I will use paper dictionary. And if time is short, electronic will be the first choice. Dictionary is a dead body, but we are vivid human who ought to adapt to changing circumstances. Suitable is the most important.


These days, I am watching a TV play named How I met your mother. It tells several funny stories before daddy got married with mummy. But today, I am going to tell you a story about how Jasmine knows Wesley. Here, I use the word know instead of meet. Because I usually reckon that people who encounter each other face to face can be regarded as meet. However, I never see Wesley face to face, so I choose know. It is a simple story but reflects the fantastic thing of fate. In 2013’s autumn, I went to Mount Wuyi with my other three friends. We stayed in a Youth Hostel named Da Wang Feng. There were several visitors’ books on the counter. Visitors always write some soft words in those books to make some memory. So did I. I write some words with some lovely illustration. Meanwhile, I wrote my QQ number too. My initial thought is that when somebody sees my QQ number, they may add me as their friend. Although I thought like this, I never thought it will come true one day. About half a year pasted, the April of 2014 came. On a common day, I went to work as usual. Suddenly, I saw somebody request me to add him or her as friend. I approved as usual at first. But I suddenly realized that he wrote Wu Yi Shan in the remarks column. Simultaneously, I remembered what I’ve wrote in last year in Da Wang Feng Youth Hostel. Yes, that’s how I know Wesley. He is one year younger than me. There is a long distance between him and me. Because he is in Shanxi province but I am in Zhejiang province. Now, we still connect with each other and totally become good friends. We never meet each other face to face. But thanks for the present advanced internet communication system. We can reach for each other easier than before. I used to think those things only happen in the novels. But it is really happen to me. I am very happy and excited. I will treasure the friendship between us. Maybe one day, we will meet each other in the same street, and that’s the time to say “hey, nice to meet you, Wesley. I am Jasmine.” O(∩_∩)O And maybe, that is also the time to write a new story in CD blog with the title “ how Jasmine meet Wesley”. And at that time I will use meet instead of know and put the photo with him and me.


A letter to WILL


Dear will, I know you won’t see this letter, but I still want to write it. Yesterday, you went to Shanghai. Today, you will fly to Korea in the afternoon. Your study will finish in August. Then you will come back to China. However, maybe, I am not here. In August, I may set off to Hong Kong to start my next year study in Hong Kong. Before November, 2013, I never fall in love with anyone. You are my first love. In her late 23, Jasmine has a boyfriend. We are alumnus in the same university. In my sophomore year, you send me a message that said you like me. But I refused. Not only because you are out of my imagination for my boyfriend, but also because that I don’t want to have a love affair at that time. Then, we had no connection. You started your love affair with another girl. And I still spend my happy college life with my beloved friends. We seem like two people living in totally different world and will never have any intersection. In June, 2013, all of us graduated for university. I worked in Ningbo, and you started your postgraduate study in Nottingham. Our story is really like a fanny Chinese youth idol play. In 2013’s autumn, fate let us meet again. (There are plenty of stories during this period. I will write them in the later blogs.) You told me you had ended your last love affair. And in my side, it is my time to start my first love affair. But we didn’t hold hands immediately. I know nothing about love. We got along well with each other like comrades. Will, I want to say thousands of thanks to you. In my blanking period, I totally found myself dropping in the darkness. I used to be a sunshine girl. Everyone will think about sun flower when they saw me. However, this sun flower seems can’t endure the cruel rain storm. It is going to wither. Thank you for your prompt appearance. You are just like sunlight shines into my darkness. You bring me light that lead me to walk out of the maze. Your encouragements are my only support at that time when nobody else can let me see the export of the maze. Days by days, you become a part of my life. I still don’t know what love is; However, I know you have become my habit. I can’t help thinking of you. You are the boy who has most positive energy that I have met in my life. A song’s lyric can describe my feeling to you that is “you are my sunshine ~ ~ ~”. My first love seems a little poor. I left Ningbo in the end of January, 2013. So, our long-distance love began. However, the distance didn’t separate us. We were better than before. You are my guide of life. As a boyfriend, you never spoiled me but treat me as an independent individual. You teach me a lot. For instance, the last thing is that learn to play the piano of life. A finger can never play a song by the piano, only every fingers work together can do it, which means, after I graduate from school, we have to face several things in the same time. We can’t do many things just according to our emotion. We should gradually have the ability of doing several things in the same time. Don’t be hurry, we can do it. On the one hand, people hate boring life. On the other hand, people sometimes afraid of change. Now, my life should enter into another mode. We can’t contact to each other as we used to. I have to adapt to a life that you only appear a little time. I know both of us will do it great because we all have our dream to realize. I believe we will do it. You said to me that the absence of a period is for the better accompany in the future. I will always remember your words. And I am waiting for our next meeting. There will be a better Will and better Jasmine. I miss you, Will. Yours, Jasmine


I wrote this poem in January 28th, 2014. The girl quitted her first job and went back home. Before she went back home, she has experienced a blanking period (something about the blanking period can be read in my third blog). She wrote this poem in a sunny morning in the countryside path. At that moment, she was thinking about the question about city and countryside. She wanted to figure out which one is better. And so she did. I think, from her poem, you can feel that countryside is her cake. But as time went by, I know the answer is not 100 percent right. When we feel tired in the city, we extremely want to escape from it. But when we spend a long time in the countryside, we feel very boring. Therefore, I realize that we needn’t make a choice. We can have two. Yes, we can. When we are young, we ought to spend much time in city, because we have dreams and we have energy to see a wider world. No man can view all the beautiful scenery, events and different kinds of areas around the earth. We should take this opportunity to fight. When we are tired, we can drive to a countryside and have a rest for a little time or buy a train ticket to start your short trips. When you refreshed, it is time for you to go back to city. When we are old, we will prefer a more peaceful life without meeting, case study, negotiation or something else. We may just want to stay with our husband or wife in a small house. We will plant flowers, walk our dog after dinner, count star on the top of the house in a cool summer evening. When kids come from the active city, we will cook a big meal for them. We will play with our grandchildren. Oh, back to now. It is a little bit far for me, because I am 24 now. I just want to say no matter where are you, in the city or countryside, which we all need to treat it well. It is the gift from the world and fate. And we will be better. Here is the poem, Countryside Girl Running in the small path, my feet are kissing the ground. Far away from the concrete, just my darling earth. Pleasant sunshine wake up my smile, gentle breeze stroke my face, I am a happy countryside girl. Two colors can be found in my streaming blood, One is red, one is white. Red support me to strive in the city, White preserves my childlike innocence. City spoils night while countryside favors morning. I am a girl, half city, half countryside. If you ask me which is my favorite, Definitely will be the countryside. I admire Jane, cos she gave birth to Elizabeth. I envy Taylor, cos she will take out her guitar and play this song. My heart is shouting: One day, those will happen on me. Embraced by those amazing creature, I told myself: Make good balance between two girls in my soul, Both of them are pretty and charming.


Overlook Jiangshan


Hello, my friends in CD blog. The main reason why I write this blog is that I went to climb mountains in my hometown. And I want to share with or of you. This mountain is in the downtown in my hometown, Jiangshan. It is in the east of Zhejing province. Chairman Mao used to write “ What a charming great land” in his poem, Spring in Qin Garden—Snow. The verse in Chinese is “ Jiang shan ru ci duo jiao (江山如此多娇)”. See, Chairman Mao was praising my hometown, Jiangshan. Haha, it is just a coincidence. O(∩_∩)o There are plenty of mountains in my hometown. Perhaps, the most famous one is Jianglang mountain(江郎山) which is composed by three extremely huge rocks. I haven’t go there for several mountains. So I don’t have the newly photo about Jianglang mountain. However, I get two from my sister’s QQ zone. She and I are willing to share with all of you. Last Sunday, the mountain that I climbed is not Jianglang Mountain but a small mountain in the downtown. Perhaps, to some mountaineering fans, it is only can be called a hill. As for me, it doesn’t matter, I love both of them, because they are all the offspring of we beloved Mother Nature. In Chinese, this mountain is called Xi Mountain. Xi can be directly translated into east. It is not very high, and we can reach the peak in 30 minutes. So, it is a good place for citizens to go in their leisure time. My friend told me that he tower in the photo is called TV tower. I remember that last time I came here was at least thirteen years ago when I was in primary school. It was really a long time. The icon in this photo is the icon of the past Jiangshan TV channel. Now, it has changed into a new icon. But this icon is like an old man who has witness the development of Jiangshan’s past decedes. I feel a little touching. These four photos were taken by my iphone when I reached the peak. The whole city is under my eyes. It is really splendid. A lot of things have changed in the decades, for instance, city is much bigger, buildings is much taller than before, the number of car is more than before. The present city developes speedy. If you have been out for a long time and when you come back you may find yourself as a strange even you are in your hometown. Even so, we should also acknowledge that something doesn’t change. Have you see the river in the photo? It is called Xu River. She is still running happily in my hometown. So, no matter how it changed, it is always your homwtown where you’d been brought up. This plant was found in my way to the peak. Maybe it is a kind of wild strawberry. The local people usually call it, “miou”. Miou is a dialect. It is a pity that I don’t know how to saw it in mandarin chinese. Jiangshan has its own character in food, custom, historic interest and so on. A famous folk singer and writer, Zhou Yunpeng used to say, the cities are gradually growing twinslike. With the development of transportation and technology, you can eat watermelon even in winter. So, you can find many typical things which are made in other city in your city. It’s a little difficult to find some unique things in a city. But I believe we can still observe them so long as we cut few our busy time into surrounding for a little while. Let us do it now!


I haven’t been here for a long time. To be honest, I really miss CD blog and the friends here. These days, I went to take the driving test. However, unfortunately, I failed, which means I didn’t pass the test. I am a little sad because to some extent it means a failure to me. But not as before, this time I am not going to blame myself because I am not sorry to myself. During this time, I went to the driving school at 7:30 in the morning and went back at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. I had one hundred percent put all my heart in doing the driving exercise. Sometimes my legs really felt sore but I still keep holding on. I know the main reason for my failure to the test is that I am too nervous. I never think about that one day I will learn driving a car. I am afraid of fast speed since I was young and I never played roller coaster. To some extent, I am a little afraid of car. In the present age, driving is gradually becoming a fundamental capability for the most people. Therefore, I decided to learn it. I take it as a challenge for me. I told myself that I need to confront and defeat the monster in my heart instead of escaping it. This time, I was too nervous. Perhaps, I put too much pressure on myself. Some people or something may suddenly rush into our life and their purpose is to give us a lesson to let you know something, then they just walk away. Therefore, I take this failure as a lesson. It teaches me that a good mentality sometimes can be the key point to do something successfully. Failure is not a monster but a bright mirror to reflect your shortcomings. In China, a saying has been circulating for hundreds of years, which is bitter pills may have wholesome effects. Therefore, we’d better embrace it and even kiss Mr. Failure. When you meet failure, don’t give him an ugly cold face. He doesn’t like it. The place where Mr. Failure always stands is in a crossing. When you sometimes have to meet him, just confidently walk to him with smile and say, ‘hi, nice to meet you’. Then, you’d better spend a little time talking with him instead of rushing your next destination. Believe me, if you are nice to him, Mr. Failure will give you a good direction. Then, you can avoid running wrong way. In this crossing of our life, failure means another beginning. I should always believe all the things that I’ve experienced can be a gift from fate. I will kindly treat them and everything will be ok. Standing on the green lawn, the blue sky is above our head, facing the sunshine, just believes that tomorrow is going to be amazing.


Strong your heart


In our daily life, we can meet different kinds of people. Some of them are rich. Some of them have high degree than you. Some of them are knowledgeable and have been many countries where you may never go there in this life. To some extent, you may think those people are superior to you. There is no doubt that people feel relax when they are living with people who have similar condition or level. In my 23 years,especially in my college period, I usually stand at a distance and watch those excellent people. (Of course, they are really excellent in my heart. They seem like genius in any areas, no matter in study or work. ) I never include myself to the rank of those excellent people. There was a voice in my mind at that time: we are different people in different world. Why do I have this voice? I dig out the possible reason in my deep heart, which is I am afraid of staying with them. Then, why do I afraid? One is, comparing with them, I have an inferior complex. Secondly, I am afraid that they will look down upon me. However, as time goes by, I constantly realize that Jasmine (my English name) was totally wrong. Human is a social animal that need to connect with other people. Everybody represent a world, which means, if I only stay with the similar person, I must miss plenty of other things in the world. I knew escaping can’t solve anything but I just didn’t know how to cope with it in the past. Well, all I have to do is strong my heart. First of all, I can adore them but not jealous. Excellent people always catch audience’s eyes. However, and without question, I believe they have put a lot of effort that I can’t imagine. What is more, I need to be an observer, whose job is to observe the sparkling parts of myself. Take myself as a new friend, talk to her, smile to her, praise her, all in all, give her as much as positive energy as I can. Eventually, don’t make excessive demands of yourself. If you work really hard but only got 80 scores. Compare with the people who got over 90 scores, you feel frustrated. You ought to know the gap between you and them. However, you need to praise yourself because you have make effort to do it, no matter what the result is, that is the best of you. Smile to yourself and remember always be a first-rate version of you, instead of being a second-rate version of somebody else. Life is like a journey. You can see the scenery as well as the hardship all the way. The sight you can reach is the realm of your life. If you always see the people who are better than you, which means you are going uphill. If you always see the people who are the same to you, which means you are marking time. If you just see the people who are worse than you, which means you are going downhill. You’d better change yourself instead of complaining the world. Managing your heart and doing well in your things are more important than anything else. Jasmine (the first girl) is climbing ~ ~