

Hello again

Last time that i logined the blog can be trace back to the summer of this year. To be honest, I really miss here. Maybe, I am missing the period that I spend in the room by myself and knock the keyboard to give a birth to the word that encompass all my feeling. Luckily, some friends that I never meet will comment my blog. Thus, we can share our opinion.

This autumn, I came to Hongkong to start my one-year study here. Well, it is already three months passed. I don't want to talk about anything about Hongkong this time. I just want to talk about myself.

It's a werid thing for a girl who never homesick. Yeah, that's me. Maybe, I know i will back to mainland next year which means it's really a short time for me to study in Hongkong. So, i think i'd better treasure this opportunity.

It is really difficult and easy thing to foster a habit. In terms of difficult, laziness is human nature. We uesd to find plenty of excuse to free ourself. Because of the traditional educational and growing experience, we are accustomed to do the thing that somebody told us to do. That's the role of homework and deadline. However, after I come here, i almost have no homework and quiz due to the course that I choosed. I can't make myself sitting and to read a book, maybe, it can last for several minutes, however, when more and more unknown words rushing in front of you and when you find that you know every single words but when they combine into a long sentence, what does it mean?! At that time, i just want to throw away the book. As for easy, I just want to mention one word, that is persistence. It is the secret of every successful person. Like Mayun, he insist on his taobao career, so he successed. Turn to a girl in beside me, she used to be a fat girl. While, after 3 months, she get rid of 10kg. That really an amazing word for me. She kept running for one every night before she go to bed. Persistence makes her dream come ture. Last week, my older roommate said a sentence which impressed me a lot, that is persistence is nothing. So cool!

Look after your emotion when you find the reality of out of your imagination. I come to Hongkong with a simple dream that is my English-speaking ability will be improved. To some extent, it was destoryed. Because, you gradually find that people around you are mainland students, and some of the courses are taught by cantonese and mandarin. Disaster...... It is the time to comfrot yourself and to find a way to solve this problem. More video on Youtobe, chatting with people from English-speaking countries. However, i want to say its a little bit difficult for master. Because, less activities was held for master. That's true. You need to find the opportunity by yourself. And that's the thing i always do. Although some results are not satisfied, i still keep doing it. No matter how many failures I've comfronted, I just do it. When the failure comes, it just take some time to comfort my blue emotion. Tomorrow is another day.

Maybe, i am a little blue tonight. I want to talk to myself and give myself a comfort smile. Everything is gonna be ok. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Take it easy.


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