

Overlook Jiangshan

Hello, my friends in CD blog. The main reason why I write this blog is that I went to climb mountains in my hometown. And I want to share with or of you.

This mountain is in the downtown in my hometown, Jiangshan. It is in the east of Zhejing province. Chairman Mao used to write “ What a charming great land” in his poem, Spring in Qin GardenSnow. The verse in Chinese is “ Jiang shan ru ci duo jiao (江山如此多娇)”. See, Chairman Mao was praising my hometown, Jiangshan. Haha, it is just a coincidence. O(_)o

There are plenty of mountains in my hometown. Perhaps, the most famous one is Jianglang mountain(江郎山) which is composed by three extremely huge rocks. I haven’t go there for several mountains. So I don’t have the newly photo about Jianglang mountain. However, I get two from my sister’s QQ zone. She and I are willing to share with all of you.

Last Sunday, the mountain that I climbed is not Jianglang Mountain but a small mountain in the downtown. Perhaps, to some mountaineering fans, it is only can be called a hill. As for me, it doesn’t matter, I love both of them, because they are all the offspring of we beloved Mother Nature. In Chinese, this mountain is called Xi Mountain. Xi can be directly translated into east. It is not very high, and we can reach the peak in 30 minutes. So, it is a good place for citizens to go in their leisure time. My friend told me that he tower in the photo is called TV tower. I remember that last time I came here was at least thirteen years ago when I was in primary school. It was really a long time.

The icon in this photo is the icon of the past Jiangshan TV channel. Now, it has changed into a new icon. But this icon is like an old man who has witness the development of Jiangshan’s past decedes. I feel a little touching.

These four photos were taken by my iphone when I reached the peak. The whole city is under my eyes. It is really splendid. A lot of things have changed in the decades, for instance, city is much bigger, buildings is much taller than before, the number of car is more than before. The present city developes speedy. If you have been out for a long time and when you come back you may find yourself as a strange even you are in your hometown. Even so, we should also acknowledge that something doesn’t change. Have you see the river in the photo? It is called Xu River. She is still running happily in my hometown. So, no matter how it changed, it is always your homwtown where you’d been brought up.

This plant was found in my way to the peak. Maybe it is a kind of wild strawberry. The local people usually call it, “miou”. Miou is a dialect. It is a pity that I don’t know how to saw it in mandarin chinese.

Jiangshan has its own character in food, custom, historic interest and so on. A famous folk singer and writer, Zhou Yunpeng used to say, the cities are gradually growing twinslike. With the development of transportation and technology, you can eat watermelon even in winter. So, you can find many typical things which are made in other city in your city. It’s a little difficult to find some unique things in a city. But I believe we can still observe them so long as we cut few our busy time into surrounding for a little while. Let us do it now!


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