

A letter to WILL

Dear will,

I know you won’t see this letter, but I still want to write it.

Yesterday, you went to Shanghai. Today, you will fly to Korea in the afternoon. Your study will finish in August. Then you will come back to China. However, maybe, I am not here. In August, I may set off to Hong Kong to start my next year study in Hong Kong.

Before November, 2013, I never fall in love with anyone. You are my first love. In her late 23, Jasmine has a boyfriend.

We are alumnus in the same university. In my sophomore year, you send me a message that said you like me. But I refused. Not only because you are out of my imagination for my boyfriend, but also because that I don’t want to have a love affair at that time. Then, we had no connection. You started your love affair with another girl. And I still spend my happy college life with my beloved friends. We seem like two people living in totally different world and will never have any intersection.

In June, 2013, all of us graduated for university. I worked in Ningbo, and you started your postgraduate study in Nottingham.

Our story is really like a fanny Chinese youth idol play. In 2013’s autumn, fate let us meet again. (There are plenty of stories during this period. I will write them in the later blogs.) You told me you had ended your last love affair. And in my side, it is my time to start my first love affair. But we didn’t hold hands immediately. I know nothing about love. We got along well with each other like comrades.

Will, I want to say thousands of thanks to you. In my blanking period, I totally found myself dropping in the darkness. I used to be a sunshine girl. Everyone will think about sun flower when they saw me. However, this sun flower seems can’t endure the cruel rain storm. It is going to wither. Thank you for your prompt appearance. You are just like sunlight shines into my darkness. You bring me light that lead me to walk out of the maze. Your encouragements are my only support at that time when nobody else can let me see the export of the maze. Days by days, you become a part of my life. I still don’t know what love is; However, I know you have become my habit. I can’t help thinking of you. You are the boy who has most positive energy that I have met in my life. A song’s lyric can describe my feeling to you that is “you are my sunshine ~ ~ ~”.

My first love seems a little poor. I left Ningbo in the end of January, 2013. So, our long-distance love began. However, the distance didn’t separate us. We were better than before. You are my guide of life. As a boyfriend, you never spoiled me but treat me as an independent individual. You teach me a lot. For instance, the last thing is that learn to play the piano of life. A finger can never play a song by the piano, only every fingers work together can do it, which means, after I graduate from school, we have to face several things in the same time. We can’t do many things just according to our emotion. We should gradually have the ability of doing several things in the same time. Don’t be hurry, we can do it.

On the one hand, people hate boring life. On the other hand, people sometimes afraid of change. Now, my life should enter into another mode. We can’t contact to each other as we used to. I have to adapt to a life that you only appear a little time. I know both of us will do it great because we all have our dream to realize. I believe we will do it.

You said to me that the absence of a period is for the better accompany in the future. I will always remember your words. And I am waiting for our next meeting. There will be a better Will and better Jasmine.

I miss you, Will.




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